View Full Version : Chewy's Bloated again.....

Aspen and Misty
11-01-2002, 06:14 PM
(not as in chest bloat like in great danes, but as in he ate to much)

Bad Chewy James ate something that his momma didn't see and now he's getting fatter by the minute and has really bad gas (pray for me LOL). Poor Chew. Will ya'll pray this one passes quickly. I hate to see him in dis-comfort again. Poor little guy. All he did last time was slept and he's starting to sleep alot more now. Poor thing. I'm gonna ask my vet why this happens. Any one have an idea?


11-01-2002, 07:00 PM
Poor Chewy...:( I think you really need to watch everything he eats Ash and keep him on a very regular schedule and portioned amount. And if you see his abdomen distending like that, you have to contact the vet. That IS bloat! What you're talking about is the fact that bloat is more common in dogs WITH deep chests. It doesn't happen IN the chest. It can occur in any dog. Please give Chewy a hug. And please call the vet if he doesn't improve soon or is in discomfort!

Aspen and Misty
11-01-2002, 10:35 PM
The thing is is my sister lets him run around free during the day which I tell her not to do. But she still does. And he might have eaten something then. I feed him a cup and half of dry dog food every day. Half a cup in the morning and a cup at night. It fills him up. He ate some bones on halloween, but no candy. The first time it happned my sister fell asleep and we accidently left some subs on the table, he ate a whole sub all by himself. It didn't go over to well with him tummy. He's gettin skinner now, not as bad as usual. I have been following him around all night, makeing sure he has been eating, took him out side, made sure he peed and made srue he pooed. He did them all so no worries there.He is still active and everything. No dis-comfort at all. He's running around like a little crazy man. :rolleyes: as always. LOL. I don't know why he blows up in less then an hour then shrinks down like 4 hours later. Its weird and scares me. I'm asking the vet on monday about it. I hope its not bad and hopefully he didn't eat a foreign object or anything. He's been graduly getting ride of his "stuff" all night. I let him our about every 20 mins and he goes poo and pee and then he wll come back in a drink some more kool-aid and water (it taste better). I was surprised he didn't blow up larger, must not of eaten anything TO bad.


I don't want you to get the impression I am a bad mommie. I watch what Chewy eats, follow him around the house 24/7 and make sure he's not doing anything bad. Where he gets bloated, and I need to stop using that because people think I mean bloat like what you though, it happens in between his ribs and his hips. Chewy does have a deep chest, a very deep chest, I think he is hollow inside. LOL. He is in no dis comfort, and says thank you for the hug. Because this has happned before, and he didn't die or anything, I don't see a need in takeing him in tonight. He just seems to pass it on. Besides its not even half as bad as it was the last time. He looked like he was pregnet, last time. This time he just looks larger then normal. Chewy will be ok, and maybe it was wrong of me to post this on here, I'm afreid you have the wrong impression of me now, and thats never good.


11-01-2002, 11:26 PM

Just wondering how old and big is Chewy? I can't remember right now, long day. I just have a sudden hunch that maybe the little guy might be getting a little bit to much food for his size and that could add to his tummy problems. BUt then again eating subs and candy doesn't help either, at least that's better then leather coasters which Smudge has taken a liking to.

Aspen and Misty
11-02-2002, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Crikit
at least that's better then leather coasters which Smudge has taken a liking to.


Chewy weighs almost 30 pounds now and is 6 months. It says on the back of the box to feed him 2 cups of food, I thought it seemed like alot so I called the vet and asked him what he thought I should feed him and he said 1 and a half cups. Chewy is a very lean dog. Like I usually look at him and think he is skinny, only when he is bloated is he big. Last night he didn't eat his food, I got worried, so I watched him for another hour and he threw up twice. So I called my vet about it (but shhh don't tell my mom) he said that What Chewy has isn't bloat. If he is still throwing up and peeing and pooing then he shoudl be fine. Just watch him till tomrrow and if anything changes he would be more then happy to see him.


11-02-2002, 02:02 PM
Well gald to hear it's not bloat. I think that all the food companys give the wrong amount of food to give to dogs on the back of th bags they want fat dogs are something.

11-02-2002, 03:37 PM
Of course I don't think you're a bad Mommy!!! I didn't mean to make you feel that you were. You are so devoted to all your babies! Bloat is such a scary thing, with sometimes confusing symptoms and you know how we all love Chewy!:D How brave of you to call the vet!:) Those dogfood cans and bags WAY over state the amt. of food a dog should get. When I got my first dog as an adult, I went dog food shopping and read the back of the can. It recommended 4 large cans a day for a Lab!!:eek: My vet straightened me out after he noticed she had gained 10 lbs over 6 months!! My Lab Star, who is 60 lbs. and VERY active, eats 1 cup twice a day. Puppies usually eat a higher ratio of food to body wt. I would follow your vets' advice on that count. But I'm SO glad Chewy's better!! I'll bet that Italian sub was the culprit!:D

Aspen and Misty
11-02-2002, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Of course I don't think you're a bad Mommy!!! I didn't mean to make you feel that you were. You are so devoted to all your babies! Bloat is such a scary thing, with sometimes confusing symptoms and you know how we all love Chewy!:D How brave of you to call the vet!:)

O, by the way you were talkin I thought you thought I was a bad momma, which I'm not, at least I don't think so. I agree, bloat scaries me so much. I'm afried Chew will get it and I won't notice and then I will walk in and.......:( . So I told Chewy he has to live longer then me. :D I was scared to call the vet cause my mom told me not to. But I got worried, he didn't eat again this morning. I brought out the food and made him work for it. He finally ate it. He's back to normal. LOL Besides the fact that his bad mommie mad him wear a sweater to the soccer game, it was cold out. My mom always otld me to wear a coat so I thought I should tell him to wear one to :D


11-02-2002, 04:01 PM
Besides the fact that his bad mommie mad him wear a sweater to the soccer game, it was cold out. My mom always told me to wear a coat so I thought I should tell him to wear one to

See, I told you that you were a great Mommy!!:)
What a precious sight that must have been! Glad and so relieved to hear you're doing better, Chewy!!:)

11-04-2002, 08:27 AM
This happened to one of my friends dogs often as they too would let the dog run free in the day. Come to find out the dog would would go to the neghbors house and eat a bunch of bread the naighbors would put out for the birds. They then built a fenced in back yard for the dog. I know it is hard to tell (or actaully have them listen) other familly members or friends not to let your dog run free but try again! Chewy might be getting into garbage or something harmful. good luck!