View Full Version : Nebo is a U2 fan

10-31-2002, 12:28 PM
I've never seen Nebo really pay any attention to the TV at all. But today I was watching a tape of U2 music videos and he perked right up...he seemed very interested in it. Then I started singing to him and he barked then licked my face. lol. :D So I declare Nebo an official U2 fan!! hehe :D

Anyone else have music loving pooches?

10-31-2002, 12:47 PM
Smokey likes it when my exboyfriend plays guitar.
And he does go up to the speakers on my radio when he hears something interesting and does the head side-to-side thing.

Our cat gets totally freaked out by the Marilyn Manson "Sweet Dreams" cover. She HATES it!

10-31-2002, 12:53 PM
Congratulations Amy! Your U2 brainwashing of Nebo is a success! The other day I was watching the new Electrical Storm video and I was thinking about you and Nebo for some reason and I realized that if you changed the "e" in Nebo's name to an "o" and rearranged it a little you would have the name Bono! Tell me you never thought of naming him that, right! (actually I think ChrisH has a bird she named Bono but had to change it to Bonnie when she found out it was a girl!):)

10-31-2002, 01:05 PM
Jake doesn't pay much attention to music, but he has a thing for Angelina Jolie. When Tomb Raider came out, she was always on promoting the movie. Jake would stop what he was doing and watch the TV. It was weird.

10-31-2002, 01:08 PM
Earle is named after Steve Earle. I'm an obsessed fan! He will howl along to Copperhead Road!

10-31-2002, 01:31 PM
Bobbie pays no attention to music. But if you sing to Chester he hops up and down until you grab his front paws and dance with him. It is so cute. :D

10-31-2002, 01:47 PM
Or mabey he was just saying... "Mom! Turn that crap off!!!":D

10-31-2002, 02:10 PM
What a good taste in music Nebo has! :D ;)

10-31-2002, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Or mabey he was just saying... "Mom! Turn that crap off!!!":D

KayAnn, don't make me kill you.........:D Seriously.....call U2 crap again and you're gonna get it! Don't make me tell you what I think of Nelly!!! lol ;)

Originally posted by Vermontcat Congratulations Amy! Your U2 brainwashing of Nebo is a success! The other day I was watching the new Electrical Storm video and I was thinking about you and Nebo for some reason and I realized that if you changed the "e" in Nebo's name to an "o" and rearranged it a little you would have the name Bono! Tell me you never thought of naming him that, right! (actually I think ChrisH has a bird she named Bono but had to change it to Bonnie when she found out it was a girl!)[/B]

I haven't seen the Electrical Storm video yet! I don't have cable! :( I'm going to order that dvd single with the video and pics on it off of amazon.co.uk soon. Why they can't just EVER release the cool singles in the U.S. is beyond me! Ugh. LOL LOL well the "Bono" name crossed my mind, but somehow I couldn't compare him to a dog, lol. Just doesn't seem right. :D

Watching those videos has got me on a U2 hunt again.....there is nothing left in the stores for me to buy that I don't have, so I guess I'm going to have to go back to my addiction......ebay! :eek:

10-31-2002, 03:17 PM
Ok looks like I'm going to make both of you kill me, but I HATE both Nelly and U2. :p................................................ ....................................Yes really, I do!!! :p LOL! LOL! LOL! :D:D:D

10-31-2002, 04:00 PM
Randi, you took the words right out of my mouth!

What a good taste in music Nebo has!

Vermountcat wrote
..actually I think ChrisH has a bird she named Bono but had to change it to Bonnie when she found out it was a girl!
That is true, but somehow it never entered my head to name my dog Bono, not sure why! Just as well really cos Bob, unlike Nebo, doesn`t show the slightest interest in U2`s music...or come to think of it, any music at all! :D

10-31-2002, 05:41 PM
I swear Anna likes Garth Brooks. She always seem to howl everytime I play "Two Pina Coladas".. haha..