View Full Version : Smurfee

03-02-2011, 05:48 AM
What a sad story, but I'm so glad you were saved by your wonderful Mom; love a happy ending. Take care of yourselves, both of you, and happy COTD to such a cutie!

03-02-2011, 06:55 AM
What a lovely young kitty is Smurfee:):):):)! Your unfortunate URI is similar to that of my Tiggy who will, God willing, be 19 years old in October. She has had a similar illness all her life, nearly taking her from us four years ago Christmas week. Our vet suggested we try nebulizing her in a storage tub connecting the atomizer through the wall of the tub and containing Tiggles therin :eek::eek::eek: for the duration of the "fog", which consists of 2.5cc acetylcysteine 20%, 1cc gentamycin antibiotic, 1cc dexamethasone and 2.5cc sterile saline. She gets this boths days each weekend and has completely relieved her discharge. She also gets .25cc injectable vitamin B complex each 10-14 days which has improved her energy and appetite. She gripes about "incarceration" in the tub but she's alive and well and pushing 20! Congratulations on your wonderful COTD and many many years of good health.:D:D

03-02-2011, 08:22 AM
Hello Smurfee, it's a pleasure to meet you. You are such a cute boy. You're very lucky to be alive. If your mom had not adopted you, I'm sure you would not have made it much longer. I dont understand how that person could just watch you being sick and not get care for you. Anyway back to you, I enjoyed all the photos. I hope your health is good for a long long time and that you and your family have a good life together. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

Kat Friend
03-02-2011, 08:33 AM
Smurfee, you are just adorable... what a sweet little purrsonality...
God Bless your Mom and her kind heart and spirit for rescuing you and making you well.:)

Sometimes it's hard to know who truly rescues who!:love:

03-02-2011, 08:37 AM
Not kidding! Mine was named Smurphy...but the story is similar. He was at a cat sanctuary; no one wanted him because he had a cleft palate and sneezed ALL the time; the snot FLEW everywhere. His owner had named him Mercedes, but we renamed him, Murphy, almost immediately to become Smurfy. His upper respiratory GRADUALLY got better; we never let him out much and then only on a leash as he couldn't smell to come back home! But my Smurf lived to be 19 years old, which was very old for a cleft palate kid. He even looked like yours, a long-limbed white and tiger....always drinking out of our tub, because it didn't flow back through his nose.

03-02-2011, 09:45 AM
Smurfee, it is delightful to read your bio - I just love happy rescue stories! Much paw applause to your family for saving you - you have the sweetest face - so bright and happy! We certainly hope you stay healthy and happy for a long, long time! Enjloy your day as COTD!!!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and all at http://www.cathappy.net

Please help: Abandoned/rescued pets needing homes across the country: http://www.hurricanepetsrescue.org/urgent.htm

Lost/Found pets: http://www.hurricanepetsrescue.org/lost.htm

03-02-2011, 09:46 AM
We of course always love to see when a Pet who is homeless, hungry and ill finds someone of good heart to be thier friend and they become a beloved Pet Companion and Friend.
It is always such a Graet Feeling to know that you have helped a Craeture of God , and there is always a bond between Our Saved Pets that is touching.
Smurfee you are quite a character, and you sound like quite a Fun Cat to be with.
We bet that you and Your Fellow Cats ceratinly get up to some mischief , and are always full of fun and joy.

03-02-2011, 10:01 AM
Thank you all from me and The Smurf. You're all da best. Me and his daddy are very proud of him today to be COTD! He's come a long way from his Craigs List ad picture. Hope the link works..


03-02-2011, 10:38 AM
Thanks for sharing your Smurfee with us - you're his angel for saving him. Because of his breathing issue I hope your vet has had the good sense to counsel you against using the clumping litter that turns to cement (usually contains sodium bentonite or other "ite" used in construction). I work in rescue and many cats have been dumped off with blocked noses, runny eyes, because of this dusty stuff that turns to solid when coming into contact with ANY fluids. Some of the cats couldn't even breathe and were foaming at the mouth. Sad. The old fashioned clay litter is just fine (that's what I have always used for my cats for the last 40 years).

Also, remember that cats are carnivores - dry food was created for OUR convenience, not for their health and is known to cause obesity, CRF, tooth decay as it can damage the enamel (since cats crack their food, no molars to chew properly). http://www.cathealth.com/food-wet-dry.htm

I give my cats canned food with no by-products and hope to fix the issues caused when they were in shelters with only dry food available to them...

03-02-2011, 11:53 AM
God bless you, BarbaraB and Smurfee, and welcome to Pet Talk!

03-02-2011, 12:24 PM
Hello, most handsome Smurfee! How wonderful that your mom adopted you and helped you regain your health! It sounds like your life is now full of happiness and fun. I like the picture of you with your tabby cat sibling. Happy Cat of the Day, sweet Smurfee!

03-02-2011, 12:29 PM
Smurfee what a gorgeous fellow you are!!! :love:

I loved seeing your precious pictures today. I am so very happy that your mommy saved you. Please give her a kiss from me for doing that, ok? I'm sure you are both blessed beyond belief because of her loving you. I bet it's funny to see you riding around on your tent. :) I hope you both enjoy your special day to the fullest.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our very special Cat of the Day!!! :D:love:

03-02-2011, 12:55 PM
Hi there Smurfee! A very happy Cat of the Day to you, precious boy!:love: Hard to read your heart warming story, look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes and not get teary, sweet Smurfee! Then the tears led to laughs as I read how your Mommy drags you around in your tent, only to have you collapse it!:D:p What a wonderful rescue story is yours, sweetheart. God bless your dear Mommy for rescuing you, getting you the vet care you so desperately needed; nursing you back to health and providing you with the happiest of forever homes!:cool: You're an angel, Smurfee, and your Mommy, Lukey, all of your furry sibs, so very lucky to have a beautiful, joyful, lovable best furkid and friend in you!
Congratulations on your much deserved day in the spotlight, sweetheart! Wishing for you an EXTRA special day of love and pampering, and many, many more hapy and healthy years with your wonderful family! Cuddles and little kisses to you and all of your furry sibs, precious Smurfee!:love::love::love:

03-02-2011, 01:38 PM
Sounds like you have a wonderfol loving family. Not many people could or would take the time to care for such a sick little dude but all my special needs cats have been the greatest joy as well. Have a long happy life,peace and love:love::love::D Smurphy is adorable!

03-02-2011, 05:44 PM
Saint Francis smiles so broadly on your Mom for saving you!!! HAPPY COTD!!!!!!!

03-02-2011, 08:51 PM
What a sad beginning to a happy present, Smurfee! Thank goodness for the kindness and love of some humans, eh?
I love your pics - you have fit in quite nicely in your forever home!
Happy COTD to you, Smurfee! :love:

Laura's Babies
03-02-2011, 10:23 PM
Smurfee! You picture won me over but hearing your story touched my heart. The fact that you sing has me melting! I would LOVE a singing kitty! I have several verbal ones but none that sing. You are indeed a very special, one in a million COTD!! If any deserve it, in my book, it's you!!