View Full Version : Finally Success!!!

03-03-2011, 11:30 AM
Many of you know that Alani & Blaze have had either diarrhea or loose stools for quite a while now. They were on Natural Balance Green Pea & Chicken dry and canned when I adopted them so I kept them on it for a while. They still weren't doing well so when I switched all of my cats over to Wellness Core dry I also started feeding them this.

At first they did well but over time they started having mushy/loose stools again and I would have to clean their fluffy bottoms 1-2 times a day.:( If they ate any of the Wellness canned they would really have problems so I kept them on a strictly dry food diet. If I fed them too much dry they would also have issues.:( They always seemed like they were starving too and poor Blaze would look for more food after he'd been fed.

When I was at Pet Club I was looking at other brands of food and I noticed that they now carry Chicken Soup For The Cat Lovers Soul and the small bags were on sale. I bought a small adult formula bag and I tried it out. I was still mixing it with the Wellness Core and I didn't notice any difference.:( When I went back to Pet Club to return some canned food that didn't agree with Storm, I looked at the adult light version of Chicken Soup For The Cat Lover's Soul and I compared it to the adult version.

It turns out that the light version has more protein and more fiber. It also contains cellulose to help with hairballs. I took a chance and I bought a large bag of it. I began feeding them this exclusively and within 1 day I noticed a huge difference in their stools.:) I also don't have to clean their fluffy bottoms any more. I can feed them more food in a feeding and they seem to be more satisfied too.:) Now if I can only find a good quality canned food that contains a lot of fiber that they'll do well on. Hopefully they'll continue to do well on this food. It now makes me wonder if this food could've helped my RB Starr with his diarrhea problems. I guess I'll never know.:( Now I also know that all cats don't do well on grain free food.

03-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Congrats for finding a solution! Every kitty is different, that's something they prove to us over and over!

03-03-2011, 01:25 PM
Congratulations!! Your cats are beautiful. I know you feel good that hopefully you have succeeded in stopping their bm problems. Lots of work when cat doesnt bm properly; I know first hand. I went through diarrhea and then severe constipation with my Luke. In his case, to prevent constipation I now feed him Wellness No Grain canned and w/D and Laxatone and it's working. Each cat is different... Kay in NC

03-03-2011, 05:37 PM
This is wonderful news!!!

03-03-2011, 07:42 PM
Thats great that you found Your Cats of the Future have found just the right food.:love::love:
My canned food eaters are Angels now, so I am using Pro Plan Turkey and Rice , and Iams Special Dry, and they seem to eat it up!!
We are glad that they are doing well and passing their stool tests!!!:D:D

03-03-2011, 07:48 PM
This is great! It must be difficult trying to balance everyones diet. I don't know what I'd do if Paizly and Jax had to eat different food. Jax is always eating Paizly's food. Which isn't a huge deal, he will be on adult here soon anyway. So he gets kitten in his room, which he hardly eats. :rolleyes:

I hope the Wellness recall doesn't set you back too far with trying to find the other kitties food that will work. :)

03-03-2011, 08:05 PM
This is good news indeed!

Why not use the same thing in the canned? Here is a link, they do make it:

03-04-2011, 01:05 AM
Thanks everyone.:)

Why not use the same thing in the canned? Here is a link, they do make it:
Yes, I think I'll see if Pet Club carries this when I'm there on Sat. Thanks.:)

03-04-2011, 01:24 AM
My boys like dthe dry Chicken Soup For the Cat Lover's Soul the one time I gave it to them, but they HATED the canned. It is very liquidy, almost like soup, and they wouldn't touch it. I think this is a great food and I sooo wanted them to like it, but they didn't. I hope you have more luck with it. I feed Blue Wilderness dry and wet mostly, but my boys seem to like the Wellness canned a bit more. Well, this weekend I am taking my cans back and asking them if they have any "safe" Wellness. This is SUCH a good food and Mac and Ming both love it!:love:

03-04-2011, 11:51 AM
This is great! It must be difficult trying to balance everyones diet. I don't know what I'd do if Paizly and Jax had to eat different food. Jax is always eating Paizly's food. Which isn't a huge deal, he will be on adult here soon anyway. So he gets kitten in his room, which he hardly eats. :rolleyes:

I hope the Wellness recall doesn't set you back too far with trying to find the other kitties food that will work. :)
Well since I don't free feed any more and I feed Alani & Blaze in the hall bathroom, it all works out well.:) I bet you could stop feeding Jax kitten food and just let him eat Paizly's adult food because he's about the same age as my two kittens who are already 10 months old now. I'm still sticking with Wellness for my 4 adult cats even though Ziggy seems to also want some of Alani & Blaze's dry food now.

My boys like dthe dry Chicken Soup For the Cat Lover's Soul the one time I gave it to them, but they HATED the canned. It is very liquidy, almost like soup, and they wouldn't touch it. I think this is a great food and I sooo wanted them to like it, but they didn't. I hope you have more luck with it. I feed Blue Wilderness dry and wet mostly, but my boys seem to like the Wellness canned a bit more. Well, this weekend I am taking my cans back and asking them if they have any "safe" Wellness. This is SUCH a good food and Mac and Ming both love it!:love:
Well Alani & Blaze are very easy to please as far as food is concerned. I think they'd eat almost anything.:) They're still very food aggressive so this is why they have to be fed separately from the others. Hopefully you can find some of the Wellness canned that hasn't been recalled. My 4 adult cats love it too and it's really helped Storm to stay regular in the bm department.:) If Petsmart or Petco don't have it then you should try Pet Food Express because this is where I was able to get it. Good luck.:)

03-05-2011, 05:10 PM
I'm very happy to hear that you found a food that helps with their BM,s. :)
I bet you were almost at the end of your rope on that one.

03-06-2011, 04:49 PM
I'm very happy to hear that you found a food that helps with their BM,s. :)
I bet you were almost at the end of your rope on that one.

LOL Thanks.:)

I bought 6 cans of Chicken Soup For The Soul in the Adult Hairball Formula. So far so good.:) My cats are weird in that Storm, Alani, and Blaze seem to prefer the canned food after it's been in the refrigerator so now all of my cats are used to this. I have to put several cans in the refrigerator before I open them up to feed them. The CSFTCLS canned food was very thick and rich looking so I don't know if it's because it was refrigerated first or because of the formula that I bought. The price was right too at only 79cents per can.:)