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01-29-2011, 11:53 AM
I was driving to work yesterday when I saw a big white poodle wandering down the road. I stopped because it had a collar and figured I could make a quick call to someone. Of course it went to voicemail so I found the address as it was close by mine. I rang the bell and this poor woman I woke up says "Do you know it is 4:30 in the morning"? I said yeah and I have to be at work by 5 but I have a big white poodle in my backseat with your address on the tag. She said I don't have a big white dog. I was bummed, but too confused to think maybe it was an old address or I had the wrong house. Good thing my persistence paid off because I said I am sorry it is so early but I have a poodle out here named Pixie with your address, do you know who it may belong to? She said "Oh my god, that is my uncle's dog. And she was real cool and called it inside and said she would call him right away and thanked me and shook my hand lol. Made me realize chip or not I should tag my dogs because I wouldn't have stopped if I didn't see a collar being on my way to work. :eek:

01-29-2011, 01:12 PM
Thank goodness you stopped, and persisted. Yup, a collar and tag is so important for dogs, after all, only vets and shelters can read the chips and chances are if your dog is lost, it'll be found by one of us mere mortals!

01-29-2011, 02:49 PM
Pixie is very lucky!

Thanks for stopping for her. That poor woman, I hope you can forgive her initial reaction, he heee, 4:30 AM and maybe like me she doesn't get up till 7:30, so it was middle of the night!

01-29-2011, 05:31 PM
Good for you. Hope you werent late for work. My first reaction at 430 am would probably be like that woman. On second thought, if I didnt know who was at the door, I probably would not answer the door... prob talk through the door. Kay

01-30-2011, 10:26 AM
Thank you for stopping to help Pixie.:) The woman was probably still
half asleep when she answered the door. I know I would have been.
You made a big difference in this dog's life by taking the time to help.:)

01-31-2011, 06:01 AM
Wow! How lucky that Pixie had her tags on! Thank you for being so kind and helping, especially at such an early time in the morning...not everyone would do that:)