View Full Version : Do You Ever Feed Stray Cats?

03-12-2011, 08:33 AM
I was wondering if anyone here feeds a stray cay regularly. One or
more than one?

03-12-2011, 08:43 AM
:) Yes I am feeding = Tinky Tom, Blinky Blackie, Greybe Tom & Wittle Sibbie to Blinkie.. All are very feral.. I have been feeding since last Aug & still now on a reg basis.. They will let you talk to them & will sit & watch you; But you cannot touch them..

03-12-2011, 09:23 AM
I feed Tommy ^^ Pouncer Roccalno ^^ and Thomas the Tabby, not to mention Birds and Squirrels and the odd Racoon, and Possum.:love::love:
I have a regular United Nations out on my lawns.:love::love:

03-12-2011, 09:31 AM
I used to do, for more than ten years. Now, the one stray we have in the yard has been spayed and she has more or less moved in with a girl in the other end of the yard. :)

03-12-2011, 09:38 AM
No strays in our area right now.

I have fed them in the past - adopted 3 of them, and found a good home for a 4th.

I don't dare feed anymore, 'cause I can't afford anymore :D

03-12-2011, 10:09 AM
Yup - sure do. His name is Sherbie and he's "The Stray That Came To Stay" - 8 years ago - and never left. I guess I can't consider him a stray anymore tho, since he has made himself right at home. See pics - need I say more??? :rolleyes:

03-12-2011, 11:30 AM
LOL LOVE those Sherbie pics!

I did TNRM and fed 3 colonies for a time. I had to stop; I added 6 cats in 3 months. :rolleyes:

03-12-2011, 12:14 PM
:D:D:D I know I swore I wouldn't do it ever again, several times in fact!!!! BUT that calico that looks like Angel still comes around. She won't let me near her but how could I not feed her?

And a HUGE black cat with white that I swear is Chucks dad just because of his size, stops by once in a while. He gets a snack too so he won't take it away from the calico. AND NO NO MORE KITTENS EVER!!!! I am holding firm on that thanks to Chip and Chuck. :D :love:

03-12-2011, 01:03 PM
I do not have strays in my area. I do see a grey kitty every once in a while, but it might belong to someone.
Our new neighbors across from us have two indoor/outdoor kitties. I hate seeing them outside. :( One time I heard cats fighting and ran out to see. It was the tortie from across the street and the grey kitty (I think) got into it. The tortie actually let me pet her too. :D Then I see the orange guy begging at the window for them to let him in. I think they do stay inside at night. But still...........:( We live near a very busy road.

Too Many Cats
03-12-2011, 01:41 PM
yes, and is why I'm always broke...the more I feed the more that comes, lol! I even keep cat food in my car just in case I see one running around.

And now I'm taking 3 more into the vet to be spayed on Wednesday which is going to be hard to manage because he's a full price vet....the vet who used to help me just died of cancer last month at the age of 91. He worked up until the day he died and neutered one last one for me a week before that. Bless that man's heart!

03-12-2011, 01:56 PM
We do not have strays in our neighborhood, but when one neighbor left his elder kitty outside and she'd come over and meow at our door, yes, we fed her. For months. She so wanted to come inside, but of course that could not happen, but Paul would pet her when he saw her. She has since gone to Kitty Heaven.

03-12-2011, 09:33 PM
I always keep a couple of cans of food in my backpack. That way there's always something ready and available for any stray or ferral I might see along the way.

03-13-2011, 12:51 AM
No, we don't have any strays around here as far as I know. I live in a condo complex and you can't really have indoor/outdoor cats. Usually certain times of the year they will set traps out to catch any strays and then take them to the humane society. They put notices up warning us to keep all cats indoors or they could be trapped.

03-13-2011, 05:11 AM
No, I don't.

03-13-2011, 07:01 AM
Definitely not. Unless you are trapping them, desexing them and then rehoming them (or Euth'ing if feral) i would not be feeding them.

03-13-2011, 08:45 AM
I'm a serious cat lover and carry food, bottled water AND a carrier, just in case.

I do feed an oldie around the corner from my house. She's been outdoors for at least 8 years that I know of.

03-13-2011, 09:07 AM
I've only done it once, to entice the lovely critter inside. It worked. She had been outside meowing from a distance. Must have staked me out. As far as I know, she's still at that house or with the couple that adopted her from me when they moved in and I moved out.

I don't need the extra critters hanging around if I can't bring them in. Although out here in the woods they would make excellent rodent control.

I just brought Jane in from the porch. No need to entice this stray. She knew what she wanted.

03-14-2011, 08:06 AM
That is basically where all of our cats have come from, the streets around our house. We also have one that I no longer refer to as a stray, he is just Bubs, our outside cat. He lives in our garage in really bad weather, has a bed in there, and knows he will get food when he needs it. We have been feeding him for almost 8 years (I think) but he wants no part of being pet....the funny thing is that he will eat chicken/beef/salmon right from my fingers....

03-15-2011, 08:52 PM
I do some TNR, and three weeks ago I had 8 ferals living in my garage. The critical thing to do is to have them humanely trapped and altered as soon as practical. Otherwise you will have a pack of cats on your hands in no time flat. I can point you in a direction if you are interested in being pointed. :)

Clover, it isn't necessary to euthanasize healthy, feral cats. You cannot successfully eradicate feral cats. There is a theory called the vacuum effect that will move new cats into the area. TNR is the only humane and practical solution here in the US.

03-17-2011, 02:25 PM
I'm laughing because my dad feeds the neighborhood kittehs in the summertime. They visit because he feeds the birds. He's trying to convince their neighbors across the alley to keep their blackie indoors. (I am too)

03-18-2011, 10:41 AM
Here is a Photo with Tubster Panther checking out Two Visitors Thomas
and Henry. They all seem to know each other and there is no scrapping here!!!