View Full Version : work?

01-23-2011, 07:31 AM
ok so im kind of confused today is my first day at my new job :) im a waver for liberty tax, im getting paid $8 and hour. but im kind of confused, they said that theire are no taxes on our pay? theres about 21 of us, but how can there be no taxes deducted from our checks? is there like a minimum amount of money made before they deduct taxes? ill only be working there untill april, a couple shifts a week each shift is 4 hours, but yeah im REALLY confused.

01-23-2011, 07:42 AM
I'd call the IRS info line. They'll be able to tell you. I was told that there is a certain amount you make and it's less than the minimum, you don't have to pay taxes on it.

01-23-2011, 08:33 AM
ok so im kind of confused today is my first day at my new job :) im a waver for liberty tax, im getting paid $8 and hour. but im kind of confused, they said that theire are no taxes on our pay? theres about 21 of us, but how can there be no taxes deducted from our checks? is there like a minimum amount of money made before they deduct taxes? ill only be working there untill april, a couple shifts a week each shift is 4 hours, but yeah im REALLY confused.

I am a part timer & they don't withhold federal taxes out of my check but they withhold state, social security, & medicare. Are you being sub-contracted? If so at the end of the year you claim your wage & the government will tax you then. I have worked for a sub-contractor also & that is how that worked.

01-23-2011, 05:04 PM
im honestly not sure i know its a franchise store, but thats really about it.

on that hand my first day was well interesting..-

firstly i had people telling me i was the devil trying to bring the devil back to earth, got told to go to hell, was told that i belong in a freakish costume store, and got flipped off a total of o idk 300 times? yeah its fun, but all i can do is smile and say have a nice day and move on, so im starting to think the $8 an hour isnt so worth it, because, its soo cold no breaks or anything like that, its killing me already and ive only had one day sheesh XD

01-23-2011, 05:40 PM
It sounds as if you are an independent contractor. You would be responsible for paying your own taxes, rather than having them deducted by your employer. I would set aside an appropriate amount of money as 'tax' each pay period, or you will be short when it comes time to pay the reaper.

01-23-2011, 05:42 PM
im honestly not sure i know its a franchise store, but thats really about it.

on that hand my first day was well interesting..-

firstly i had people telling me i was the devil trying to bring the devil back to earth, got told to go to hell, was told that i belong in a freakish costume store, and got flipped off a total of o idk 300 times? yeah its fun, but all i can do is smile and say have a nice day and move on, so im starting to think the $8 an hour isnt so worth it, because, its soo cold no breaks or anything like that, its killing me already and ive only had one day sheesh XD

Aww, sorry about the crummy first day of work.:( You sure do meet all the jerks of the world when you work out in public like that. I hope you have better luck tommorrow.:)

01-23-2011, 06:39 PM
I agree with Johanna, you are an independent contractor and will have to pay all the taxes etc yourself. Be sure you set enough aside.

01-23-2011, 10:35 PM
so when my mother goes to her tax company should i go with and ask about it?

01-24-2011, 06:35 PM
ok so i contacted my boss this morning and he told me that they will be deducting taxes and i can file for a tax refund like any normal job lol

smokey the elder
01-25-2011, 07:36 AM
Did they have you fill out a W4? This is the form that you use to figure out your deductions, etc. It sounds like you are single and don't own a house. When I was in that boat I think I used 0 or 1 deduction. (It was a LONG time ago!:D) You can ask your mom's tax preparer for advice.

01-30-2011, 06:11 AM
Yes I did fill out the form a selected "1" lol. But doesn't really matter I'm no longer employees there. I found that I could get a job I actually enjoy paying the same and giving me more than 4 hours each week