View Full Version : What was your first impression of your dog?

02-05-2011, 10:15 PM
My first impression of Mikey...? He was a lovable psychopathic freak. I loved him in an instant. I knew he was right for my family.

My mom's first impression..? He got out of the car and proceeded to diarrhea all over the lawn. She had to hose off the grass while I took him inside. She walked inside a minute later to find me cleaning up his pee. :p Oh boy, the way she tells it is hilarious. She admitted later that she LOVED him the minute she saw him. LOL.

So what was your first impression of your pup(s)?

02-06-2011, 08:47 AM
I thought they were both the sweetest little puppies in the world! It was love at first sight!!

02-06-2011, 09:27 AM
I thought my LilGirl was (and is) so sweet and smart. At the owner's house, I picked her up and held her like a baby, on her back, and she didnt mind and she was so social, so friendly with wagging tail. Then I put her down and little puppy proceeded to walk over and use the pee pad. THAT made up my mind--the fact that she was house / paper trained, friendly, and just adorable. In an emergency she still uses pad or newspapers but most of the time we go outside. She prefers to go to bathroom outside. She is such a sweet loving friendly little dog and likes everybody. I love my LilGirl.

Here is photo taken in Sept 2008; it's her first day home with us. Kay in NC

02-06-2011, 10:01 AM
When I first saw Smokey he was 9 weeks old & I thought he was
the sweetest baby ever.:love: Couldn't resist those soulful eyes.:)

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b7d736b3127ccec277278d93bb00000010O08AZuW7Nm2ZtQ e3nww/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/

02-06-2011, 11:19 AM
Zoee was 3 1/2 months old when we got her. Bruce went to the breeders to choose between her and her red tri sister. He called me and said he's bringing the one with two different colored eyes home. I said "what about the other one?". He said "she's cute, but I'm bringing home the other one". LOL
When I got home and saw her she was the cutest thing ever! She was pretty calm for a puppy, especially a herding breed. She had a silly personality. Now she is a mess of a dog. Anxious, nervous and barks at everything. But I still love her to death. :D

The first time I saw Taggart outside the "condo" at the shelter I knelt down in front of him and he laid his head in my lap. That was it! He was mine! I went home and told Bruce and we went to the shelter the next day to get him. Bruce just saw him through the window and said "ok, let's do it".
Taggart is the goofiest dog I've ever seen. He's mellowed out since we got him, but he's still a goofball. When people come over everyone loves Taggart. Sometimes I feel sorry for Zoee so I give her extra loves.

02-06-2011, 12:03 PM
When I first saw Smokey he was 9 weeks old & I thought he was
the sweetest baby ever.:love: Couldn't resist those soulful eyes.:)

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b7d736b3127ccec277278d93bb00000010O08AZuW7Nm2ZtQ e3nww/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!

02-06-2011, 03:20 PM
When I first saw Foxy she was tethered outside at the shelter. Every time I would walk past she would get down real low and try to be invisible. She was so shy, scared, and nervous my heart broke for her and I took her home! She almost escaped out of the car a few minutes after we got her, but were able to grab her before she got all the way out. She is still scared of those she doesn't know but I love her anyway!

02-06-2011, 05:49 PM
I didn't really want Autumn but she was cuter than I expected and I knew from the moment I picked her up that she was mine and I couldn't wait for the lady to stop talking to my mom and leave me to my dog.

02-06-2011, 06:14 PM
The first time I saw Molli she was 3 days old. Of course then I didn't know I was going to have her, but I remember thinking she's so TINY! When we brought her home she was this adorable little poof ball.
My first impression of Sam was CUUUUUTE! He was just this little 9 week old puppy with his signature "ever wagging nubby". lol He was so cute.
First time I saw Springen, my brother had him down in the basement to surprise me. I knew he was going to look at him to adopt, but didn't know he had adopted him! He was BIG! He was much smaller than he is now, I just wasn't used to such a powerful dog. I loved his cute wrinkled forehead. lol

02-06-2011, 06:27 PM
Love at first Sight Koko was about 5 months old when this angel walked out of my woods and into my heart. This little pup was sent from above and I thank God every day for his blessing.

02-06-2011, 06:30 PM
Love at first Sight Koko was about 5 months old when this angel walked out of my woods and into my heart. This little pup was sent from above and I thank God every day for his blessing.

Have we heard this story before? I sure would love to! :D

ALL these pics are absolutely adorable by the way, keep them coming!

Suki Wingy
02-06-2011, 07:03 PM
I was ten, we pulled up to the humane society which is right downtown. I looked in and saw him in his kennel through the window and showed my mom but I didn't think much of him other than he was just a random dog. When the behaviorist showed him to us however, I liked him a lot. :) He was around 6-8 months and was smelly and dirty and had poop stuck to his leg.

02-06-2011, 08:00 PM
Hello, Earlier I told you about choosing LilGirl puppy in Sept 08. Now I'll talk about Annie who was a stray & just appeared in the yard in May 06.

