View Full Version : My cat enclosure

Too Many Cats
02-24-2011, 10:43 AM
I wanted to share some pictures of my cat enclosure that I built for all the stray cats in my neighborhood that were being trapped and poisoned. I had them all neutered and vaccinated and they live together in here in true harmony. They have never fought amounst each other because I belive they are grateful to have love and a home. I'm pretty proud of it as you can see, lolo!

This is what it started out as


and then I got to work, lol!~


Finished, the outside is enclosed with bug netting


The inside....Since this was taken they now have recliners and couches to sleep in


And this is what it looks like now in the winter time, enclosed in plastic sheeting to keep the heat from their heaters in


02-24-2011, 10:46 AM
:eek: WoW that took alot of hard work.. So Very Nice.. Also Very Nice of You to do this for the Babies.. Welcome to Pet Talk & being a Cat Lover..

Too Many Cats
02-24-2011, 11:05 AM
Thanks Ivpets :) It was a lot of work (and still is) but it's worth it to have everyone safe!

02-24-2011, 11:26 AM
Welcome to PT!!!:) This is such a wonderful thing that you've done and I'm sure that these cats really appreciate it too.:) I look forward to hearing more about your cats and hopefully seeing more pictures of them.:)

02-24-2011, 11:35 AM
God bless you. What a wonderful thing you have done. Thank you so much.

02-24-2011, 02:46 PM
Nice job, I think that I might have to do the same.

02-24-2011, 03:03 PM
*applause* Well done! How many live in there? How long have you had this structure set up for them?


Welcome to PT!

02-24-2011, 03:21 PM
Welcome back! That's a wonderful house you've built for them - big applause from Fister and me! :) :)

Looking forward to see pictures of them.

02-24-2011, 04:44 PM
That is awesome! Welcome back. Do the kitties stay there all the time or can they come and go?

Too Many Cats
02-24-2011, 04:57 PM
I have it up and going almost 2 years now and there are 10 cats who live comfortably in it. 10 is the limit for the amount of space and since they get along so well and have always seemed to know one another I'm sure they are all related.

This is Max one of my originals who I've had for 20 years and moved here with us. He refuses to use the litter box so that's why he's in there. He has plenty of heat and has survived -20 below all winter so he's doing great!


And this is Ben, another original who moved here with us. He just loves being outside


Zelda a stray from the sewer....


and her kitten, Iris, the only surviver in the litter after an owl attack


Arthur, another sewer cat, he's a big boy and so lovable!


Patty, recovering from her spay after she had 2 kittens in my bushes, which I had to bottle feed


Bottle babies adopted to a friend of mine


And Lora who wouldn't let me touch her for 2 years


Princess who just came here


more to post yet

Too Many Cats
02-24-2011, 04:58 PM
and 2 more :)

Todd, who found me out at a stop sign in amish country. Very sweet cat!


And Ingrid, the day I found her with kittens under my deck. The kittens all passed away the next day because she was full of tape worms and very ill.


Okay, that's all the enclosure gang!

Too Many Cats
02-24-2011, 05:01 PM
That is awesome! Welcome back. Do the kitties stay there all the time or can they come and go?

No, they have to stay in there because I have 2 neighbors that hate cats and were trapping and killing them. After I confronted them that I knew what they were doing, the killing got worse. So that's why they are enclosed now. It's heartbreaking that they cant come and go.....but they are happy and safe in there.....and spoiled rotten, lol!

02-24-2011, 06:19 PM
God bless you. You are wonderful. Thank you so much.

02-24-2011, 06:29 PM
IMPRESSIVE!! I am envious.

Too Many Cats
02-25-2011, 06:34 AM
Thank you everyone! I still need to build sunning shelves with ramp steps along the top and middle of the outside and I would love to put a south window in on the inside......or just take over the lawn mower port attached directly on the other side of the inside. It already has a cement floor and a shingled roof and all it needs is to be fenced in and a little cat door cut in. but that's going to take a lot of A-kissing before hubby agrees to that, lol!

And I forgot to add above.....Todd and Princess are being adopted as the new resident cats at another nursing home. So they will be leaving sometime in the next few weeks to be loved and have their pick of a hundred laps everyday. They are lucky kitties for sure :love:

02-25-2011, 06:45 AM
What lucky kitty kats. Poor Ingrid, it's easy to see how sick she was in that pic. Her eyes tell the story. She's lucky to have found you, though. What a great job! As for your neighbor, does s/he know that poisoning those cats is a crime?

02-25-2011, 08:07 AM
What lovely kitties!! :love: Poor Ingrid and her kittens had a rough time though. :( Princess and Todd are so lucky to have found a home, I'm sure the will be spoiled rotten and the residents there will fight for their attention.

You should report those nasty neigbors! :mad:

Thanks for caring so well for the kitties, you're doing a wonderful job!! :)

smokey the elder
02-25-2011, 10:48 AM
What a great enclosure! Those cats look wonderful. I'm sorry about Ingrid's kittens. :mad: at the neighbor trying to poison the cats; what a dirtbag.

