View Full Version : Cancer Survivors

03-08-2011, 08:26 PM
There's a family in my church that I have asked for prayers for, over in the Prayer requests thread. Bea, who came to America in her twenties from Ireland, is married to Kin, whose parents came here from China not long before he was born. Bea has breast cancer, and started Chemo today. They have two small children, Jonas, who is 6 years old, and Anna, who is 4.

Jonas, who has always been a serious little boy, is convinced his mom is gonna die. Now Bea is an oncological nurse, and I am sure has explained everything to him, but he is very upset and sure she's going to die. (Anna's more upset that Bea told her she'd likely lose all her hair, they got to go wig shopping with her, though) I would very much like to make a little book for them, and include a little picture and story of each of you, and anyone else you know who has survived cancer, and call it "We CANcer-vive! (survive and thrive)" for Bea to show to Jonas.

And if you could forward this to any other survivors you know, the more the merrier! If you have a current-ish picture, now that you have hair, tell us when you had cancer, and where you live, and anything other few sentences - I think it would help comfort Jonas. He knows his grandmother (Bea's mom) died from cancer, so is just so sure his mom's gonna die, too. (Bea did get tested, it's not the genetically linked breast cancer that she's got, which is a huge relief for she and Kin especially concerning Anna's and Jonas' future.)

As I know many people would rather keep this info private, you could email it to me, rather than post it here, so it's not available to the whole world. Email it to Karen (at) PetoftheDay.com, okay?

Laura's Babies
03-09-2011, 08:42 AM
That has to be terrifying for a child.. Life can be so cruel sometimes but so full of blessings.. I will remember them in my prayers..

03-09-2011, 07:48 PM

03-09-2011, 08:36 PM
Karen, I am a breast cancer survivor.. for more than 25 years now! I'm working on putting together an encouraging message for Jonah.


03-09-2011, 10:52 PM
Karen, I am a Cancer Survivor, this May will be six years. I will try to put together some encouraging words relating to my experience. I know this has got to be upsetting to a child. Bill

03-09-2011, 11:02 PM
Thank you both! Jonas is much like my beloved in that he is a worrier, always has been, so I am sure all words of encouragement will help him a lot!

03-10-2011, 06:55 AM

My best friend when I was growing up and until we went our separate ways after school and kids and 3000 miles between us ----- her mother was a breast cancer survivor. I really don't have enough info to write anything about her experience, other than I know she was diagnosed in her 50's (and that was back in the 60's) - had a mastectomy - and went on to live to be 94 years young. Yes - YOUNG. She was still driving her car in her 80's, traveled the world extensively with her daughter (who was a travel agent), and lived on her own till the time of her passing, in the same house that I spent so many of my teenage days in - her daughter and I. I was probably closer to this lady than I was to my own mother.

03-15-2011, 05:17 PM
Thanks, Pom, I will add that. Also bumping this up to remind others.

03-15-2011, 06:07 PM
I know the feeling all too well.

In 2005, on Halloween to be exact, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was in 7th grade at the time, and I didn't know any better. I was convinced she was as good as dead. My parents didn't even admit it until a few weeks later when I saw a pill bottle and it said "cancer" on it with my mom's name. I guess they didn't want to scare us. I don't really know much of the details, but she survived and is doing very well! Of course, right after she was cured of Breast Cancer she had skin cancer. It was the less-aggressive kind and the dermatologist removed it right away, so all was good with that, but it sure was a double whammy to her. :eek: I do remember that she lost her hair, and wore a wig. She had radiation and chemo. She also had lymph nodes removed in her left arm, and some surgery on her skull. I don't remember what it was called. We don't like talking about it alot.

03-15-2011, 06:29 PM
Do you have a picture of you and your mom now that maybe you could email me, and I'll include that in what I give to Jonas and Anna?

03-15-2011, 06:52 PM
Karen, here is my message for Jonah. Please let me know if I should revise any of it, before passing it on to the 6-year-old boy.. I'm not used to communicating with young children seriously without being alarming. I don't think I have a picture of myself to include.. I'll see if I can find one and send it along if I do.

Dear Jonah, I was diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer more than 25 years ago! I was 40 years old. It was diagnosed on April 1, 1985. (I asked my surgeon, "This isn't an April Fool's joke, is it?" No, it wasn't..)

Back then I lived in Cambridge, near where you live, so I had all the excellent medical facilities and experts around Boston working with me that your mother has working with her.

Mine was caught very early, before it had started to spread. I had several tests and got second and third opinions before we came up with the course of treatment. In mid-May I had surgery to remove the affected breast.

I had no other treatment, and since then I have had no further recurrence! I have a physical exam and a mammogram every year, and if I ever have any questions or concerns, I call my doctor who will see me right away if needed.

So you see, people can be diagnosed with cancer and be treated and do very well. And in the years since I had mine, many advances have been made in the treatment of cancer. Please don't worry.. A diagnosis of cancer is NOT an automatic death sentence!

I am sure that since your mother is a nurse who works with cancer patients herself, she knows just what is going on with herself and all the different treatments possible, and has chosen the best course of action with the finest doctors and medical staff available.

I am sending my prayers and good wishes for your mother that her treatment goes well, and for you and Anna and your father and all your family and friends who love your mother so much.

God bless you all. Love and healing energies to you! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:,

Pat Murray, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, 65 years old now, with my seven cats: Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, Lavinia, and Poppaea Sabina Eugenia

03-16-2011, 12:46 AM
karen Edit as you need to. I'm not a writer and worse with 6 yr olds

Dear Jonah,

I am Bill a Cancer Survivor. Six years ago this May will be my anniversary of completing my cancer treatment for throat Cancer. When I was first diagnosed I was totally shocked because no one in my family had cancer before I was diagnosed. I was a non- smoker so I couldn't understand why I had cancer. I later found out it was caused by a Virus. The doctors informed me that I has stage 4 cancer so I thought I was a goner. I underwent Chemo treatment, Radiation treatment and Surgery to remove the Lymph nodes in my Neck. I am fortunate I lived only an hour drive from a very good Comprehensive Cancer center. I received the best care and I know your mother is also close to the best care available. Due to the treatment I am a different person than I was before treatment, but that is not all bad. I realized how precious life is and thank God everyday for helping me through the pains of treatment and recovery. My doctors said that 5 years is the magic
number because being free for 5 years is a milestone that once you are there your Cancer is not likely to return.

About a year after my treatment I had this beautiful Brown puppy named Koko come into my life and She has done everything in her power to make my life better. I guess you could say she has become my best bud, because we are always together. I have a lot of trails that I built for biking that Koko and I now use for our daily hikes.

I will be praying for you and your mother that everything goes well.
God bless you all. Love and positive thoughts are coming your way now.

BiLL Johnson, In Chelsea Alabama 71 years old now, with my One dog Koko
and a cat names Rascal.

03-16-2011, 09:28 AM
My 35 year old daughter is a 20 year cancer survivor. She had a malignant brain tumor at the age of 16. I am SOOOO proud of her and how far she's come. This will be her 20th year in remission! She met the man of her dreams and is getting married June 4. A mother couldn't ask for anything more.