View Full Version : Great News Everyone - oh, never mind

11-01-2002, 04:00 PM
Hey guess what??? Floppsy might be a weekend bunny~ what I mean by that is that Floppsy might be staying inside for nights on some weekends! I am anticipating my dad's response and I hope it is a yes!! What I want to know is if rabbits can eat newspaper. He is eating away at the newspaper and I hope it is good for him!

11-01-2002, 04:36 PM
That's great!! And a good way as well to show your Dad that you will be responsible and that Floppsy will be good!!:D Paws crossed!!:)

Miss Meow
11-01-2002, 05:21 PM
What's that saying: a journey begins with but a single step? I'm glad you're making inroads with your dad. Sometimes slow and steady does win the race!

11-01-2002, 05:23 PM
Guess what cancel everything my mom is such a bunny-hater!!!! You wanna know why? The rabbit had an *accident* on my sister's bed (which my sister did not care, all living things go to the bathroom). But my mom had a heart attck and said Floppsy can NEVER come in the house again, even when she is in her cage. Geez what a stupid thing. Sorry for that, but I am not taking it back. I really do not like her. So I wenbt outside to put her back and I sat out there for at least ten minutes (only because my mom said I would not be able to have friends over anymore if I did not come in) because I told her that if she was going to kick her out of the house then she better kick me out too because I go to the bathroom as well, and so does everyone/thing.
Thanks for letting me vent on here.
PS-I bet my dad would have said yes too.

11-01-2002, 05:26 PM
PSS- Thanks Sandra and Nicole for crossing your paws for us..again. It seems that once again my day has been ruined, the dance, all the upcoming events tonight are going to be ruined. In fact I do not think I have EVER had a good day. Anyway, thanks Sandra and Nicole you are a real great people.

Once again...repeating everything in the "I Hate My Life" Thread right here.

Miss Meow
11-01-2002, 05:55 PM
Britt, if you want, try something different when things don't work out right with your family. Do everything they say and ask. So if your mum says if you don't come in now blah blah blah, just say OK, and do it. Just try that for a week and see what sort of response you get. I think when something happens your parents react in a way that makes you react aggressively, and there is no way either party will be happy. I'm sure your parents aren't happy when this happens either. So try the opposite and see if you can find some middle ground there. Hope this helps.

11-02-2002, 10:49 AM
~*There is a little bunny sitting inside a cage right in this very room two inches away from me*~


11-02-2002, 11:21 AM
Great! Do I dare ask.......did your mom have a change of heart? See, your weekend is going on the right track.;)

11-02-2002, 11:32 AM
Well not exactly after what happened at the dance... I even posted it on here, "OMG This Was So Scary I'm Not Kidding" is the name of it. Anyway yeah I guess she did and until I get a real cage she is using a laundry basket with shredded cloth and newspaper. She also has bowls of water and food. She likes it in here!:D

11-02-2002, 03:19 PM
You're giving me palpitations, Brit!!:D Sometimes Mom's do come through;) We're still keeping our paws crossed!!!! I'll bet Floppsy's SO happy!!:)

Miss Meow
11-02-2002, 05:46 PM

11-02-2002, 07:53 PM
Newspaper can be harmful to your bunny if she eats it. If she is just shredding it then she should be fine. If she starts eating it watch out because she can get ink poisoning. Some newspapers now use vegetable ink, which is completely safe. You might want to give your local paper a call and see if anyone there knows what type of ink they use. You can search online for bunnies eating newspaper or ink toxicity in rabbits etc.

I am soooooo glad that your bunny was allowed to come inside. It makes me angry when parents let their children get a pet but the parent does not make sure that pets needs are met. That is obviously what you have been thinking about lately. And as everyone knows, a bunny should be inside in the winter, not outside in a hutch. Unless of course, the hutch has central heating. :p

I aplaud you for taking responsibility for your rabbit. We need more caring pet owners such as yourself in this world. :)

11-03-2002, 10:33 AM
I had her in the whole day until my sleepover. My mom has not posted because I do not let her have the computer:p . This place is so addicting I just cannot get off!!:)

11-03-2002, 10:35 AM
Oh yeah and we are going to get her a real cage I think today. Once I show my dad how good and better she is doing inside, he'll have to give in!

11-04-2002, 06:39 AM
I agree to "luckies4me" : newspaper is bad for your bunny ! It is not the paper or carton , but the ink ! Some inks can be toxic ; so please be carefull !!! http://w1.501.telia.com/~u50108667/cutebun.gif http://w1.501.telia.com/~u50108667/rabbit2.gif http://w1.501.telia.com/~u50108667/mms1.gif