View Full Version : Sticks [5 pics]

01-23-2011, 10:48 PM
It was so cold up here in Jersey that Mikey's poop was frozen to the ground. I was hitting it with a stick to loosen it, and guess who comes over and thinks it's playtime? *sigh* This dog never wants to do anything but play! I figured you guys might want to see a few pics anyway. Sorry, kinda bad quality because these were taken with my phone.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/168578_10150127198926756_584036755_7894170_5717335 _n.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/179278_10150127199981756_584036755_7894177_3316718 _n.jpg
Throw it pwease?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/164592_10150127202446756_584036755_7894205_6174321 _n.jpg
Mmmh, smells like the food I ate yesterday!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/163999_10150127199221756_584036755_7894171_2355358 _n.jpg
I like stick.

Now, I'm not one to really let him play with sticks although he has alot of fun when we do. It's a rare occurence and if he starts eating them then we're done playing. He gets upset, but soon forgets about it...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/167149_10150127201611756_584036755_7894194_2466800 _n.jpg
But mom...it was fun..one more throw?? PLEASE??

01-23-2011, 11:02 PM
Sticks are fun, aren't they Mikey!? My moms dog, Pepsi, is obsessed with sticks. She'll bring it to you and drop it at your feet. If you don't notice she'll nudge it toward you so you'll pick it up and throw it for her.
But, yes, sticks are not good to eat. However, Taggart thinks they are yummy snacks. :rolleyes:

Great to see Mikey!! He's so darn adorable. :D

01-24-2011, 04:55 AM
Ha ha! You need to clean the poop up fast these days or it's stuck to the snow!:D My pups like sticks too. You're silly Mikey!:)

01-24-2011, 10:53 AM
Cute dog! I like his coloring. Kay

01-24-2011, 01:50 PM
Yay, Mikey! Sticks are fun! I'm glad mum had her phone in her pocket when you went out and she was able to get these pictures of you!