View Full Version : Spa Day; "I BEEN ROBBED" - Marlin

03-07-2011, 04:54 PM
Today was spa day, and Mum used her new clippers. I, Darlin' Marlin, was the guinea pig. Things didn't go well. SOMEONE STOLE MY COAT!! I been ROBBED, I tell ya!

I been moping ever since, even though Mum tried to cheer me up and scolded her Dad for laughing at me.

Good thing winter is almost over. I know, I know, it is hair, it will grow. But how am I supposed to walk around the neighborhood until then?

Mum called a toll free number for help and learned what she was doing wrong. So all the other fluffs are looking pretty good! Not like an experienced groomer did them, but they look mighty fine! All you folks on here will see issues, but that is OK cuz THEY don't have to hide on walkies for the next month!

Willy was next, and did his best to take off Mum's fingers or hand, so she is thinking about a muzzle for him.

He doesn't like his feet touched, so nail clipping, brushing da footsies, and clipping da footsies is not allowed. He doesn't care if she puts on shampoo, rinses that, put on conditioner. He is a goof!

Still, he found it all very tiring, and went to sleep while Mum worked on the girls.

Lacey looks nice, but she does a blitz when Mum puts her down from the table, and then she curls up to nap. So I'm not sure how much you can tell from her photo.

Tasha came out good as well. She also doesn't like her nails clipped and tried to bite, but Mum says you don't muzzle a mill rescue, you just work on it and help them get through it all.

Stand by, I got more photos to share wiff ya -- Marlin

03-07-2011, 04:55 PM
Mum finally got things organized enough to do before and after pics for you for Sugar. We all been wearing our winter coats, haven't had ANY clipping done in 11 weeks. Here is Sugar BEFORE:

In the sink

And after

Don't know why her head looks flat in this photo, it really is NOT, it is nice and round.

Willy and Tasha

Willy Tasha and Sugar

I tell ya, if I looked like them, I wouldn't be complaining. But I am almost BALD over here! This is NOT a bichon cut! What the heck, anyone know how to knit or crochet? Here is all the clippings from the 5 of us, I need a bichon costume QUICK!


Darlin' Marlin signing off, very miffed and COLD!

03-07-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi Marlin - Sparky here.............

You don't look all that bad - really you don't! You have a sweater you can put on for your walks, don't you? It's still cold/chilly enough for a sweater, without people wondering why you have one on too, so you wouldn't look out of place or anything like that. In a few more weeks when it warms up more and you don't need a sweater, then your hair will have grown back in too- problem solved! :p

Wish me luck my friend, will ya' please??? Tomorrow I go to the spa - and my Mom says it's a birthday present. I thought we got things we like for our birthday????? :confused::rolleyes: Mom says she can't groom me right so has to let the pros take care of me - whew!!!! - thank goodness for that. :)

And she's actually going to humiliate me too. Today she took some "before" pics of me, and she says she is going to post them here on PT for everyone to see, along with the "after" pics that she'll take. If I didn't love her so much - I'd bite her - or at least hide her camera!!! :eek:

So my friend - hang in there - and pray that your hair goes thru a fast growth spurt! ;)

03-07-2011, 05:15 PM
You know what, though, Marlin? In a couple of weeks it will be warmer, and you'll be able to go on walkies without a sweater... AND your coat will have grown back in some by then.

And Willy- honey- you can't try to nip at mum's fingers while she is caring for your coat. That is just not an option. I hope that over time you'll get comfortable with mum's home spa-days.

Tasha, I hope you get used to mum taking care of your feets. She will help you so you don't have trouble with your nails.

You ALL look very nice to me! I like the picture of Willy and granddad having a cuddle!

03-07-2011, 05:17 PM
Oh no! Poor Marlin!! I can see your pink skin. Well I guess this means you don't have to go for walks with the rest of the crew (unless you like walks, of course:p). I still think you are adorable though Marlin. :D

And I just love the picture of Willy and Dad snoozing in the chair. Precious!

The rest of the crew looks great! Keep practicing (swap guinea pigs each time;)) and you'll be a pro. I only attempt to trim up Zoee's bottom if I need to. I wish I could do feet, because Taggart needs his feet hair trimmed. He slides on the hardwood. But he doesn't need a full hair cut so I don't take him to the groomer.

