View Full Version : Cat Left Outside by Old Owner Anyone Interested? Cat Put To Sleep FELV+

02-09-2011, 12:30 PM
I saw this ad on Craigslist and already e-mailed them. I'm going to check with someone to see if I can get some funding help first and then maybe I can foster this cat for a little while but we will have to see, I just don't have the funds myself right now with my husband being off work and I just don't think it's fair to bring a cat into a situation like that when we have others to provide for.

So what I'm asking for here is if anyone would be interested in taking this cat? I can go out tonight probably and see if it is friendly and find out if it is a male or female. I don't know why this new homeowner can't put the cat in the bathroom or a room or something away from the dog.

I will hopefully find out more information on this cat. Poor thing it's going to be 11 degrees tonight again. I feel terrible.


Here is the ad that I saw on Craigslist:

My friend just moved into a new house. The previous owner's dumped their cat outside when they moved and the poor baby has been crying to get in ever since. My friend has a dog who will not tolerate the cat coming inside and so kitty is crying non stop at the door. It is so cold out and this poor baby just needs a warm place.
I would take the cat in but my last rescue needs to go for surgery that will be setting me back over $1,000 and I don't have the space or money to take this kitty into my home.
The cat appears to be in good health and is friendly. I am waiting to hear from my friend on the details of gender, age, color etc.

If anybody can help out, in anyway or knows of somebody who can, please email me. No cat should be cast out in the cold like that. He/ she must be very confused.

Thank you for reading.

02-09-2011, 12:41 PM
For now, they should set up a warm shelter for the kitty, a box with a cat-sized opening, some blankets for insulation, and make sure the opening doesn't face the wind ...

02-09-2011, 12:59 PM
I asked her why her friend can't put the cat in the bathroom or a spare room for right now and this is the reply I received.

From: Jules
Sent: Wed 2/09/11
To: Melissa

I do not know. She is more an acquaintance than a friend. She used to work at the stable where I board my horses. So I do not know her well enough to pry into it but her boyfriends dog is very aggressive towards cats, apparently and she is very scared the dog will get the cat.
The cat just desperately needs to be out of the cold. I would take the cat but I am at my limit right now (16) and a cat found wandering on Rt45 that I took in last year needs $2,000 of surgeries and vet work. I just can't possibly think about taking on another at this time. Money is very tight for me. I don't even have a spare bedroom available at this time.

02-09-2011, 03:00 PM
WHY are so many people so sickening?

02-09-2011, 03:39 PM
Yeah don't worry talked with my husband and I'm going out after work to try to find this kitty.

Apparently from what I know it's black and white and long hair kitty and answers to kitty kitty.

Wish me luck I hope I find the kitty. I'm going to be keeping it in my bathroom and I'm hoping this weekend I can find it a forever home at an adoption event that I'm attending.


02-09-2011, 04:13 PM
God bless you, Melissa. Hopes and good wishes and prayers that you find this kitty to bring him to safety and warmth and love.


02-09-2011, 04:34 PM
To many people Pets are expendable, especially Cats who are thought to be able to fend for themselves.:mad:
I am trying to take Tommy in.:)
He knows that this is a palce where he can find lots of food so I have a feeling that he may be My New Found Cat.:cool:
We are praying for that Poor Cat.:(:(:(

Laura's Babies
02-09-2011, 09:30 PM
That makes me sick.. Just dump it out in the cold and let the aggresive dog stay in the house... The dog and the boyfriend would be out before my cat!

02-10-2011, 08:21 AM
Last night I went right after work to go to this person's place to see if I could find this black and white cat and when I pulled up I saw a long hair black and white cat go under their garage.

I got my can food out and started calling the kitty "here kitty kitty". The kitty meowed and the cat was just so cute, so pretty. He came over to the can food and just ate away...poor thing was so hungry and I know the people who moved into the house have been feeding him but he was so boney. I got my cat carrier out of my trunk and got him in it with the dry cat food.

He was so friendly a little scared of the car ride but overall did ok. He did have a small accident in the cat carrier but that's ok.

I called my vets to see if they would run a quick combo test before I took him to my house and told them I could be there in 20 mins. and they said to bring the kitty in.

