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03-08-2011, 05:13 PM
Hi all!! Been such a long time. I think I have only popped in a couple times since my Duke passed away. I can't believe he has been gone for 14 months :( My heart still aches for him.

I guess I should do a quick intro for all the newbies since I have been gone :D

Champ is our boxer, she will be 9 this July. She struggled for several months on how to function w/o her beloved Duke after he passed. He was the alpha and she just could not understand why he was not there to eat his dinner first. She waited for him to go to bed and looked for him for weeks out the livingroom window, it was heartbreaking that she did not understand that he was not coming back. I thought she would take over the roll of alpha but she did not...no one did. They still seem to be in the same mode they were before his passing, except for Daisy, she did not know Duke. She has truly aged recently, she looks great, very solid and muscular but she is getting unable to tolerate the activity level she used to. She loves to run, now most days after running she sounds as if she is going to have a stroke :( I hate seeing her age. This is Champ (I know she has a boys name, blame hubby lol) I need to get some new pics, this is from January, she hates her picture taken so really hard to get good ones. Sorry, I resized this but it won't do it on here for some reason =(

Chopper is my little stink. He just knows he is cute and doesn't hesitate to let everyone know that. He is 4.5 pounds. He has been my little miracle baby. He was born at 1.5 ounces prematurely and his breeder had to tube feed him for two weeks before he was strong enough to nurse on his own. She brought him back from the brinks of death several times. He was truly a fighter. Right after Christmas 2010 he was to have knee surgery for a luxating patella. All his testing came back negative. They prepped him for surgery, sedated him, shaved him, placed him on the operating table, hooked him up to the anesthesia and he went into cardiac arrest. It took the vets/techs 3-4 minutes of CPR and two injections directly into his heart to get him back. I told you he is a fighter. He has absolutely NO residual side effects from his experience thank God. Here is my little man.
http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa473/marmadukechamp35/January%202011/167923_1536886787595_1397627132_31244586_8213352_n .jpg

Ryleigh is my little lover. She thinks she has to have her cheek pressed to your lips ALL the time. If you are sitting where she can reach your face watch out. She will kiss you all over and then turn her face for you to kiss her. She actually leans into your lips and closes her eyes. She is just the sweetest dog ever. She is about 5.25 lbs. I had another puppy picked out and was at her breeders when another couple arrived and were looking at puppies too. The one tried talking the other into gettin Ryleigh. I felt my heart sink. I kept thinking, I have mine chosen, why do I care what one they get. I kept looking at her and looking at her, wanting my puppy to have her "look" but I did not want a black dog. Needless to say I changed my mind after talking to the breeder about what I was looking for. I put everything on hold for about a week and wasn't getting any puppy but I could not stop thinking about her. Then I got a fortune cookie and it said Maybe you are focusing too much on one ting. And that was IT. She was mine, black or not lol. I love her soft yet prominent tan markings on her face. She takes lovely pictures when you can catch her not blinking lol. This is my Ryleigh girl.
http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa473/marmadukechamp35/January%202011/167923_1536886827596_1397627132_31244587_5858370_n .jpg

Daisy Mae is my ornery one lol. She is very submissive so it takes her forever to learn a new trick because she just throws herself on the floor belly up. She has, however, learned the BANG trick hahaha. She loves EVERYONE and is always ready to play. She is the talker of the bunch, making noises at you to get your attention. She is what is called a blue factored cream. She is a larger girl weighing in at 6.75 pounds (but is currently on a diet lol, she needs to be around 6.5), very thick sturdy girl. She has gorgeous hazel eyes and a blue nose. Daisy Mae was born a month after my Duke passed. I wanted to carry on his name so I named this little girl Muchler's How 'Bout Them Daisy Dukes. The name Daisy fits her to a T since she is wild just like the flower lol. Here is my baby girl.
http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa473/marmadukechamp35/January%202011/168928_1536886867597_1397627132_31244588_1673249_n .jpg

03-08-2011, 05:38 PM
Those pictures are amazing!! I love the little bow tie and bows. It is so great to see Champ, Chopper and Ryleigh again. And a HUGE welcome to little (or not-so-little:p) Daisy Mae. She is so beautiful!! And I love the name. I immediately figured it had something to do with Duke. :)

Welcome back (if even only for a brief update) Traci. It's so great to hear from you and your babies. :D :D

03-08-2011, 05:39 PM
There they are! Hugs hugs hugs hugs!

