View Full Version : Pap and Just Overall Life

02-22-2011, 07:31 PM
I have been trying very hard to keep up with all of the posts and esp. the cat general section as well as a few others but it's been so rough lately.

My husband has still been having migraines like crazy and he missed a full month of work and now he's still sick so this is looking like it might be month number 2 but who knows. He is working in a dishroom, they moved him there hoping it would be better for his health and I'm thinking seriously how can this be better for his health when he can't stand loud noises or bright lights, etc. and then they stick him in this area and that makes a lot of noise and he was able to make it to work on sunday for about 8 hours and then yesterday 3 hours and today he couldn't.

I've been trying to do my best to stay calm and think ok it's just short term right now but I'm starting to wonder if it's not short term but it's going to be long term and then who knows what we will do.

Last week my told me about my pap having these spells where he almost passed out and it's been happening for a bit now. So one Sunday my mom and I went back to see him, he lives about 1 hr. 45 mins. away and he was taking about how happens and it scares me so much. I asked him to please call the doctor on Monday and I guess he did call but didn't schedule an appointment.

Tonight my mom called me and told me they were admitting him to the hospital. At first they thought he had congestive heart failure, then they said believe he doesn't. They were able to get his blood pressure down a bit, I guess from what my mom told me it was pretty high when he went in there.

So he's staying till his blood pressure goes down and hopefully they can find out why he keeps getting these spells. I'm so worried about him and then I'm worried about us....it's just so much to deal with and I'm trying to pray hard that things all work out somehow but it just seems like it's so much to deal with at the moment.

I told my mom I would take her to see my pap if anything happens or if she just wants to go back there.

I think I will go up again this weekend though. Life is just so short...my cousin who is 20 something just doesn't think about much...she lives right down the street from my pap and doesn't go down there much to check on him....or cook him supper, etc.

Last year for his birthday I drove back there to take him to KFC for supper with my mom and him. It was so nice getting to treat him and take him out and about.

Anyway, if you could spare some happy thoughts I'd greatly apprecaite it.


02-22-2011, 07:40 PM
Melissa, I'm so sorry to hear that you have so much going on right now. Please know that you, your husband, and your parents will be in my prayers. If it's okay with you, I'll have your family added to the prayer list at my church. You have my full support and positive thoughts. If there's anything I can do to help you through, I'm only a pm away so don't hesitate.

02-22-2011, 09:34 PM
Melissa, sending you some cyber hugs. And praying for you and hubby and pap too.

Doesn't hub's doctor have any suggestions for things to try? Does he need to see a second opinion doctor? Does he have a neurologist? Just tossing out ideas to think about, no need to answer on here.

02-23-2011, 06:35 AM
Melissa, you've got a full plate, that's for sure. Deep breaths. Prayers are continuing for you all. Keep the faythe. :love:

02-23-2011, 08:33 AM
I am so sorry you are dealing with so many serious issues at this time. Many prayers and good wishes for you, your husband, your pap, and all your family.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~,

Pat and Cats

Pinot's Mom
02-23-2011, 09:35 AM
Prayers and {{{hugs}}} from here, too, Melissa. I know it sometimes feels God has abandoned you, but he hasn't, just believe...it's hard; I'm sorry.

02-23-2011, 07:35 PM

Thank you so much for thinking of adding our family to your prayer list at church, I really appreciate it. :)

Thank you so much :)

Freedom -

Well they have given him a few things to try but nothing seems to kick this migraine. He did find another neurologist which is about 35 - 40 mins. away but he seemed like he was caring and I hope he is going to be able to help him out. He did give him another med. to try so hopefully that will work.

I just hope he is able to get back to work soon I can't image having a migraine let alone having one everyday or at least almost that.

Thank you so much for your suggestions and ideas. His doctor told him the other day that she has never seen anyone with so many headaches so who knows..and she won't fill out his FMLA either so we are going to see if his neuro doc. will do it even though we just met him.


02-24-2011, 07:37 AM
Well my pap is still in the hospital but so far they haven't figured out what is going on with.

They did a CT scan of his head Tuesday evening, everything looked great, they did a chest x-ray on Wed. morning things looked good there, they did blood work and everything there checked out pretty well except the calcium was a little higher but that isn't terrible they said. My sister and mom are back there and they said his appeitite was very good so I'm glad to hear that. This morning they are going to run 2 more tests on his heart and if those look good maybe they will release him later today or tomorrow.

I told my mom to call me with the test results so I'm hoping they come out well too but at the same time it's hard because I'd like them to figure out what is causing him to have these spells. This is what my pap says happens to him in these spells, he gets a pounding headache really bad and can't seem to catch his breath, it's hard for him to get oxygen into his lungs but he doesn't have any chest pain he says, he says he looses his vision for a short time period but then it returns.

He hasn't had a spell since being admitted to the hospital.

My husband isn't doing well either, he's still sick, last night he was seeming to do better and was talking about going to work today but then last night he was throwing up again and can't sleep well at all...and he has another migraine again today.

Well I guess that's it for me for today so far.


02-24-2011, 08:08 AM
Melissa, I can't remember if you said your husband was tested for an aneurysm. I don't want to scare you but it might be a good idea to have that checked. A friend of mine had bad migraines daily as your husband does and hers was a brain aneurysm.

02-24-2011, 09:51 AM

He actually had an MRI done and nothing showed up. They are going to do an EEG which is scheduled for the middle of March and an MRA too.

He's had a lot of blood work done, etc. and everything has come back fine. It's just so weird last night he was seeming to do better until late last night.


02-24-2011, 09:59 AM

He actually had an MRI done and nothing showed up. They are going to do an EEG which is scheduled for the middle of March and an MRA too.

He's had a lot of blood work done, etc. and everything has come back fine. It's just so weird last night he was seeming to do better until late last night.


Ok, now I do remember you saying that; sorry that I forgot but I wanted to be sure. I do hope that they can get to the bottom of it all.