I was so glad they would do that for me. I brought him in and he was talking a little bit and they came out to get him and took him back. He came back out to me and they asked if I was going to wait for the results and I was thinking well they are going ot be normal so I should just head home because I needed to get cat litter, some more cat food, etc. But I decided I would just wait and text a few people that I needed to.

So I waited and the one vet tech came out and told me that he was FELV+. I asked her if she was 100% sure that he was and she said yes. I then asked her if a vet might be available for me to talk to.

The pulled me into exam room #2.

I knew the results and I couldn't take him home with my cats.....so I had to make the hard decision to put him down. With him being skinny already we didn't know if that was the FELV already working against him or not and they gave him a sedative to go to sleep and he went to sleep almost within a minute. Then they came in to do the rest....his veins kept blowing and she couldn't get a good spot at all. They ended up having to give him the drugs in his heart, I was going to leave but I couldn't just leave him regardless. I said my goodbyes and that I was so sorry. I was going to give him so much love and fatten him up.

Poor guy. Rest in peace Mickey. He reminded me of Mickey Mouse and I was going to call him that.

RIP dear sweet kitty kitty, I'm so sorry.


02-10-2011, 09:40 AM
Mickey is now with Our Awesome Angels Army in Hawaii where he will be the Guest of Honor at a Luau!!
Mickey will get the first plate and will have all he wants to eat and lots opf friends to be with forever.
Bkless You for helping Mickey, Melissa, and for seeing that Mickey did not suffer.
He will see you again in Paradise and be Your Friend Forever.
One Fine Day.:love:

02-10-2011, 10:32 AM
Poor kitty...thank God he had you at the end. :(:love:

RIP sweet kitty, free and playing and eternally loved at the Bridge.

02-10-2011, 11:15 AM
I'm so sorry that things turned out this way.:( RIP sweet Mickey.:(

02-10-2011, 01:02 PM
Oh, Mickey and Melissa, I am so very, very sorry.

Mickey, I only wish I could have reached across and done something to give you some of all that you needed so badly after being so cruelly abandoned.

Rest in peace now, you are now being welcomed heartily at the Rainbow Bridge, and you will never be cold or hungry or frightened or abandoned again. And in days to come, One Fine Day for each of us, you will welcome Melissa and me and all the others learning your story and sending you all our hearts' worth.

Here is a candle for you, dear Mickey: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=12653360

Melissa, I am so VERY VERY GLAD you found him and gave him warmth and light and food and love and comfort and peace at the end of his long, long journey.

God bless you both and bring you peace.

:love::love::love::love::love::love::love: and lots of {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~,
Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, and Lavinia

02-10-2011, 04:01 PM
I am so very sorry, Melissa. Bless you, bless the kitty.

Lilith Cherry
02-10-2011, 06:30 PM
So sorry to hear this Melissa... you did your kind-hearted best for him. RIP Mickey

02-10-2011, 07:01 PM
Bless you for helping this kitty. I'm sorry the story had such a sad ending. Rest in Peace Mickey.:(

02-10-2011, 08:13 PM

I'm so sorry you had to make such a final decision. But like you said, it was for the best. You gave him his last meal and you were with him when he went to the Bridge. That's more than I can say for the owners.

You did good. Mickey is now at the RB. He was loved, even if it was for such a short time.

Love and hugs,


04-23-2011, 06:35 PM
If there are typos in this, please forgive me - it's hard to type through the tears for poor abandoned Mickey. But bless you, Melissa, for giving him what he probably never had: love. He left Earth knowing that - finally! - someone loves him and cares. So many must make their transitions alone and unknown; you gave him a very great gift, and I hope that the Creator will bless you for it.

One thing: If ever you have another positive FeLV test, ask for a second one to be sent to Antech. Althea was tested a few years ago when she became anemic, and my doctor called to tell me the test was positive. My heart sank. But Mike being the thorough vet that he is, he asked me to bring her in for another test, which he sent to Antech; they not only have more sophisticated equipment, they also have vets who will work with your vet if need be. Althea's second FeLV test, at Antech, was *negative*, so we knew that she does not have FeLV! From the condition poor Mickey was in, it's hard to say; maybe he had it, maybe he didn't. For sure, he doesn't have it now: he's living in Love, gloriously alive, perfect healthy, and blissfully happy. And it is *you* for whom he waits - you who proved your love. May the Creator bless you mightily.