View Full Version : Chuck's big adventure - Pictures added post #7

02-11-2011, 12:34 PM
Usually Chip is the one in trouble but this morning Chuck took a walk on the wild side.

He was in the front part of the house with me, Chester and Winnie. I kept hearing unusual noises from the middle room. So, I had to check it out.

There was Chuck on top of a set of metal shelves I have piled with things I don't want the cats to mess with. He got up there but then couldn't move. He was afraid to even turn around.

So, I got my step stool out and went up after him. It was touch and go for us for a while because Chuck is really really big and heavy now. I have trouble getting my arms around him and carrying him. He's bigger than Chester. AND he's only 10 months old.

Winnie was watching all the antics with interest. She was sitting on top of a big plastic tub I keep things in, like my light bulbs. The cat's haven't figured out how to get it open yet.

Any way, I put Chuck beside her so I could try getting off my stool. She proceded to wash his face.

I had to hang on to the shelves because my stiff knees did not want to bend but finally managed to get down.

Chuck is now napping in the kitchen after telling Chip of his adventure. I suppose now Chip will have to try it for himself. :D :love:

02-11-2011, 01:39 PM
I put Chuck beside Winnie so I could try getting off my stool. She proceded to wash his face.

Aww, Winnie! What a cat-mommy thing for you to do! And Chuck, stinker - it is a good thing meowmie was there to help you get down :eek:! I loved reading about your Big Adventure!

02-11-2011, 02:44 PM
It must be the age.... Sebastian is always looking for trouble, and he's about the same age as Chip and Chuck. His latest thing is trying to get up to the cords on the ceiling fan!!! He goes to the top of the tv, to the fireplace mantle, and he just stares at them going back and forth. I can see inside his little head that he wants to jump and grab them, lol.

Kisses and pets to the sweet kitties at your place!

02-11-2011, 02:53 PM
That is the trouble with Cat proofing is that Our Cats is that they will go places and do things that we would never anticipate doing, or going where we never figured that they would have any interest in going.:eek:
Chuck certainly epitomizes the saying about Curiousity and the Cat:love:

02-11-2011, 02:56 PM
Oh my goodness..

Chuck, what a little scamp you are! Winnie must be SOOOO proud!

02-11-2011, 08:42 PM
Good Lord Moff, you could write novels with all the goings-on over there. Glad everyone is safe and sound.

02-12-2011, 08:03 PM
My bro showed me how to copy pics from my camera to my extra drive so I don't need to mess with my old Kodak program.

Here is Chester and his baby bro Chuck

Here is my big baby Chuck. He is aspiring to be a panther I think. He said tell you he really isn't that, um, wide. The camera added 10 pounds. :D

02-12-2011, 08:08 PM
Chuck is gonna be one BIIIIG chunka hunkin' cat! Is he bigger than Chester? :eek:

02-13-2011, 02:32 AM
Wow!!! He sure is a big boy and very handsome too.:) My Alani is also a big boy and I'm sure he's still growing and he won't be 10 months old until Feb.30th.:)

02-13-2011, 12:58 PM
Yep, Chuck is bigger than Chester and still growing. He doesn't eat more than the others. In fact, I give him less wet food then they get. He just blossomed. :D :love:

02-13-2011, 01:10 PM
What a gorgeous boy Chuck is becoming!! Big hugs and kisses for him!! (and of course for the rest of the kitties!!)

02-13-2011, 03:30 PM
What a gorgeous boy Chuck is becoming!! Big hugs and kisses for him!! (and of course for the rest of the kitties!!)

Agree agree agree! More hugs and kisses for Chuck and Chip, Chester and Grandma, Winnie and Angel!