View Full Version : Seeing "something" That You Don't

02-09-2011, 12:10 PM
The other day I noticed Smokey looking at something in the next room.
He was wagging his tail slowly back & forth. Kind of a "how are you? sort
of wave & he was smiling and very relaxed. I panicked for a minute thinking
someone had come into the house & I hadn't noticed. When I got up from
my chair to go look, there was nothing there. No cats, nothing.

It was kind of spooky really. Did you ever had this experience with any of your dogs?

02-09-2011, 03:27 PM
Wow. Animals are VERY perceptive. I wouldn't rule anything out. It could very well be that there was a pet that passed while in the house, and his spirit haven't passed over yet.

I never rule anuthing like that out. I'm always being visited by the spirits of my RB pets. It's very comforting.

02-09-2011, 04:51 PM
It's not at all uncommon to happen in this house. Years ago, one of my Lhasas was very perceptive, and "saw" my little terrier who had recently passed. She would be drawn to the spot where the missing dog always loved to lay, and just stare at it for quite some time, and quite frequently.
Both Myndi and Sparky have frequently seen "something" here also. It used to happen quite frequently, and always in my bedroom. They would be in a deep sleep, and then suddenly wake and stare at a particular spot - usually on the wall or the ceiling. Can't chalk it up to senility or a vivid imagination, since they both did it and usually at the same time. Haven't been any strange occurrences in quite some time, tho.
Yes Asiel - it was most likely "Freddy". :p

02-09-2011, 05:06 PM
Yes, A few months ago LilGirl dog was barking at "something" in the den. She was standing in front of the television which was not turned on and just barking at it. The first thing I thought of was that movie (the name escapes me) where a little girl looked in tv & could see people & said "they're back" or something like that. I got a wierd feeling and frankly felt a little uneasy. I finally decided that somehow she was seeing HER reflection in the tv... dont know if she was or not... but it made me feel better to think so. Kay in NC

02-09-2011, 06:17 PM
My RB Mandy acted like she saw something in the house a few times. Watch the show on Animal Planet called The Haunted (I think)
It's about pets 'seeing' ghosts!:eek:

02-09-2011, 06:36 PM
As I have heard and read, animals can see a lot of stuff we can't :eek::eek::eek: There are spooky ghost like creatures they can see but not us, genies, creepy creepy.... :eek::eek:

I live near a graveyard, wondering if my doggy, O.D. sees anything :confused::eek::eek:

02-09-2011, 06:40 PM
"The Haunted" creeps the crap out of me!

Mikey sees and hears pretty much everything. Sometimes I like to think he sees ghosts or something cool and he'll be barking at a shadow or reflection on the ceiling. I don't rule out anything though...so I'm sure he can see some paranormal stuff. Sassy used to bark at this one corner of the room but I've never seen or heard anything to strange in my house.

02-09-2011, 06:45 PM
"The Haunted" creeps the crap out of me!

Ha ha! I can't believe I'm brave enough to watch it!:eek:

Scooter's Mom
02-09-2011, 07:02 PM
I had a dog once, Spunky, who would sit and watch one spot in our little hallway for hours... and he'd pounce at the carpet in that spot too. We always told him to tell his ghost friend to sit down so he could go sit somewhere more comfy.

02-09-2011, 07:44 PM
Ha ha! I can't believe I'm brave enough to watch it!:eek:

I just watched an episode on Youtube, never again. ;) I don't even get why the show is on animal planet it isn't exactly centered around dogs!

02-09-2011, 08:05 PM
I just watched an episode on Youtube, never again. ;) I don't even get why the show is on animal planet it isn't exactly centered around dogs!

Most all the shows I've seen have involved dogs, cats or horses. They seem to be the ones that pick up on the ghosts.;)

02-09-2011, 08:28 PM
The only time I've ever noticed that is one time that Molli was staring at something in the room and was absolutely terrified. She would hide behind me in my bed and look at one spot in the room, doing a low growl. She did it for several minutes until she finally decided she'd hide under the sheets to sleep. Let me tell you I was scared to DEATH! And I'm a skeptical person about "ghosts", but that night was just creepy.

02-09-2011, 10:46 PM
Happened to me twice once my cousins yorki was spending the night in my room and for no reason she faces a corner in my room started growling and barking and looking back at me then back at the corner.
2nd time zeus was barking mad at night i went out to check what's going on fearing someone broke into the house turned out he was barking at nothing but he was very very upset ears flat, hair on his back and tail up growling showing teeth.
it scared me the 1st time it happened but it doesn't anymore

02-10-2011, 12:34 AM
I've had a few funky human experiences with spirits, and since animals are more perceptive, I don't doubt it for a millisec.

02-10-2011, 09:44 AM
It was a pretty spooky experience. I was sitting at the dining room table
and facing the opposite way of Smokey who was staring into the kitchen.
I know he wouldn't greet a stranger in such a relaxed manner, so it really
had me going there for a few minutes.

I told myself it must have been Buddy checking up on me.:) That made me
feel better about the whole thing, but I don't know if I want to have this
happen very often.Too strange.

02-10-2011, 10:04 AM
Months ago there was a noise in my house that woke me up. When I turned on the bedroom light, Autumn was sitting up almost asleep but looking directly at the wall. I honestly think the one pet rat that went to my new apartment with me but died soon after is living as a ghost in the apartment. He was very clingy with me and I sometimes feel something little crawling on my bed at night and laying down by my side, and he did that once when he escaped his cage long ago.