View Full Version : Freaky!

10-31-2002, 07:09 PM
Ah, instead of going out for halloween this year, me and some friends went out to 'scary' places..Anyway, we were at this graveyard, and me and my friend could have swore we some something..I know it sounds stupid, but do any of you believe stuff like that? I think it was my imagination, but its weird how my friend said the same thing..I think I'd need extreme proof before I seriously believe, I'm kind half there and not..Sorry for blabbing, I know its stupid, but it was freaky - yet cool

10-31-2002, 07:21 PM
I like to say that I don't belive in those things, but I would be too scared to go to a cemetary on Halloween just in case I'm wrong.

10-31-2002, 07:34 PM
I have absoloutely no fear of ghosts and that kind of stuff. I would go to the graveyard on any day; Halloween, Friday the 13th, any kind of day! But I am sure that happened to you!

10-31-2002, 08:30 PM
I wouldn't say I'm afraid of ghosts either, its just freaky being in a place like that at night when its dark and you think you see something..could be anything really...Then again I'm really not sure what I believe in :x