View Full Version : Anyone else have computer buddies?

02-22-2011, 05:23 PM
Practically every night, my dear sweet Poppy comes up on the computer desk to be with his meowmie.



Then there are times my handsome Nugget comes for a visit.


When I have to get up to do whatever I have to do, this is what I come back to.


02-22-2011, 06:26 PM
Awwww! Your computer helpers are beautiful!

Laura's Babies
02-22-2011, 07:07 PM
My computer desk is always in such a mess there isn't room for them on it.. Caramella keeps trying and I keep taking her off but they do get in my lap. Sometime I have one in my lap and on in my arms so I have to give up on the computer when they do that...

Your computer buddies are really beauties!!

02-22-2011, 07:28 PM
I love your two computer buddies!:D
I have two computer buddies at my house, Izzy will always stick her fluffy tail up in my face when she sits on the desk between me and my keyboard, Milly will sit on my lap and poke me with a paw if I'm not giving her enough attention.

02-22-2011, 07:32 PM
Groucho doesn't show much interest in the computer though there are times when he'll decide to dance on the keyboard.

02-22-2011, 08:51 PM
Awwww, so sweet!!
I actually do have a computer buddy. Jax will come up to me and pat me on the leg so I will sit back and let him jump up in my lap. He'll either snuggle down on my lap or he'll jump on the desk (on top of papers, he doesn't care) and then suggle down in the crook of my arm. Sometimes I have to scoot up to the desk cuz he lays down and I'm afraid he's going to fall off the desk. So I make a barrier with my body and he lays on my arm. :)

02-22-2011, 09:24 PM
Awwww, how wonderful to have such cute helpers!

smokey the elder
02-23-2011, 07:35 AM
Sometimes I bring my laptop home from work and set it up on the dining room table. Diamond likes to try to order stuff on the Internet (or at least she walks on the keyboard!) She also likes to rub her face on the corner of the monitor.

02-23-2011, 09:40 AM
My Big Tubster Panther comes to see me all the time when I am on the computer!!!

He loves his Potao Chips, Rib Flavored of course:love:

And here are a Panther and Little Orange Lion nipping it up:cool:



They may Scrap but deep down they are Buddies!:love::love:

02-23-2011, 11:50 AM
My computer buddies are Honeybun and Sebastien. Honey and the kitten LOVE to sleep on the laptop when I'm trying to type, lol. I know, I know, they are just trying to help :rolleyes: but it would be much better if they helped by sitting next to me as I was on the laptop, lol.

02-23-2011, 12:41 PM
:love: Oh yes I always have computer helpers.. Mine like to get on my shoulders & watch the computer with me..

:love: Your babies are so Adorable..

02-23-2011, 12:43 PM
When I'm on line, Bob often wobbles his way over and gazes up at me until I pick him up and put him on my lap. (He can't manage the jump himself, and if he were to climb he'd have to dig his nails into my thigh.. no thanks!)

Then he sits there and checks up on me as I read mail, check PT, look at other web sites, and so on..

Lavinia comes and sits on the table next to the computer, so she can do the same observations. She's also real good about getting up and exploring the table top and in the process pushing things OFF the table with her feet!

02-24-2011, 11:37 AM
Pearl is mine. She loves to sit on my lap while I'm on the computer.:)

Too Many Cats
02-24-2011, 11:45 AM
This is Herky.....just one of seven that fight for this spot all the time, lol!


Pinot's Mom
02-24-2011, 12:22 PM
Only if I'm on the netbook, not the PC in the office, do I have company. Pinot is in my lap, and the netbook is on the side table, it works. I have to relate what happened last night, though...

I was modifying two recipes on the netbook to make dinner last night; I had it on the island in the kitchen, kept referring as needed. Pinot will often supervise my kitchen activities from the island, but I don't usually work with the computer in there. At one point, I had my back turned for a bit while working on the stove, I turned around and Pinot was SITTING ON THE KEYBOARD - looking right at me. First, I burst out laughing, then I looked at the screen - no worries, able to get everything back to normal.;) I think she was trying to tell me it was HER island. :D

02-24-2011, 07:18 PM
rg_girlca, what a terrific thread! :D

02-25-2011, 12:09 PM
rg_girlca, what a terrific thread! :D


Here's my computer buddy (and TV buddy, nap buddy, shower buddy.. :D), the problem is that she leaves me with only one hand to type... but I don't mind, in fact, I miss her when she's not around when I'm working :)


02-26-2011, 10:50 AM
Awww, Sophie is just too sweet! :):love:

I was going to post this in the ICHC thread, but thought it would work here:

Zoe likes to be on my lap for a while when I am sitting at the computer. She is small enough! Oscar, although he is at a good weight, is still a BIG cat, and settles for my cluttered desktop, blocking my view of the monitor and wanting to give headbumps!

02-26-2011, 01:53 PM
Thank you all for your replies. I loved reading how your cats join you while you are on the computer and just loved seeing the pictures of the sweet, adorable, handsome, cute kitties also.

LOL!!!!! Candace, that is just too darn adorable and funny. Thanks for sharing that.

02-26-2011, 02:24 PM
When I use the laptop, I am in the Family Room in the recliner. With Willy between my legs, "Left Leg Lacey" on my leg, and Sparkle across my chest, high up under my chin. And somteims Tommy comes and squishes in as well. (The set up in the home office is not conducive to computer buddies. :( )

Just found this online, had to come back to this thread with it (I lookd, thy didn't have any cat ones!) :

02-26-2011, 10:03 PM
Here's an old picture of Blaze sitting on my computer chair. This is when they were still very little and I'd let them into my bedroom while under supervision before their destructive days.;)