Chopper, I am SO GLAD you are all right! That must have been extremely scary for your mom. You are a fighter!

03-08-2011, 06:22 PM
Hello, It's nice to meet you and your dogs.

I'm sorry for the loss of your Duke. Your Champ girl is very striking but my heart belongs to your chi's: ..Chopper... Ryleigh... Daisy Mae. Your little chi's are just adorable. It makes me want to dress up my LilGirl. Gosh, My LilGirl would love to play with your chi's and I would like to just hold them.... cute as a bug. I enjoyed seeing their pics and reading about all your dogs.

How old are your dogs? ... Kay in NC

03-08-2011, 07:03 PM
Hello Traci, missed you! So nice to see all the crew.

Champ does look good! A bit gray around the muzzle, but look at her stance, her poise! Please give her some hugs and belly rubs from me!

Those ties and bows are wonderful accessories to the chis. Those are quite professional looking photos of the 3 of them. Chopper, I just want to snuggle with you, little stinker though you may be! Ryleigh, I'll share kisses ANY time. And Daisy, hi there, nice to meet you lovely lady!

Thanks for the lovely photos.

03-08-2011, 07:09 PM
Ok, Ok! Ignore my other post! Daisy Mae! OMG! I'm officially fainted!!! Traci, I can't, can't get enough! Your photos are gorgeous!! I'm in love with your babies too! Isn't Chopper a Gemini, like you and me? I think I remember that and it made me giggle! When I was a wee girl, a family friend had a chi and I relentlessly pestered that poor girl with hugs and kisses and she never minded (Happy was her name, and it fit) If(?) I get old, I'm thinking Chi. I love them, such wonderful memories. How's Champ with them? I can't imagine anything but loving! Thanks SOOOO much for posting!

03-08-2011, 07:12 PM
Thanks everyone. I have missed all you guys and the pics and posts :( I REALLY need to start posting more often, even if it means once a month...this once a year crap is not working lol.

Thank you Kay for the condolences and very nice to meet you also. Chopper will be 4 March 27, Ryleigh will be 3 August 10, and Daisy Mae just turned a year February 15.

The little collars are sold by a wonderful lady on Etsy. The bows/ties are removable so you can just use them as collars but I think they are a nice touch to "dressing up" w/o putting clothes on them...which Chopper loathes lol.

Thank God my Chopper is a fighter...I could not have lost two babies in one year and survived :(

03-08-2011, 07:14 PM
Ok, Ok! Ignore my other post! Daisy Mae! OMG! I'm officially fainted!!! Traci, I can't, can't get enough! Your photos are gorgeous!! I'm in love with your babies too! Isn't Chopper a Gemini, like you and me? I think I remember that and it made me giggle! When I was a wee girl, a family friend had a chi and I relentlessly pestered that poor girl with hugs and kisses and she never minded (Happy was her name, and it fit) If(?) I get old, I'm thinking Chi. I love them, such wonderful memories. How's Champ with them? I can't imagine anything but loving! Thanks SOOOO much for posting!

lol...Daisy Mae is a looker :love: Her eyes captivate everyone. She has a spectacular personality. Chopper is a March baby :D

Chis are great, nice little loving dogs when reminded they are "little" lol. They like to think they are great danes.

Champ is AWESOME with them. Her and Daisy Mae run the fence everyday with the neighbors yorkie. It is so funny to see. Sometimes Daisy Mae will pinch her on the butt as they are running:D

03-08-2011, 07:33 PM
Chopper is having a birthday soon! (clapping my hands) http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k144/trebleshot/General/applause.gif

I love the very last portrait of Daisy with her yellow bow!

