View Full Version : Sensitive Stomach/Digestion food??

03-03-2011, 07:55 PM
Does anyone know of a really good sensitive stomach/digestion food for kitties?? I have 2 kitties (Boris and Sophie) who have very sensitive palates and throw up so many of the foods I give them. :( I've tried so many different kinds, and so far only Science Diet Sensitive worked somewhat. The others are fine with whatever I buy, but Boris and Sophie vomit a few times a week, and I hate for them to feel so badly. Right now they are not enjoying their kibble because Dave bought Royal Canin's Sensitive Stomach formula, and they are throwing up again! He forgot I wanted Science Diet... :(

Any other brands out there that are good for sensitive stomachs??

03-03-2011, 08:05 PM
There are ones I have used with My Siamese , like Science Diet Senative Stomach and Pro Plan as well.
There are good ones like Nutro as well.
They used to give free samples to try their food on Our Cats , now nothing is given away.:(

03-03-2011, 08:11 PM
The Science Diet was ok, but Honeybun had a hard time eating it because it's so round and hard. The Royal Canin is a nice flat kibble and he can crunch it up easier. If not for Boris and Sophie throwing up, it would be a good food for the Honeybun. I've tried Nutro, but when they changed the formula, they started throwing that up too. :( It just seems like Sophie and Boris throw up so many of the foods, and I'm running out of options for them.

03-03-2011, 08:39 PM
I dont know if this will help or not but here goes. Back in December, Luke was throwing up about every 2-3 days. I was feeding him mainly dry Purina Sensitive. Also he was having difficulty having bm's. I suppose he was throwing up because not much was coming out in bm's. He got severely constipated and then to the vet 4x, finally got him unstopped. I switched from dry food to canned Wellness no grain and canned w/d. He hasnt thrown up since middle of December and he no longer has bm problems... Kay in NC

03-03-2011, 09:18 PM
We have the same problem with our little Gabby. He's the one with Feline Aids (FIV). The vet has him on a dry food called Premium Edge (www.premiumedgepetfood.com). His stools are normally soft but solid, but sometimes very liquid. Either way he's gained back a bit of weight, the patches of fur that fell out are growing back in and my boy RUNS again. Purrs like a diesel truck too.:D

Don't disregard the throwing up as a "sensitive palate", get things checked now. We almost lost our Gab.

If you do find a food that works for them, you need to feed them separate and keep them out of the other's chow. It's hard, but it's like having a "special needs" child.

03-04-2011, 12:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Boris and Sophie are having problems.:( How old are they? If they're seniors then they may need a more easily digestible food for seniors. How are their stools? The reason I ask is that both Alani & Blaze also have sensitive stomachs and I did catch Alani throwing up a few times. They also had soft/loose stools and some diarrhea when they were much younger.

I just recently changed their diet to one higher in fiber and in just one day I noticed a huge difference. They're now on Chicken Soup For The Cat Lover's Soul Adult Light. It has more protein and fewer calories than the regular adult dry and it also has cellulose to help with hairballs. They also make a senior hairball formula that is also high in fiber. Here's the link:http://www.chickensoupforthepetloverssoul.com/products/cats/dry_food/senior_cat_hairball_formula/. They also make canned food too. I sure hope that you'll be able to find something that will work for them. Good luck.:)

03-04-2011, 07:39 AM
4 Health (Indoor Formula) sold at Tractor Supply.
Very little throwing up going on at my house these days (been since early summer they went on the new food).

Science Diet food line (regular and rx) is HORRIBLE food. He was on regular SD at shelter for 3 months. They get "free Science Diet food".
Snoopy (beagle) with all his problems the I/D food made things worse his skin dried out and his nails split after 2 months on the food.

I spoke with at great length via emails with vet at Precise Foods(great company) and I've switched him off the I/D food and he is doing great. Thanks to my groomer who pointed out his skin/nail problem. Thanks to this company that makes superior products.

Little tough to find but my groomer assures me she isnt going anywhere and I can always get food through her. Priced very reasonable.

I'm going to switch the felines over to the Precise line of cat food. It's even better than 4 Health.

03-04-2011, 09:19 AM
Purina One Sensitive Systems worked for my guys but they rarely vomited anyway. All of their digestive woes came out the other end. I have to monitor Toby's diet carefully because if he has a problem with anal leakage.:eek:

03-04-2011, 11:36 AM
Jenn, I forgot to mention that you should also stay away from any food that has corn, dyes, or meat by products in it because this can also cause vomiting. Some cats may not do well on wheat products either. I've learned to read the ingredients list very carefully because just because it says it's good for sensitive stomachs it still may contain some very bad ingredients. I like the list of ingredients for CSFTCLS as I mentioned before. Good luck.:)

03-04-2011, 06:05 PM
Find something with no corn, wheat, soy or menadione and something high in Omega 3 fatty acids, at least .5%, preferably higher (1% or higher). All of Blue buffalo's cat foods are at least .5% and many are over 1%. Wellness Core is .8%.

03-04-2011, 06:20 PM
Looked up Precise and Chicken Soup, and I can get them both locally at Pet Supplies Plus. Will take a trip there tomorrow and see what I can decipher in their ingredients lists, lol. They both look like good foods, will see how prices compare as well. Will also check out Blue Buffalo, but I think I tried that before and Boris threw up. She's soooo finicky with foods. I've washed comforters 2xs this week.

03-04-2011, 06:42 PM
Blue Buffalo now has a limited ingredient dry food. Mine do Great on BB Wilderness.

03-05-2011, 02:55 PM
Talked to a Nutro rep at PetSmart, and I picked up some Nutro Natural Choice. Was going to get Blue Buffalo, but she said the same thing I was thinking... about those "life bits" .. where do they go, and how many should they have, because they filter through the food and sift down to the bottom of the bowl. So.... may try that another time, found the Turkey and Potato at PetSmart, the limited ingredients kind. We'll see how it goes. Had to grab some kitten food too and mix it all together so that the kitten has the food he needs as well. So much fun with kitties of all ages, lol.

03-06-2011, 04:52 PM
Talked to a Nutro rep at PetSmart, and I picked up some Nutro Natural Choice. Was going to get Blue Buffalo, but she said the same thing I was thinking... about those "life bits" .. where do they go, and how many should they have, because they filter through the food and sift down to the bottom of the bowl. So.... may try that another time, found the Turkey and Potato at PetSmart, the limited ingredients kind. We'll see how it goes. Had to grab some kitten food too and mix it all together so that the kitten has the food he needs as well. So much fun with kitties of all ages, lol.

I've heard that some cats won't even eat the life bits of the Blue Buffalo. Good luck with the Nutro Natural Choice limited ingredients formula. I know that there are so many great choices now. Please keep us updated.:)