View Full Version : Wild About Harry

02-07-2011, 01:54 AM
Please, please, PLEASE compile and publish a book of your photographs of handsome :love: Harry!!! I'd certainly buy it! Do you have a website? Harry is quite an interesting character and obviously very intelligent. Congratulations to T.H.E. Cat (oh yes, he had a T.V. show), aka Harry, on being chosen as THE Cat of the Day!

02-07-2011, 03:01 AM
Harry what a wonderful photo assistant and companion you are. I am a little envious as I would love to live with you in a canyon in Northern Arizona.
Be always careful when going outside, please, handsome boy.
You remind me of our Tigris.

02-07-2011, 04:13 AM
Harry is so GORGEOUS!!! He looks like a model himself!! I hope he has a fantastic day being today's special cat :love:

02-07-2011, 09:20 AM
Wnhat a Big Handsome Cat you are Harry , and you certainly chosethe right home to go to when those coyotes were after you.
It is sad that you may have been the only survivor of your family, but at least you did survive and have found a sanctuary with your Guardian.
We do hope and pray that your best friend and Photographer will like Our Friend from Germany Kirsten send lots and lots of Great Photos of You Harry so that we can all enjoy your Handsome Face.

02-07-2011, 09:35 AM
Please be careful about letting Harry outside; after hearing about him losing his family to coyotes, do you think it's good to let him out also? Anyway, he is very cute and smart, and I hope you have him for a long time to come.

02-07-2011, 09:47 AM
I used to live in Prescott myself and coyotes went through the street and/or back yard frequently. I learned by observation that they do not keep "night" hours, but are still hunting on their way back to the den up to a couple hours past dawn. They have no issue about walking right up to your doorstep, either. (Our cats were safe in the house.) Small pets are simply not safe outdoors unattended.

Consider building Harry a totally enclosed "run" so that he might enjoy the out-of-doors safely or take him out on a lead ... and may he enjoy many more 'minutes of fame' !

02-07-2011, 12:07 PM
:love:Hi there Harry! What a nice model you are! You trust your purrent to carry you around on the box..my cat allows me to carry her to various window seats on her cat post! Have a Happy COTD :)

02-07-2011, 12:40 PM
Harry what a gorgeous fellow you are!!! :love:

I loved seeing your pictures and reading about you. You are quite a character, aren't you? As a studio cat, you must have lots of adventures. I hope you are being spoiled rotten today.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our very special Cat of the Day!!! :D :love:

02-07-2011, 01:16 PM
Happy Cat of the Day, handsome Harry!:)

Oh how I enjoyed reading your human's most entertaining tribute to his/her best bud! I have to believe that it was more than mere serendipity that led you to your forever human, Harry! Strikingly handsome, preciously precocious, photogenic feline meets equally quirky, incredibly talented photographer in the wilds of Northern AZ! Mere coincidence? I think not!:D I can't stop looking at that amazing shot of you gazing up at your hanging art, pondering the meaning of it all; cat critic, indeed!

What a wonderful team you and your person make, Harry, and I too hope to see and read more about your precious self, be treated to more of your very talented human's stunning photography (with "studio cat" as the main subject, of course)! So, get on that book!:)

Congrats and lots of love and a big hug to you on your much deserved day celebre, precious Harry!:love::love::love:

02-07-2011, 01:40 PM
Hi handsome Harry!
It's been a little difficult for me to write this message for you because every time I see your photo I melt down... ;)

Congratulations on your special day sweetheart!!
Love and lots of kisses :love::love::love:

02-07-2011, 02:35 PM
Hello Harry; It's a pleasure to meet you. What a handsome smart boy you are! I enjoyed reading about you and your human. I can tell you are loved and hope you all are together for many years. Congrats on being COTD!

Human: I agree with Mitzee who suggested you build Harry an enclosed run for him out of doors or take him out on a lead. I would be worried a coyote might get him. Anyway it was good to read about Harry... Kay

02-07-2011, 03:31 PM
Please, please, PLEASE compile and publish a book of your photographs of handsome :love: Harry!!! I'd certainly buy it! Do you have a website? Harry is quite an interesting character and obviously very intelligent. Congratulations to T.H.E. Cat (oh yes, he had a T.V. show), aka Harry, on being chosen as THE Cat of the Day!

I would too! Harry, I enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading about you! When you were a wee kitten, you definitely selected the right forever home! Happy Cat of the Day!

02-07-2011, 06:23 PM
Hey there, if you are ever out at night and see the flower lady, please stop me and tell me who you are.
I have never seen a cat from my hometown on here before.
Harry is a cutie.
I would love to see your "practice" pics.

02-07-2011, 09:58 PM
Dear Friend,
I thoroughly enjoyed your treatise on Harry. You writing skills are wonderful, truly, and I can see where you might have a book on your life with Harry in the offing.
However, there was one thing which gave me concern and that is Harry's morning habit of going outside. It's been said cats should never go outside, ever, because there are just too many things which can happen to a cat when they do. City life has it's own dangers but living in "the high lonesome" as you do, there are myriad numbers of dangers your Harry could encounter; please bear with me while I list a few- the coyotes you mentioned earlier which you suspected had killed Harry's family; hawks and eagles; bobcats; cougars; bears (?); venomous reptiles and arachnids of various kinds; feral dogs, etc. I'm sure I've missed some. I just ask you to reconsider your allowing Harry to go outside. He's much less prone to internal parasites, too. The plain fact is, indoor cats live longer. All the kitties I've had which lived inside exclusively had long lives, one as old as 17 and I have one now who is going on 16. Harry may miss going out for a while but he'll be a lot safer for it. That's all I have to say about that... :)
You're very blessed to have Harry, and he to have you. May the Lord bless you for your heart for him and for taking good care of him.
Take care and thanks for sharing your wonderful Harry with us. Harry reminds me of a kitty I had in the 1970's and 1980's, a big, gray tabby named "Humphrey". I lost Humphrey to bone marrow cancer in 1987 and if I think on him much even now, I can get wet-eyed over him. He was a very special kitty, like Harry.
My love to all in my Lord Jesus,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky

02-08-2011, 09:49 PM
What an awesome story about Harry! What a cool, intelligent cat!
Harry is handsome, and his pics are great! The one of him looking at the art piece is too cute!
I hope everyday is COTD for Harry! :love::love::love:

02-09-2011, 05:46 AM
Harry, you are one beautiful boy and your human has shown you to best advantage with his photographic artistry. How could anyone doubt your intelligence Harry, after reading all the amazing things you do! Please be extra-smart and stay away from those coyotes. Harry, you have the best of both worlds: life of a well-loved pet and meaningful work at the studio. You are a great COTD, Harry, and I hope you have many more years with your loving family.

Choko Mario
02-09-2011, 02:09 PM
Harry there is nothing better than a happy union between camera, loving owner and Beloved cat! Thank you for kindly sitting on the set while your owner gets that lighting right! ...and fills the frame with you! Please grace the world with more skilled photograph portraits of yourself-your human sure blocked that shot of your eyes right; was he using one of his favorite potrait lenses? we would love to know!