View Full Version : Lots of new news

02-20-2011, 12:16 AM
I was thinking since a loong time to make a thread about all the new things that happened to me.

Well, our school told us to make a poster on a quotation by a great person. The topic our class was given was, Visiting the Sick. My teacher gave me around 4-5 helpers so they should help me in making the three posters she wanted in 4 days. I was really tired and so I didn't make any or give any orders, so around the next day she asked me about the status of the poster making and the reply from em was 0% and so, I quickly snapped up a poster, some spray markers, pasted a picture, all in boredom and so, later I got to know, IT WAS REALLY A POSTER CONTEST, not poster presentation. :eek: I never knew! And they gave me a trophy and a certificate because there were 8 positions and I came 4th!. There were two 1st positions, two 2nd, two 3rd and two 4th positions. And so, I came 4th in the whole school! :Dhttp://petoftheday.com/talk/picture.php?albumid=386&pictureid=3778http://petoftheday.com/talk/picture.php?albumid=386&pictureid=3779 It was so awesome and guess what. Our class had a play before that I was the narrator. When the principal was giving me the trophy and the certificate;
She said, " You speak really well" http://petoftheday.com/talk/picture.php?albumid=386&pictureid=3779

Later on 17th it was my sister's 4th Anniversary. :) And it was her older son's birthday too! My nephew turned 2. :) And secondly, his younger brother learned to clap. http://petoftheday.com/talk/picture.php?albumid=386&pictureid=3780

Well, my monthly exams finished this Friday and they went pretty well. Thank God, and hopefully my result would be nice. In maths I got: 19.75/25 I guess they are fine.

Right now, my nephew was in my lap and I told him, I'm gonna turn on pettalk, and he was repeatedly saying, pettouk pettouk. And later I was reading a post of Pomtzu, and he say her signature, and he, Tana Kala (What he calls me, actually he means Sana Khala, khala means mother's sister in Urdu) , so he asked me, "Tana Kala yai kiya hay", meaning to say, Sana Khala what is this, I told him doggy, and kept saying doggy, ooohh, doggy. Then he saw Husky_mom's avatar and I told this is auntie, and he memorized, and kept saying auntie, auntie :p

Sorry for the long thread but had a few long news to tell. :p
Thanks for reading.