View Full Version : Really strange question

02-07-2011, 08:39 AM
Ok, I know this is going to sound weird.....

I noticed Pouncer has never been healthier since Allen passed. I expected a major backslide for him because we're always rushing him to the vet after a stressful event in the house. I even saved a couple hundred dollars for the inevitable vet visit. If there was ever a stressful event, his best buddy's passing would be it. But no, he's absolutely healthy and happy. In fact, healthier and happier than ever.

Remember way back when I had a psychic reading - she said he's very empathetic. I wonder if he was trying so hard to cover up Allen's peeing that he created his own medical condition. Pouncer was ALWAYS sick. I felt just awful for my boy. But since Allen's passing, he's absolutely perfect. I really wonder if Allen was his reason for all the stressed-out sickness.

Link to the reading from 2006

Is this such a weird concept?

02-07-2011, 09:28 AM
I had never thought that Ctas could be that emphatic , but we really do not know what really makes our Cats tick, not really.:rolleyes:
We are so glad though that Yoour Pouncer is all right and that he seems to be over the worsty of his medical isues!!
I know My Pouncer Angel is especially happy.:love:

02-07-2011, 11:45 AM
Well whatever is now causing Pouncer to be happier and healthier, I hope it'll continue.:) It's hard to keep a home stress free.

02-07-2011, 03:04 PM
When it comes to cats, I'd believe it. They are very 'deep' creatures, I don't think we understand the half of it with them.

I am glad he is so healthy now!

02-08-2011, 07:42 AM
When it comes to cats, I'd believe it. They are very 'deep' creatures, I don't think we understand the half of it with them.

I agree. I always knew Pouncer was a special boy, but he is now prooving it in an amazing way. He's absolutely blossoming! I feel so guilty that maybe Allen made him sick all these years... while conversely he was his best buddy. I know Pouncer loved Allen. They were always together snuggling. But I suppose its like human relastionships where we love people who also constantly stress us out.