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02-04-2011, 10:54 PM
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/2011/02/04/2011-02-04_bullied_middle_schooler_nadin_khoury_gets_surpr ise_on_the_view_from_eagles_star_.html

Bullied middle schooler Nadin Khoury gets surprise on The View from Eagles' star Desean Jackson

By Nina Mandell

Friday, February 4th 2011, 3:12 PM

DeSean Jackson may not be in the Super Bowl, but for one Philadelphia boy, the wide receiver is this year's MVP.

Jackson surprised Nadin Khoury, a Pennsylvania middle schooler who made national news when videos emerged on YouTube of him being bullied, Thursday on "The View."

Nadin appeared on the show to raise awareness about bullying after his story shocked the nation. But meeting Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg paled compared to the guests they brought out for him.

Upon seeing Jackson, Jamaal Jackson and Todd Herremans, the middle schooler and his family immediately broke into tears, then stood up to greet the boy's idols.

"I was sitting in the back room and seeing the video, and I just wanted to say you're brave," Jackson told the star-struck 13-year-old. "Because people go through this every day and are not brave enough to take this on."

He then took his Eagles jersey off, signed it and gave it to Nadin.

"Anytime you need us, I got two lineman right here," he said. "Anything ever happen again, you let us know, we got you."

Nadin composed himself enough to thank the players and tell Jackson, "You're my favorite player of all time."

The players also promised to get Nadin's family passes to games the next season.

The gesture earned Jackson and the players plenty of praise from around the country. But on his Twitter page, Jackson redirected the praise to the brave 13-year-old, who is likely to never take off his new jersey.

"Nadin is the real deal," he tweeted. "He's doin' his best."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/2011/02/04/2011-02-04_bullied_middle_schooler_nadin_khoury_gets_surpr ise_on_the_view_from_eagles_star_.html#ixzz1D3bfB8 dH

02-04-2011, 10:56 PM
Bless DeSean Jackson, and Nadin as well.

02-05-2011, 11:31 AM
How wonderful.

02-05-2011, 05:09 PM
I was outraged when I saw the video of what happened to this boy on the Philadelphia news. His mother would not even let his face be shown at the time - scared of what more could possibly happen to him.

The ones responsible for this outrageous and cruel act, need to be strung up in a tree too - not hanging from a piece of clothing, but hanging from a piece of their anatomy.

Good deed done by a couple of Eagles. :) Perhaps I can watch a game next season, in spite of the fact that I have boycotted them because of the one member of the team that soured me against them. Dog lovers know who I mean...........:mad:

02-05-2011, 05:39 PM
Great story! Wish we heard more of these about the NFL and less of the Michael Vick, Ben Rothlisberger variety. You can be a superstar athele and still a good person. Just try!

02-05-2011, 06:30 PM
I've been bullied before, but not that that extent thank god.

I cannot understand the mentality of these kids. I mean, we've all hurt someone's feelings before by saying something, but to physically beat, drag and hang a person on a tree...What is wrong with people? I'm so glad they were arrested. I cannot imagine video-taping something like this and laughing at it.

As for this story, it's a fantastic one and it makes me happy that people are becoming more educated on this topic.

02-05-2011, 07:13 PM
How do these bullies get raised? What in their upbringing leads them to think that abusing others like this is acceptable behavior?

Where were/are the parents? And what are they now saying about their sweet little dears who tortured Nadin? Boys will be boys? All kids do this?