View Full Version : Diego and the Fire Alarm Testing - Today's the Day

Queen of Poop
01-31-2011, 04:55 PM
As you all probably recall Diego is on Prozac because last March when the other building in my condo complex burned down our fire alarms went off for about 5 hours. He's been a wreck since then and Cali has suffered for it. He's now on the highest dose of Prozac a cat can have and he's doing ok. HOWEVER.....on February 10 the building is doing fire alarm testing starting at 8:30 am. Now if I didn't have to be there to let dude in to ensure the alarm is making noise in my unit I'd simply take both kitties for a car ride till the testing is over. I called the vet to see if they could provide sedation for him and they will, but he will still hear the noise. Not like I can stuff his cat ears full of cotton. They also said that I could leave him with them until the testing is over. But since he was so stressed (hissing, growling, etc.) at our visit just a couple of weeks ago for shots I'm not sure that is the best plan either. If I could count on good weather I'd put him in his kennel on the deck so at least he'd be away from the source of the racket, but considering it's very cold here now I can't count on that as an option.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

01-31-2011, 04:58 PM
Put him in a carrier, put that in the car, and lock him in (so no one steals him). Put in lots of towels / blankets, he can keep warm in there.

Start now with him having short stays in the carrier in the car. So he is used to it.

Queen of Poop
01-31-2011, 05:08 PM
Put him in a carrier, put that in the car, and lock him in (so no one steals him). Put in lots of towels / blankets, he can keep warm in there.

Start now with him having short stays in the carrier in the car. So he is used to it.

I would if it's nice, but it is currently -20oC and he'd freeze to death. Even if it warms up I'm still not sure he'd be warm enough. I will give it consideration though, thanks.

01-31-2011, 05:48 PM
Put him in a carrier, put that in the car, and lock him in (so no one steals him). Put in lots of towels / blankets, he can keep warm in there.

Start now with him having short stays in the carrier in the car. So he is used to it.

I totally agree with this. Just put him in the car and make sure it is warm enough for him.

OOOPS... just read your last post. Didn't get that far before!!!

My car has the option of being on and locked up. Can you do that to your car? Just turn it on, put Diego in the carrier in the car, lock the car, and make sure it's in a spot where you can see it outside. I wouldn't suggest this in a garage, of course, but outside he'd be ok for a while, wouldn't he?

01-31-2011, 06:29 PM
What about leaving him in the carrier at the vet? Don't have them transfer him to one of their cages.

Maybe he wouldn't even need the sedation, then.

Queen of Poop
01-31-2011, 06:48 PM
Unfortunately my vehicle will not allow me to leave it running and lock the door.

I was thinking of taking him to the vet and having them give him something to calm him down and leaving him there till it's over. He might be ok with just this higher dose of prozac. I just worry he might hurt the vet staff if he freaks out.

He is really good in the carrier in the vehicle. He's a seasoned traveller so that is not a concern at all.

So much to consider.

Queen of Poop
01-31-2011, 08:16 PM
Ok, I've decided.

Diego will go stay with the vet.

The last time they tested the alarms they were done by 10 am. So he really will only be with the vet for 2 hours, maybe slightly longer, or shorter.

Figure this way he will be glad to get in my truck and glad to come home.

It seems like the lesser of all the evils. He might be stressed but I think it will be less damaging than staying in our apartment. Maybe he will even learn that being at the vets isn't so bad because nothing will happen to him this time. Maybe, just maybe he will make some new friends.

I will call Sabrina at the vets office tomorrow to make the arrangements.

Thanks everyone for your comments and for helping me come to a decision that I hope is in the best interests of my boy. Despite his faults I love my boy cat to bits!!

01-31-2011, 08:23 PM
I had that problem at My old apartment where My Princess absolutley hated the visitor's bell.
She would run and grwol like a Maniac Cat, when it sounded!!
Actually that was a reason that I moved!!
We are praying that you and Diego will be all right:):)
And that noone turns in a false alarm:eek:

Laura's Babies
01-31-2011, 08:40 PM
Glad you decided on the vets.... there is NO WAY he needs to be anywhere near that when they test it...

01-31-2011, 09:07 PM
I agree that it might even be a good thing, a vet visit that requires no poking or prodding!

01-31-2011, 10:58 PM
Hopefully he can stay in his carrier for the two hours so he is as comfy as possible. :love:

Once you have your own house, this won't be a worry. {{{hugs}}}

01-31-2011, 11:44 PM
Oh, that's good. He's so sweet, the veterinarian's staff will have to ooh and aah over him, and by the time everyone has had a turn admiring Diego, your testing will be done and over with.