02-25-2011, 10:48 AM
:love: All of your Babies are so Precious & Adorable.. They are also very lucky to have you to comfort them with such a very nice home..

Too Many Cats
02-25-2011, 11:55 AM
That's the problem with my cat hating neighbor.....the law wont them them. They have more money than God, multi-millionaires 10 times over and own at least 3/4 of the town and all the surrounding farm land. The husband is okay, but it's the wife who was killing them and spitefully putt traps on her front steps and the middle of her driveway just so I could see them and know what she was doing.

She went insane after she found cat prints on her brand new camero ....which I confess was my 20 year old Max (but she doesn't know that)...but can you blame him? A new shiney red car calling his name to go clean himself upon, lol! But that is what started to war between us. She set out to rid the neighborhood of all the cats and she blamed me for bringing them up out of the sewer because she never had a problem with them until I moved in. Guilty. Yes, when I started finding sick newborn kittens in my yard (one little one was being eaten alive by maggots and had to be pts at less than a week old) I started befriending them and had them ALL spayed and neutered to control their population....and I hate finding half dead kittens everywhere!

So yes, they hung out on my deck and roamed my yard.....and yes her yard too but they were not hurting anything....just passing through to the river or walk about.

Shortly after that, I noticed a cat I'd never seen in her trap sitting right out in the open so I went over and got it out and she came running out screaming just as I got back on my own property. Then I continued to call her names...bad ones.

About a week later I found my old 12yr old black lab eating something in MY yard. He got sick and his stomach pumped and tested....which came back unknown substance. I walked the yard for a couple weeks after that for more...and yep she did it again. I found Poisoned hamburger again and it came back positive but I had no proof she did it. ....

I now have a full camera system installed with night vision to catch her in the act and prove it was her.... It's the only way the law will ever come after her. But she must have been tipped off about it because she has been quiet ever since. I'd rather have quiet then a dead dog though ;)

Too Many Cats
02-25-2011, 12:00 PM
here's the stinkin' ugly camero.....I have pics of the traps too but have to find and post them later. Must get to work now, lol!


02-25-2011, 03:09 PM
What a mean selfish person that is to cause injury and hate to one of Gods Creatures.:mad:
I am reading Dantes Inferno and I pray that one of these terrible fates will befall this evil one.:mad:
I hope she is changed into a mouse and chased and killed every day , to make the punishment fit the crime!!!:cool:
You have inspired me I am going to have my contractor next door set up a nice shelter in the back to replace the ramshackle one I have in the front.
I will connect it to the Ebony Beau Tubster Memorial Porch so leaving food out will be easy.:cool:
God Bless You for helping and caring.:love:

02-25-2011, 04:22 PM
:) As I always say What Goes Around Will In Time Come Around.. Meaning the selfish Hag's time is coming around one way or the other..:cool:

02-28-2011, 07:05 PM

Laura's Babies
03-03-2011, 07:57 AM
Love your cat room! How creative and smart to think of doing something like that.

This is a family board so I can't say what I'd like to about that neighbor...:rolleyes:

03-04-2011, 06:22 PM
What a kind thoughtful person you are to make an enclosure/refuge for stray cats. As for your neighbor, I think she is a sick person. Who in their right mind puts poisoned stuff out for cats or dogs?? The camera system is a good idea but I think you still have to be careful; she sounds nuts to me .. Kay in NC

03-05-2011, 07:27 PM
That enclosure it awesome!! I would love to have something like that. But luckily, we do not have stray cats in my neighborhood. Which is surprising since we live right by a park.

As for the neighbor....if she doesn't want paw prints on her precious car then put it in the darn garage!!! If she has so much darn money she should be able to afford to expand her garage if necessary. Ugh, some people!!! I'm very glad your dog is okay too.

03-07-2011, 05:52 AM

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! You've done what I only WISH I could do!!

That shelter is awesome and your cats are beautiful and SO lucky to have you!

03-11-2011, 06:46 PM
My doG: I'm crying here like a blubbering idiot. Those poor kitties who have passed and to those that had a rough start I send many purrs and hugs.

You are a true blessing on this earth. If more people had half has much compassion as you, it would be a better world. I wish I lived closer so I could help you with your quest.

That enclosure is wonderful - the only thing missing is a Welcome mat. :)

04-14-2011, 08:18 PM
Oh, what a wonderful palace for your outdoor kitties! :D I am going to show this to my husband and maybe he will build something similar for our TNR small colony. I worry about them so, as we have lots of (speeding) traffic go by and they insist on crossing the roads.:mad:

We, too, have a next door neighbor that hates all animals, so worry that he may try to poison or trap if one of our cats crosses his property. If he does any harm to any of our "children" I hope he writhes in the torments of hell for all eternity. Sorry to be so mean, but I know what you are up against with your neighbor and I feel strongly that anyone who is so cruel to cats (or any animal) deserves the worst misfortune.

Thank you for sharing, and caring so much about the homeless cats just trying to survive, as I do. My heart went out to Ingrid; her eyes say it all.:(