View Full Version : In rememberance of my Kitty Ash...

02-12-2011, 05:30 PM
It is one year today i lost my Ole Kitty Ash.

I can hardly believe so much time has now passed, here is a pic of the little plaque i had made up for him, sorry was not sure how to zoom in to make it easier to read, it say's IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR CAT ASH 1995-2010.

We are having a nice Roast chicken dinner tonight in the courtyard, Ash absolutely loved Roast chicken, and most of the time we bought one every sunday, more for his sake than our's, he would have done anything for his chicken,he will be right beside us, as we eat tonite and remember him.

Still miss you my ole grey boy,hope you are enjoying your new life at the Rainbow Bridge.:love::love::love:

02-12-2011, 05:59 PM
I am so sorry for your grief at this sad anniversary. Think of all the wonderful times you and your family and Ash all shared. He is not gone from you, he's just waiting for you in another realm.

02-12-2011, 06:11 PM
Thanks phesina, you know i am doing ok today, and doing just what you said, remembering him with love and laughter, time is a great healer, i wish he were still with us, but i know he had a good life and we shared many happy times together,i will raise a glass of chi tonite with dinner to remember him.,thanks again for your lovely comforting words, you always have a way of making people feel so much better.:love::)

02-12-2011, 08:46 PM
Loving memorial for sweet Ash. I know he was thrilled you had chicken in his honor.

02-12-2011, 09:44 PM
Wonderful tribute for your Ash. I know what you mean about time going by so fast. It just hit me tonight how long it's been since Finae has been gone. Brought tears to my eyes, and a pain in my heart.

HUGS to you, Carole. Love the flowers you have there, for Ash.

02-13-2011, 07:04 PM
Thanks, just some artificial flowers, which i can replace when they look a tad scruffy,yes the time sure flies all right,been thinking about him and his little ways, how he used to do floppies on demand for me , and how crazy he went for his chicken,sure miss him.

He is with me every day though, out in the courtyard and i have a lovely small pic on my keyring,and a pic on the mantlepiece, so he is all around us.:)

02-14-2011, 09:53 AM
These anniversaries are always so hard, but they're also bringing back all the good memories... Like Ash's love for "his" chicken, I had to smile when I read that. Maybe he was with you in spirit to enjoy your chicken yesterday... :love:

The flowers for him look beautiful!

02-14-2011, 12:33 PM
Thank you Kirsten, yes i am sure if Ashey boy could jump out of his grave, he would, and chomp on some chicken,yes one just has to think of the good times and remember them with a smile,ash was a real split purrsonality, one minute sweet and cute the next, the lion came out in him, but we loved him.:love::)