View Full Version : Dobbie

02-21-2011, 02:09 AM
I've never had a dog longer than I have my baby, Dobbie. Yes, he is named after the house elf on Harry Potter. I've had him since I was 8 and I'm not 18 years old. His papers clearly state that he's suppose to be a Yorkshire Terrier, but he's about 20 pounds too heavy.
He's one of the most amazing dogs I've ever owned. He's so smart. He knows a lot tricks, which never took me longer than 30 minutes for me to teach him. He knows a lot of "human words". Like, he knows what cheese, milk, outside, walk, kitty, quit it, and move all mean.
I've almost lost him quite a few times, actually.
A couple years back, Dobbie and our Great Dane Gimli when for a walk (they always did, we lived in the middle of nowhere). A few hours later Gimli came back, but Dobbie didn't. We didn't think much of it, we thought he would turn up in a few minutes. Hours went by and he never came back. We were kinda worried, but it wasn't dark yet, so we didn't worry about it too much. Then the news came on saying that a tornado was headed in our direction. We all started freaking out then. We searched everywhere for him. Yelled for him, but eventually we had to go inside. The next day the tornado was gone, there were houses torn apart everywhere, trees down, garbage everywhere, but still no Dobbie. I cried for a couple days straight.
About 4 days later we were standing downstairs and it was kinda hot, so we decided to open the door and let some of the cool air in. We were all sitting there and all of a sudden...Dobbie just trots through the door like he was never gone. He was so filthy and covered in ticks. I've never been so happy in my entire life. He's my baby<3
But also thats no the only time we almost lost him.
He's also been attacked by a pit-bull (the reason his ear is limp)
He's been ran over.
We should have named him Lucky.
I love you, Dobbie<3

02-21-2011, 05:45 AM
What an adventurous story, that's what I say. I hope he stays with you for many more years. And hopefully, he'll stay out of trouble. :p And welcome to Pettalk, we'd all love to see all your pets pictures. We're always ready to see pictures and watch videos :cool:;);) Upoad some pictures soon, ok? :)