My first impression, to be honest, was to hope she would go away because I did not need or want another dog (I had a little housedog Honey) & I didnt know if she was friendly or if she would hurt Luke or Honey dog (Honey died 2008). The next day she was still here. We were outside with cat & dog when she slowly came up, stood, wagged her tail, & made no attempt to hurt anybody. She was so skinny & covered in ticks & I felt sorry for her & decided she could stay. I named her Annie for Little Orphan Annie. She's been here since May 06 & is a wonderful sweet dog & we love her. ... Kay in NC

Here's Annie.

02-06-2011, 11:31 PM
Cody was in the whelping pen with his sibs. They were all so adorable and tiny and fluffy at 5 weeks old. My friend who drove mom and me to her sister's house, leaned over the pen, clapped her hands and said "Come puppy", and Cody was the only one who wobbled over to us. Viola! First impression? Brillant and adorable of course!! ;)

I went from cage to cage at the SPCA, commanding "sit", and no dog did but Mz Logan! Then she laid down when I asked her to. I loved her Cleopatra eyes, everything about her. She was so confused but obedient and beautiful (and housebroken!) I was so impressed by her. I swore I wouldn't let her into my heart like I did Cody, but that lasted about 2 minutes! She's still smart and beautiful...obedient...when she wants to, with a mischievious gleam in her eye, the little sneak.

02-07-2011, 08:17 AM
With Roxey it was love at first sight. When I picked her up she snugged against me. I knew she was our girl!

Impression of Huney, scared. But I knew we couldn't leave her out to fend for herself. She's been the best dog ever!

Bon was scared and timid but he was the brindle we wanted. Should have known he'd be the big turd he is;) but we love him any way!

02-07-2011, 11:42 AM
Maggis was 3 1/2 mos old when I adopted her. I first spotted her at a
Petsmart adoption event. When back twice to see her again.:) Took Smokey
to meet her & it was a great success. I loved her optimism, spunk and her
unique coloring. She has brown streaks on all four feet.:) She is such a
sweet, sweet girl.:love:

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b7d736b3127ccec2771c6f52ec00000010O08AZuW7Nm2ZtQ e3nww/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/

02-07-2011, 12:07 PM
When I gave my Aunt her dog back I knew I couldn't live anymore without a dog in my house. My Aunt's dog was an Alaskan Malamute and he was so wonderful that my hubby wanted to get one like him. We went on petfinders.com and did a search for an Alaskan Malamute.. We ended finding Tippy almost an hours drive away. My husband said I've prayed about the dog and when we get to the shelter if he comes to us then he's the dog for us but if he doesn't than he's not the dog. When we got to the shelter Tippy was in the next to the last pen. When we got there the Shelter worker said "Tippy you have company she opened the pen and Tippy came running out like a bumble bee with his tail on fire. He ran and jumped as high as he could to me and then did the same to my husband and back to me. My husband was looking scared. I laughed and said I guess Tip got the memo from the angel because he met your requirements. My impression was that this is one hyper dog. He was still a puppy only 4 months. Oh and I don't think he has any malamute at all in him:D. I use to love to watch him run in the yard. He would run so fast that he would start to roll down the hill. He is the perfect dog for us. He get's plenty of exercise and has calmed down a lot. Sorry for being so long.

02-08-2011, 09:15 AM
My first impression of Taggart? Eh, I wasn't too overly impressed, to be honest.

There are more sheep than people in my home country, so naturally the majority of dogs there are sheepdogs/border collie lookalikes. So yeah, appearance wise he was pretty generic.

And when I walked him from my friends car up to my apartment, he pulled the leash and was generally over excited and impossible to connect with. So again, I was not too impressed with his manners at all! To top that off, first thing he did when he got into the apartment was to mark on the wall :rolleyes:

Generally he was hyperactive and clingy and had no manners whatsoever.

He hasn't changed much over the years either, lol.

02-09-2011, 11:29 AM
On January 20, 2009, about 3 PM, I was sitting at the Breakfast Table, drinking a cup of Coffee. Yea, that's a little late in the day for Coffee for me, but, during winter, I do that.

As I looked across the lawn, having sprinkled some seed out for the Jay's and corn for the Squirrels, I saw absolutely the cutest little tan and black furball I had ever seen, running across the lawn toward a Squirrel. The little guy was bounding over the longer grass, which we leave long during the winter months, and by the time he got to where the Squirrel was, it was long gone.

It had been over ten years, since I lost my last dog to Parvo. Suffering so much from that, I professed that I would NEVER have another, dreading the eventually of dealing with the grief, from another loss.
That grief remains still.

But, when I saw him turn and look over at me, it was love at first sight, and it wasn't just me, thinking like that.

As the time has passed, that love has turned to adoration, and when I look down, and see him looking up at me, I really believe he knows that.

02-09-2011, 12:09 PM
When I went to go pick out a puppy I had the choice between 5 male bassets. I kinda wanted one with more white, but this cute little guy with the most red caught my eye sleeping away. I picked him up and he curled into my lap and looked up at me then fell asleep. Just like saying "ok you can take me home". I was sold at that moment. The little look he gave me and the little puppy sigh that he did then fell asleep:love: I wrote the check for him with him still in my lap:p
This is a picture at the breeders right after he looked at me then fell asleep.
now could anyone leave that smooshy face basset puppy?;)