View Full Version : Need some much needed advice.

02-27-2011, 02:57 PM
As some of you know, I have a rescue, a Lynx Point siamese female, since Feb. 2nd. My neighbour told me that he had seen this cat in our area for about 2-3 weeks before then. So to be on the safe said, lets say she has been on the street since around Jan. 15th until I took her in.

Now, my question is this, since she hasn't shown any signs of being in heat, do you think she may have been spayed already. My vet couldn't tell if she had or not. She has an appointment on March 1st to be spayed and I would HATE, HATE, HATE to have her put under only to find out she already has been. This has been on my mind for the past few weeks and has been eating at me. Do you think I should cancel her surgery and book another one in a months time to see if she does go into heat or not. She is almost 9 months old now.

When Suzy was 6 months old, she had 3 heat cycles in just over a month's time.

I basically would like to know, if this was you, would you go ahead with the surgery or wait?

02-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Ask your vet how often a cat cycles. Don't guess. Phone call tomorrow; or someone here on PT, or online research, you need specifics for this one.

02-27-2011, 04:06 PM
This is what I found Freedom when I Googled; "Cats Heat Cycles."

__________________________________________________ _______________

The Breeding Season in Cats

The breeding season in cats is practically year-round, running as early as February, and as late as December, but in the western hemisphere, March through September is generally regarded as the breeding season.

Heat Cycles in Cats

Cats are referred to as "polyestrus," which means that they will go into heat cycles periodically during their fertile years. These heat cycles may start as early as the fourth or fifth month of a kitten's life, and will continue until she is either bred or spayed. Heat cycles in cats last from several days to two weeks or longer, and repeat every two to three weeks. You can see then, how a female cat may almost always seem to be in heat.


•Heat, oestrus, and estrus all refer to heat cycles in cats.
•The breeding season in cats lasts almost year-round.
•Heat cycles can start as early as four or five months in a female kitten.
•Heat cycles in cats last from several days to two weeks or more
•Heat cycles in cats repeat every two to three weeks until the cat is spayed or becomes pregnant.
•Heat cycles may cause pain or discomfort in cats.

__________________________________________________ _______________

02-27-2011, 04:46 PM
hmmm, just a thought... do you suppose she's pregnant now??

I know you asked about a cat but here's my experience with Annie dog who was a stray.
When Annie dog came here, I took her to vet to be spayed and came home. They got her ready for the procedure and I got a phone call from vet saying he saw a scar on her that could be from being spayed. I said... can't you tell by an xray if she's been spayed... and I was told .. No, not to be 100% sure. Anyway they asked me if I wanted them to proceed with spaying and I said... No, I would take my chances that indeed she had been spayed... turns out she was because she has never gone in heat.

Is it possible to look on your cat's belly and see a spaying scar? Dont know if one would be able to see it or not. Maybe vet could shave and look for scar.

Do you know if she ever had a real home?
What are the chances that someone cared enough to have her spayed?

Kay in NC

Scooter's Mom
02-27-2011, 05:09 PM
Have your vet shave her tummy and see if there is a scar?
When we found Jingle Belle, our vet did that... no scar of any kind was found so we got her spayed.

02-27-2011, 05:17 PM
hmmm, just a thought... do you suppose she's pregnant now??

Is it possible to look on your cat's belly and see a spaying scar? Dont know if one would be able to see it or not. Maybe vet could shave and look for scar.

Kay in NC

Kay is right, your vet should be able to just shave the belly and look for a spay scar before performing any surgery. I know this because I had to consider this for Milly & Izzy when I adopted them. I was able to get their vet records from their former vet's office but they had been spayed at a different place that was a low cost spay and neuter program in the area. The former owner couldn't remember the name of the place but luckily Sasvermont had taken a rescued barn kitty to the same place so she gave me their phone # and luckily it was the same place that had records of both Milly & Izzy being spayed the year before I adopted them. (Their fur had completely grown over the scar by then, if your kitty had been spayed in the last month or two, you would probably see that the fur has not completely grown over on her belly where she would have been shaved for a spay surgery.)

02-27-2011, 06:15 PM
You've been given some great advice here. I just hope that she's already been spayed so this is why she's not having heat cycles. I sure hope it's not because she's already pregnant. I would also think that your vet would be able to feel her belly to see if she's pregnant or not. Good luck.:)

02-27-2011, 07:42 PM
Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it.

No, she is not pregnant, that is the first thing I had the vet check and believe me he checked well. He turned her over and blew on her belly fur and checked with his fingers, but couldn't see anything or feel a scar line. I've even checked parting her fur also, and couldn't see anything. But it's almost a month now that I've had her and she hasn't gone into a heat.

I don't know. I'll guess I'll sleep on it tonight.

02-27-2011, 07:57 PM
My vet makes a VERY tiny incision for spay, so it could be missed. I would be tempted to wait, after all, she is indoors and not out getting pregnant.

02-27-2011, 09:15 PM
Thank you Jen for your reply.

Well, I've decided to cancel the surgery and wait. But, I will book another appointment in a month's time. If she doesn't go into heat by that time, then I will know for sure she has already been fixed and if she does go into heat, then I will deal with it and at least then I will know for sure what to do.

Thank you again everyone.:)

02-27-2011, 10:06 PM
do vets not routinely tattoo spayed females in your area? It's just a small female symbol with a slash thru it on their belly close to their legs. That way if kitty ends up getting lost and finding a new home they don't get cut open again if the vet sees the tattoo. Cat belly buttons look kinda like scars and there have been instances where a cat had surgery scars that were from a c-section and not a spay. I'd schedule the surgery and hope the vet saw a scar or tattoo on her shaved tummy before he cut her open.

02-28-2011, 07:29 AM
do vets not routinely tattoo spayed females in your area? .

they do NOT do that here, but that is a fantastic idea!!!!!!

Laura's Babies
02-28-2011, 07:37 AM
On spay day with SBR we had a female that I prepped for surgery, no scar.. she was cut open and the vet never did find her "parts"... he too, look for any sign of a scar and none was found so he checked inside again for "parts" couldn't find any so she was sewn up.

Caramella's little incision couldn't have been 1/4 of a inch long, I'll have to look and see if there is a scar..

02-28-2011, 12:15 PM
ATailOf2Kitties, no they do not routinely tattoo spayed females here, but like Jen said, "That is a fabulous idea." I think I will mention this to my vet.

Laura, that is my main concern. Having her go under and cut opened, to find she has already been spayed. I would feel absolutely horrible.

I cancelled her appointment for tomorrow and re-scheduled another one which will be on March 24th. If she doesn't go into a heat by that date, I'm guessing that she has already been spayed because it would be 7 weeks that I've had her and from what I've read, she should have had a heat cycle by then.