03-07-2011, 05:59 PM
Oh My! Freedom, You've been a busy girl LOL. Do I see pink skin in photo?? and he has his tongue hanging out. Poor boy, Marlin, I think it is. To be truthful I can't tell them apart. They all just look puffy and white to me. Think of all the money you saved by trimming them yourself. They're cute little fluffs. Considering everything, I think you did a good job... Kay in NC

03-07-2011, 06:14 PM
Thanks, Kay. I knew when I decided to adopt Willy I was going to have to start grooming them myself. All the equipment I bought, and if I do them 3 times I break even!

Thanks Elllie, Elyse and Cindy for commiserating with my Marlin!

Sparky, I'll be on the lookout for your photo thread!

03-07-2011, 09:24 PM
Poor Marlin.:( Next time get at the back of the line!;)

03-07-2011, 09:56 PM
Poor guy. It's okay... mommy has to learn... next time you'll be fine. :-D

03-07-2011, 10:18 PM
Ok Mstr Marlin. You knows me. Iz alwaz sides fer da doggies! I sez, deemand..Take NO prizunerz! Ya knowz wherez mummy keepz da cwipperz? I tinks SHE needz a twim! Lukily fer youz, Iz LUVS ya no matterz what! Hmpf! Yuz were a guineez piggy! But Iz alwayz tinks yuz is SO handysome so Iz don't carz iffin yuz luk a widdle unfuzzed. Yea, Willz, I be haten miz footziez tuched tos, or Iz shud sez 4! Has! Has! Imadez a jokey! Da vetz havez to putz dat hurrible ting on myz snout!

Mummy und me LUVS da pix of ya all esp da one uf you und grandpappy snoozen on da reclinr! Makin me sweepie!

Mz Logan:love::love::love::love::love:

03-08-2011, 08:50 AM
Thanks Chocolate Puppy and Monica. I think that particular mistake is in the past forever! I just could NOT figure out the comb attachments. NO INSTRUCTIONS (well, this is a PRO set, you should have learned all about it in getting your license). The combs are spring loaded!

Marlin: Mz Logan, thanksk for luvin me in all my pinkness! This short, it will be 4 weeks till I looksks like meself againsk. I likesk your joke! BOL!!!! Mum DOES need a trim, hmmm, you give me ideask. WOOF!

03-08-2011, 11:12 PM
Dear Darlin Marlin, I need a haircut b-a-d... mum has new clippers ... I'd be happy to serve as mum's next day-spa client ;) Does she allow appointments to be scheduled for bang trims in between haircuts? Sometimes I just needsk a bang trim a little ahead of my next haircut.

Th e gal who cuts my hair is off for a few weeks due to illness, so I'm trying to wait it out. I really like the way she cuts my hair. But I am lookin -- well, past due for a haircut!


03-09-2011, 12:16 AM
Poor Marlin.:( Next time get at the back of the line!;)

LOL I agree.:) At least your fur will grow back.;)

Pinot's Mom
03-09-2011, 08:24 AM
Marlin, Pinot here...whassis "clippers"....whassis "spa day"? Am I missing out on something? Please advise ASAP...call me on the cell....

You look good in pink!

03-15-2011, 11:39 PM
Dear Darlin Marlin...

I was thinking about you early this morning when I couldn't sleep :) (and Willy and the girls too, by the way)

How's your coat coming in? Here is a picture I really like- it's you wearing your winter overcoat which is so bright blue! I bet your coat will have grown back in by the time you don't need an overcoat for farm walkies.

I could still use a bang trim if mum wants to try out teh ebil clippers again ;) the lady who cuts my hair is out for two more weeks and I am lookin shaggy!

Your admiring fan (one of many),

03-16-2011, 08:07 AM
Marlin Darlin here. Oops, looks like I missed a couple of comments!

Krazy Bout Katz and Chocolate Pups, I haz to be da first one done on spa days. I getz REAL panicky like, and da longer I hasz to wait da worsesk it is for me. So Iz always first. Over and done. But I'll keep whatsk you say in mind!

Elyse, I wouldn't let you trust my Mum wiff your bangs! She does her own and ends up with 1/4 inch standing up straight! BOL sometimes Tasha don't recognize her and barks!!!!

Dats my bright blue sweater wiff sparkle snow flakes on da back and white "fur" collar. Willy gotz one too and da girls gotz red ones. Dat hair is growing! I should be all set by next winter, BOL!