02-01-2011, 06:56 AM
I was reading the posts in this thread, and kept saying to myself, "ask the vet to take him for the duration!!!" Great idea, QOP. I was going to suggest a friend or family member.

Anyway, SO glad he's not going to be there when they test the alarms. Sounds like he also suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The sound of the alarms remind him of a horrible situation (the fire).

Give him kisses and hugs from me and my crew. You're doing the right thing, QOP.

Queen of Poop
02-01-2011, 10:44 AM
Thanks all for the support everyone!

He's all set to spend a couple of hours at the vet next Thursday. Sabrina is going to set him up in a nice "cage" in the back away from all the action. I'll drop him off just before 8 am and will return for him as soon as the testing is done. I'm hoping the space is large enough for his carrier so we can just put it in and open the door so he can remain inside if he wants or can come out for a drink or potty break. Either way he'll have the comfort of his familar fleece blankets to make him feel as safe/warm as can be.

Then I can pick him up and take him back to the relative safety of our apartment and spend the rest of the day loving him up as I'll take the full day off of work.

With any luck my divorce will be settled soon and I can move us into our own house and this won't be an issue again.

02-01-2011, 11:00 AM
I was going to ask if you could take time off work, but I see that you are already taking the day off. Why don't you just put him in the carrier and the two of you go cruisin' for a couple of hours? That way you wouldn't have to leave him anywhere.

Just a thought.....

Queen of Poop
02-01-2011, 11:45 AM
I was going to ask if you could take time off work, but I see that you are already taking the day off. Why don't you just put him in the carrier and the two of you go cruisin' for a couple of hours? That way you wouldn't have to leave him anywhere.

Just a thought.....

I would have done just that BUT I have to be there to let fire alarm dude into my apartment so he can confirm that the alarm is ringing. And unfortunately the one girlfriend I have that isn't working right now is allergic to the kitties so is unable to assist. So this is the best case solution.

02-01-2011, 12:12 PM
Excellent solution, Gayle.. Well done!

02-01-2011, 10:43 PM
Well done indeed!:love: Gosh I love coming to PT to see people that put their furbabies ahead of themselves. :love: You are a fantastic Meowmie. Hoping all goes well and Diego will be fine.
Claudia & Calvin

Queen of Poop
02-10-2011, 08:29 AM
Well, the day for the alarm testing has arrived. I'll be taking Diego over to the vets shortly for his stay while the racket is going on. Hopefully he won't get too stressed while there. As soon as it's over I will go collect my boy and bring him home for a few whiskas treats and lots of loving.

02-10-2011, 08:49 AM
Paws crossed, Diego will do fine!

02-10-2011, 11:18 AM
I hope that everything will go well.:) I also have the fire alarm testing to look forward to but it's not until Sat. March 19th. It usually lasts for several hours.:(

Laura's Babies
02-10-2011, 01:01 PM
Poor baby!! I do monthly test on mine and I HATE it!! It hurts my ears and scares the kitties to death...

Queen of Poop
02-10-2011, 01:37 PM
It's over. Diego is home. All is good.

He growled and hissed the whole time he was at the vet. We put his carrier into a large cage with a nice bed, litter box and bowl of water. I don't think he left the carrier the whole time. Nothing was disturbed. When I brought him home he came out of the carrier and basically said "hey mom, need a snack!". He got snacked up and is now having an snooze. Cali hid in the closet while the testing went on and is now wandering around like nothing happened, trying to figure how to get mom to loosen the strings on the Whiskas bag!

Hopefully the divorce is settled and we have moved into our own house and out of this condo before they test again.

Thanks everyone for your support. You're a fabulous extended family!! We truly appreciate you all.

02-10-2011, 02:23 PM
Welcome home, Diego!

Glad that is done, Gayle and your kitties are back to normal....FOOD, mom, FOOD!

And yes, hopefully you will be in your new house before the next alarm testing is done! :):love:

02-10-2011, 03:11 PM
So glad all is well! :D I was wondering how Cali did during the testing.
I also hope you are out of there by the time they test again. You deserve it! :)

02-10-2011, 03:22 PM
SO glad to read Diego is home and that he and Cali are back to normal.

Nothing can be wrong when the fur kids demand FOOD! :D

02-10-2011, 03:36 PM
Yay, Diego and Cali!

02-10-2011, 04:58 PM
That's great! All done for this time and hopefully forever.