03-08-2011, 07:39 PM
I had to come back and post again. I didn't remember that Choppers birthday is just a couple days after mine. :D :D

And also, when I read about Champ going all over the house looking for Duke and then about the scare with Chopper.....I had tears in my eyes. Please give these two big hugs for me. And of course some for the little girls too. :D

03-08-2011, 08:13 PM
What precious pictures!!!!! I loved them all!!! Glad you are back!!

03-09-2011, 03:05 PM
It is SO GREAT to finally hear from you again, Traci! Your crew looks great as always! Love the pictures, they definitely put a smile on my face, which I desperately needed. :love::love:

03-09-2011, 03:38 PM
Welcome back, it's wonderful to see you again :D.

All of your babies are adorable. Daisy Mae looks like she's got a lotta spunk :p

03-09-2011, 03:51 PM
:eek: WoW there are our Favorite Babies.. We have so much missed you guys.. Huggss & Whiskers Kissess to All.. Welcome Back Home..

03-09-2011, 05:47 PM
Wow! Chopper's story is AMAZING. Such a little fighter man. That's such a good story <3

Your pups are so precious. :) They sound like loads of fun and that their mommy knows them to a T. :)

03-10-2011, 08:14 AM
Those tiny fur babies are such sweethearts. You can just see it. :) Champ looks like a sweetheart too, I feel so bad she lost her best friend.

03-10-2011, 05:32 PM
yep Chopper will be 4 soon and to celebrate we are having a meetup at the dog park and I am also baking a cake and taking it to the vets office, because if it was not for their fast action he may not have been here to celebrate at all. I think Duke told him GO BACK!! Mommy can't handle it :D

I was so sick when that happened, it took him HOURS to recover. When I saw him on the operating table with all these monitors for heart rate, pulse, breathing, etc, I about died. He looked horrible, actually he looked gone...except he was breathing. His eyes did not open, his tongue was hanging out. They kept flipping him over to prevent fluid build up in the lungs. He was on a heated tablet, covered with a heating pad/blanket. He made these horrible sad sounds as he was trying to come out of it. I stayed as long as I could with him, talking to him, rubbing him and kissing him, telling him he could not leave me...he needed to stick around to ride that Harley we get again some day. They told me he could have all these different issues, one being blind, loss of cordination, maybe paralysis. They kept checking to see his reflexes in his hind feet to see if he would pull back, at first he did not. One vet even took him home so she could monitor him over night. She called and told me there really wasn't much improvement, which really had my heart broken thinking that he might have been brought back but never really wake up and have to be PTS anyway. I was in tears for hours. I kept waking up thinking...well the phone hasn't rang, no news is good news. Then I would pick of my phone to see if I missed a call. One time I dreamt it rang, that was horrible. But in the morning they called me before hours (which had my stomach in a knot) and said he was 100% himself...like nothing had ever happened:D I was so overjoyed I started crying again.

Thank you all for all the wonderful compliments on my babies. I promise to try and pop in from time to time. But I work full time and I also watch my niece while her parents are working, keeps me on my toes all day that is for sure. For an almost 4 month old she can stay awake FOREVER lol.

03-10-2011, 06:05 PM
Oh my goodness, I am in tears just reading what you went through. I can't even imagine!!! I bet Duke sent him back. :) Wow!!

Please give Chopper some kisses from me. :p

03-11-2011, 09:07 AM
It was so good to see all of your fur kids, and read about each individual one. They are all gorgeous, but Daisy Mae captured my heart! :love: What a little doll!!!

I can't imagine going thru the trauma that you did with little Chopper. He sure is a fighter - a tough little guy indeed. So glad that all worked out for the best.

Give them ALL a hug and a kiss for me please, and an extra one for Chopper. I don't think that the others will mind, under the circumstances. ;)

03-11-2011, 11:56 AM
Traci, I am so so so sorry to hear about handsome little Chopper's almost fatal incidence during surgery. Working in the veterinary field, I know that all of the pre-anesthetic precautions we take to ensure that the patient will be okay with the anesthetics and other necessary drugs, sometimes we can never predict these horrible things from happening. That is why we do our BEST to prevent them, and when the unfortunate does happen, we try and try to stop it. And Chopper is a lucky guy, and I am SO GLAD he is ok!!!