03-17-2011, 09:48 PM
Dear Pinot --

I know you said to call you on da cell but, I don't do very well wiff technico gadgets!

Being a kitty, you don't have to worry about clippers and spa days. There are a small number of cats who do - those who go in shows, many with long hair coats. But not you, Pinot.

In MY opinion, it is NOT FUN. But I did not grow up with it like 2 of the fluffs here, Sugar and Lacey. I won't say they love it, but they tolerate it and claim they feel mah-velous after. Me? I panic and holler and I do NOT like that funny smell humans like -- I much prefer doggie perfumes, I think even cats like some of these: goose poop, muck and mud, and wet- from- the- rain. I tink those scents should come in bottles, just for us!

You, Pinot, are a lucky one, you don't have to go out in all kinds of weather to do your business, you don't have to cope with clippers and spa days, all you need to do is round up the catnip mice!

Sorry it took me so long to reply; I am at least 12 years (being a rescue, no one knows for sure, and I am not telling!) and I been having some senior moments recently. Like on today's walkies, I was sniffing and sniffing and . . . I LOST MUMMIE!! I just stood there and hollered till she came back along the path and found me. Stuff like that been happening to me more and more. :( But it is OK, cuz I forget she fed me so I holler in the house and she gives me another bowl! BOL (that stands for barking out loud! you know?) and I just love eating!

Thanks for asking!
Starvin' Marlin, signing off!

03-18-2011, 12:39 PM
I been having some senior moments recently. Like on today's walkies, I was sniffing and sniffing and . . . I LOST MUMMIE!! I just stood there and hollered till she came back along the path and found me. Stuff like that been happening to me more and more. :( But it is OK, cuz I forget she fed me so I holler in the house and she gives me another bowl! BOL (that stands for barking out loud! you know?) and I just love eating!

Thanks for asking!
Starvin' Marlin, signing off!

Dear Marlin,

My meowmie says I get stinky sometimez. She has a blue packet, and I hide when I see it. It sayz KITTY WIPES on it. Yuck, I don't like the way I smell when she wipes me wiff one of doze! Kinda like baby lotion. But meowmie does. I am shedding right now and I have some kitty dandruff on my low back and around my tail, and meowmie sez the KITTY WIPES help take it off. Lucky for me she doezn't use them very often. But I hide when I hear her open the drawer where she keepz them. And she clips meh toenails from time to time. I don't break the outer nail off running kitty sprints as often as I used to. So Meowm has to take a little more care of my nails now. She has a people's nail clipper and I let her do one or two at a time. Den I meow "Put me down!" and she obeys.

Purrs and head bumpies,

Elyse here: I think I'd have been frightened if I lost you, Marlin Darlin! I'm glad you hollered for your mum to come and get you. Happy Friday to you and Willy, Lacey, Tasha, Sugar and the kitties! Please have your mum or granddad give you some petting for me.

Pinot's Mom
03-18-2011, 01:30 PM
Awww, Starvin' Marlin, I'm sorry you have to endure all that clippin' and stuff -doesn't sound like fun! I know that was scary to temporarily misplace your Mom - it's OK, you would have remembered where you left her.

I know about the starving thing - my Mom & Dad, I swear, forget to feed me sometimes! They must! I can't be this hungry if they didn't! You do have to make a lot of noise sometimes, huh?

Ah, well, I hope you're all fed and your fur is all better! Chat soon!

:love:Purrs, Pinot

03-31-2011, 05:14 PM
Dear Fluffy-fluffs, how are you? How are your kitty siblings? Are you looking forward to spring? Could you please have your mum give you some petting from me-- I was just thinking of you.

Your fan,

03-31-2011, 09:31 PM
Dear Fluffy-fluffs, how are you? How are your kitty siblings? Are you looking forward to spring? Could you please have your mum give you some petting from me-- I was just thinking of you.

Your fan,

Oh, Elyse, not exactly the question to ask right now, as we are all getting a mixture of snow and rain, and I'm betting the fluffs are gonna stay hunkered inside as much as possible over the next day!

04-01-2011, 09:07 AM
Yup, snow over night, rain before it and rain now.

Four of the 5 chose the kitchen floor for their morning pee, after peering outside. :rolleyes:

04-21-2011, 04:42 PM
Happy Easter to Marlin, Tasha, Willy, Lacey, Sugar and the kitties, and your people too! :)