View Full Version : Hey PT, it's me, WILLY!

03-02-2011, 11:54 AM
I heard some of you folks been asking about me. Well, here I am!


Yuck, I gotz a piece of garlic paper on my nosie posie, ha haaaaa!

Things have been very very busy here. First off, I want to show you the little wanderer, she is FINE but now Mum or her Dad come outside with us all the time. Sugar


Now I have been extra busy. I took a 6 week Agility 1 course, and I LOVED it! I got to do one piece of equipment and get a treat! YUM Go over a jump, TREAT! Go through a tunnel, TREAT! I like doing this stuff, but doing something fun AND getting a treat is super! I LOVE climbing up and down the A frame and then - TREAT! Go through a tire jump, TREAT! Lots and lots of repetitions, and treat, Treat, TREAT!

So next up, I find myself in a whole new class called Agility 2. This is a very interesting thing. I am starting to catch on. I no longer get a treat for each thing. I have to do a sequence. Jump, tunnel, tire, board and FINALLY I GET A TREAT. Hmmm seems like a lot of work. But woof, I like it, so it is OK. This new class is all small dogs like me, so we don't waste time resetting the height on the jumps. Last night, I started working on something called a teeter. Some of the other dogs were afraid of it cuz it makes a bang. I didn't care, WHERE is my TREAT?!

Now, as if this isn't enough, I am currently in TWO classes! There is a special 4 week class to learn about weave poles. AND for this one, I have to do lots and lots of practicing at home in between each session. Hmmm. Mum was busy on night making up a set of poles. Here is a photo:

We are learning using the 2 x 2 method, so I start with 2 poles, and then we will add 2 more and then 2 more!


Wait, I need to make more room, hold on.

03-02-2011, 12:04 PM
OK so we got these poles in our Family Room. Well, Tasha is afraid of them. She will NOT go passed them, never mind go THROUGH them! So Mum has to keep them pushed aside, and she just brings them out for practices.

Lacey, Sugar and Marlin Darlin are also doing the practices, but none of them likes Agility as I do. And Tasha, well, Mum keeps working with her. Got her so far that she had THREE feet over the base to eat a treat, but she would NOT go through, she snagged that treat and backed right up!

Now at the class, the instructor keeps talking about how we learn something at our home and then we may not do it in class or at a competition because of distractions. What is she talking about? This is what goes on while I am practicing at home: (From the left, Marlin and Sugar)

All my pack mates are behind a gate in the Living Room. But they know I am getting treats so they will NOT be quiet. It gets noisy around here! I don't know how Mum expects me to learn this stuff, a boy needs to concentrate on his weave poles! From the left: Sugar, Marlin and Tasha in back.

And it is LOUD:

That is Sugar doing all that worrying noise. And Marlin he gives big loud barks!

From the left, Sugar, Tasha, Lacey and Marlin. Don't they look like they are in jail? BOL, BOL!

And meantime I am getting all the treats! I love this!

Now if you noticed, Mum has to put a chair in front of the gate. Look closely, you will see that one space between the bars is larger than the other spaces. That is because a "stop" had to be taken out, to make the gate fit that wide opening. All the girls can get through that gap in the middle. Marlin, he tries and then he gets STUCK! You should hear his hollering THEN!

Sometimes he can back out but mostly, Mum had to stop my training and go get Marlin unstuck. So now she puts the chair there, to stop all of them.

I am enjoying my classes very much. Bye PT! Woofs and Wags! - Willy

03-02-2011, 01:37 PM
Hello, Willy! I'm glad you are doing so well in your agility course! You are smart as well as handsome - I'm proud of you!

Look at those pack mates of yours behind the gate! How fun that Lacey, Sugar and Marlin are doing the exercises with you :D And Tasha, keep working on it. You are so smart, I bet you'll get it in time! And I'll be your fan just as much, even if you don't. No worries there.

Here are some hugs HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS for all of you! And some extras for the kitties too HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS

Your admiring fan,

03-02-2011, 06:12 PM
Ha ha, nice story Willy! Seems you're keeping busy. :D

03-02-2011, 07:59 PM
Yay, Delta gives agility four paws up! She hopes you have as much fun as she does! :)

03-02-2011, 09:50 PM
Oh My Goodness, Look at all of you looking at Willy I guess. Yes, it does look as if they are in jail LOL. That Willy is working hard and with an audience. I'm glad Sugar is ok. All of your pups are so pretty and I enjoyed all the photos... Kay in NC

03-03-2011, 06:46 AM
Willy - you are doing such a good job with your agility training, but be careful, ya' hear. With all those treats you are getting, you might just turn into a little pudgeball! You're going to have to train extra hard to keep those treats from going to your middle.

And I realize that this thread is all about YOU, but I'm sitting here laughing my butt off at the pic of your brother Marlin Darlin - STUCK!!!!! Maybe he needs to shed a few pounds so that he can squeeze thru. :p He certainly does look like he's hollerin' up a storm in that shot. Silly boy!!!!! ;)

Keep up the good work, Willy! :love:

03-03-2011, 09:55 AM
He hee, thanks you all for the comments!

Ellie, Willy IS a pudge just now, but a huge part is the winter we had. All that snow, ice and cold, we couldn't walk nearly as often as we are used to doing. It will come off, once Spring arrives.

Marlin is just plain TOO BIG to fit! Not due to any weight gain or anything; we keep his weight on the low end due to his bad hips. But Starvin' Marlin couldn't stand the thought of treats being passed out, and him not there to receive any, lol.

03-05-2011, 11:29 AM
Oh how the last picture made me laugh :D
i love your crew. theyre all so danged adorable

03-05-2011, 01:19 PM
Lol, thanks!

03-05-2011, 01:52 PM
Willy, it was fun to read about your agility training, you're a clever boy! Now, keep it up or you won't fit through that gate either. :D

Scritches to you all! :love:

03-05-2011, 06:39 PM
I'm glad to hear that Willy loves his agility class and it's great to see that he has such a captivated audience. Now aren't you glad you finally decided to adopt him.:)

03-05-2011, 08:04 PM
Haven't regretted it for a minute!

AND, this boy is STILL changing! Just this afternoon, Dad (who doesn't compliment lightly, I know this, been with him for all my life!) said, "this boy has improved for the better - he is a pleasure to have around now."

I've started training in the garage, and it works much better for all of us. Just back the car out and close the door again. Ten minutes of practice, back in with the car.

03-06-2011, 09:39 PM
I give Willie a "10!":love:;)