View Full Version : Anyone dealing with Parkinson's?

02-17-2011, 11:35 AM
Even in a friend or relative.

My mom just got diagnosed in early stages, after not feeling like "herself" for about 2 years. She is 77.

The neurologist told her that because it is late in onset it will progress very slowly, and she won't have any really disruptive symptoms for about 12 years.

Just wanted to hear from anyone who can add more information. She doesn't need meds at this point - and apparently the meds have pretty nasty side effects.


02-17-2011, 12:47 PM
My dad is 88 years old. About a year ago his doc thought he had Parkinsons. He did tests but the tests were inconclusive. The doc wanted my dad to take meds for the disease.

My mom and dad also go to a doctor of naturopathy. They had an appointment shortly after and the DN said, no, dad does not have Parkinsons. She told dad to go to a chiropractor and also prescribed some herbs/supplements which I am not sure what but dad barely has any shaking at all. He does not take the Parkinson's meds and never did. The combination of diet, herbs and going to the chiropractor has cured whatever his issues were.

Like I said, my parents both go to this naturopathic doctor, they are in their late 80's and in very good health as compared to their friends that age.

Hope this info helps!

02-17-2011, 12:59 PM
Catty1, I'm dealing with an offshoot of Parkinson's called Essensial Tremors. I don't have tremors all of the time, however when I have to hold anything in my hands (like eating utensils or a pen or a pencil) my hands shake and tremble badly and I can't sign my name very well any more and I have to drink most drinks with a straw. From the information so far, this could progress to affect my voice and my neck muscles. So far, it's something to put up with, and I hope it it dosen't get serious.

02-17-2011, 03:16 PM
Candace, I 'm sorry your mom has been diagnosed w/ Parkinson's ; but HAVING the diagnosis is a huge step in the right direction.

You may want to check out a forum on Parkinson's. I learned a lot from one when my Dad was diagnosed w/ diabetes. All sorts of medical coverage kicked in, for things like having his toe nails clipped every 9 weeks and Medicare pays for it 100%. The toenails won't be the case for Parkingson's, but you never know what may services may now be available for your mom.

02-17-2011, 03:39 PM
My former pastor has Parkinson's, has had it for years now. He initially retired because of the combination of Parkinson's and crippling Clinicla Depression, as well as I think myesthenia gravis. He is one Parkinsons medications and they have done wonders for him, when he retired he was shaking very badly, and walked with difficulty, yet a couple years later was able to participate in the baptism of his baby grandchildren, even able to hold the tiny babies (twins who were premature, so tinier than normal), and do the actual baptising. The twins will turn 6 next month, and he's still able to walk and do more than he was 12 years ago, when he was first diagnosed.

I know I sent some materials to DavidP from him, David, do you still have them? Were they helpful?

02-17-2011, 04:59 PM
My former pastor has Parkinson's, has had it for years now. He initially retired because of the combination of Parkinson's and crippling Clinicla Depression, as well as I think myesthenia gravis. He is one Parkinsons medications and they have done wonders for him, when he retired he was shaking very badly, and walked with difficulty, yet a couple years later was able to participate in the baptism of his baby grandchildren, even able to hold the tiny babies (twins who were premature, so tinier than normal), and do the actual baptising. The twins will turn 6 next month, and he's still able to walk and do more than he was 12 years ago, when he was first diagnosed.

I know I sent some materials to DavidP from him, David, do you still have them? Were they helpful?

Karen, I know I read them, but I probably lost track of them meanwhile. Karen, maybe you can send them again?

02-17-2011, 06:57 PM
Candace, I don't know anyone dealing with it, so I have no informational feedback for you, but I wish your mother and you both well with it. Hugs and prayers for you both. God bless.
