View Full Version : Starving kitties

02-22-2011, 10:02 AM
I come home at different times based on my work schedule. Some days, I'm home at 6:00, others, not til 9:30. Either way, its routine that I give them some food as a snack once I'm home. They meow and trail me like I'm the Pied Piper of cats. Its a parade of cats from the back door to the bedroom (I feed them all in the bedroom due to Callie getting at their food otherwise -- its too high up for her in the bedroom)

Do you kow how many times I come home to poor pitiful straving kitties? Every night. Do you know how many times I go through this dance, only to find there is still food in their bowls from hubby falling prey to their starving kitty dance? 0nce or twice a week.

Now, if they still have food in their bowls, WHY would they tell me they were starving and needed me to feed them?

Silly kitties. :rolleyes:

02-22-2011, 10:07 AM
They are clearly remembering that ONE time you forgot to feed them a snack, and are building up a reserve.

I am the pied piper of cats each am, when I give them a wet food treat. It is actually kind of freaky!

02-22-2011, 10:08 AM
Oh my...poor, starving kitties! The horror. :D

Mine do the same thing. They always have dry food in their bowls but let me get up to get a drink at night and they are meowing like they haven't eaten since last week. Mine seem to like fresh food. They have been wasting a lot lately. I cannot seem to find the right amount to put into their bowls.

02-22-2011, 10:14 AM
They want to reassure you that you are needed?

02-22-2011, 10:30 AM
Honeybun is like that when I get home. If it's just Dave, he doesn't make a peep, but as soon as I walk in the door, MROOOOOWWWW!!! and he just goes on and on and on, lol! I don't know why he doesn't bother Dave, but he saves it all up for me and for when I get home, lol. Silly boy!

02-22-2011, 10:46 AM
My RB Meezer Ming demanded that there be fresh kibble in the bowl at all times. The bowl could just have been filled with fresh food an hour ago, but if he would walk away and then come back and decide to eat more of it, then I would get a good "talking to" and in no uncertain terms, that it was no longer fresh enough for him and he would refuse to eat it. I played his game - but my way - and it worked. I would let him see me take one fresh piece of kibble out of the bag and sit it in his dish. He would smell it and thought the whole bowl was fresh and then would proceed to eat what was in the bowl. He was smart, but I learned how to outsmart him in that department! :p:D

02-22-2011, 11:14 AM
Mine can sure be that way...though Oscar is usually the spokescat announcing that it is time to feed them!

I think my kitties also equate feeding time with attention, which they also love!

Yes, I have poor starving kitties too! :D

Pinot's Mom
02-22-2011, 12:04 PM
I think we need the kitty lawyer here!! :eek:

02-22-2011, 12:09 PM
My RB Meezer Ming demanded that there be fresh kibble in the bowl at all times. The bowl could just have been filled with fresh food an hour ago, but if he would walk away and then come back and decide to eat more of it, then I would get a good "talking to" and in no uncertain terms, that it was no longer fresh enough for him and he would refuse to eat it. I played his game - but my way - and it worked. I would let him see me take one fresh piece of kibble out of the bag and sit it in his dish. He would smell it and thought the whole bowl was fresh and then would proceed to eat what was in the bowl. He was smart, but I learned how to outsmart him in that department! :p:D

Oh that is a good idea! I am going to try the one piece of food and see if it works. Buddy is the spokes-kitty for my three. He loves me up like he hasn't seen me for weeks when I get home from work and I LOVE IT!!!:)

02-22-2011, 01:44 PM
Now, if they still have food in their bowls, WHY would they tell me they were starving and needed me to feed them?

Silly kitties. :rolleyes:

At my house, any food left in the dish when I get home is not acceptable. It is necessary for the food lady (that's me) to remove leftovers and serve fresh food. Preferably from a Fancy Feast can. And at room temperature, and ideally in a dish that has been pre-warmed with hot water. When that is done, I am dismissed! Silly kitty. :rolleyes: The good news is that lately this routine has been preceded by some happy mmrrows, purring and headbumpies, which I love.

02-22-2011, 03:04 PM
I think we need the kitty lawyer here!! :eek:

Dear starving kitties,
Our friends Cassie and Pinot sent me a message at Cat Court about your situation. This clearly sounds like aboose, what else can we call it when you're not fed!

If you would like some legal assistance, call me on my cell phone. I'll represent you pro bono.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

02-22-2011, 03:18 PM
Taz was that way. If I even walked near where his food dish was he was meowing his head off at me. And I learned the trick early on too. I would put just a few pieces in his dish, OR I would pour the food from the dish into another dish and then back into the original dish, mixed with some fresh. :)

Now, for Paizly and Jax they do not meow at me to fill the dish. Jax always has a dish of food in his room. But he prefers to eat Paizly's food. So I do have to check it all the time to make sure there is food in it. He is a PIGGIE!! :p

02-22-2011, 03:51 PM
Now, if they still have food in their bowls, WHY would they tell me they were starving and needed me to feed them?

Why? Because it works, and fresh food is always better, right? And they have you trained, cannot slack off, or you might forget someday when it really IS an eMERgency!

02-22-2011, 04:02 PM
This happens when My Cats sense that I have been to the King's Buffet, or Poco Loco or Sobeys and Metros and they just know that I have something http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/CAT%20FRIENDS%20FURREVER-Scrapblog/CATFRIENDSFURREVER-3.jpg
good for them , and I am going to share.:love::love:
I can stll hear My Michael , My Mister Purr sitting on the Bed MEEEOWING Wheres Mine Dad!!!:love::love::love:

They just want to know that you will do as they ask, whether it makes sense or not.

02-22-2011, 04:53 PM
Why do they do this Kim???? Because they can.:)

Now we need to see more pictures of your poor starving cats.:D

02-24-2011, 11:42 AM
My cats always think that they're starving too. They aren't free fed so they do get fresh food all of the time and canned too. They are so spoiled and they don't even realize it.:) I also get home at various times during the week and they're always right there demanding to be fed. They always eat first and then I eat later. They sure do have me well trained.:)