View Full Version : Cold - even for us! What warms you?

01-22-2011, 07:51 PM
Tonight and the next couple of days, particularly Sunday and Monday nights are going to be extremely cold here. Right now it is 9 degrees F out - that's -12C for those who use Celcius, and the temperatures with wind chill factored in could be down to -50 F (-45.5C) on Monday night.

What foods or beverages warm you up, or do you crave when the temperatures get bitterly cold?

For me, hot chocolate, made extra dark (an extra teaspoon of cocoa powder added to the mix). I have to just imagine the marshmallows, as I'm allergic to corn, and all the marshmallows I've seen are corn syrup based. Hot tea will also suffice, steaming in the mug.

I would want chili and cornbread, but am allergic to both, or beef stew - allergic to almost everything in that.

Gingerbread - not the cookies, real gingerbread, or warm brownies ... warm bread freshly baked ...

What does your body request when it's bitterly cold outside - besides the ability to stay inside!

01-22-2011, 08:30 PM
Oooh, I love to snuggle on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate, a good book, a blanket and a few pets! THAT is what I like to do in this horrid cold, lol.

01-22-2011, 08:48 PM
Hot tea or chocolate with lots of whipped cream is my "go to" for defrosting.
Karen, try this. They are yummy!

01-22-2011, 08:50 PM
I like hearty foods, like mac and cheese, chili, stews (like you mentioned) with some freshly baked apple crumble for dessert! Then, top it all off with peppermint tea so I don't get a tummy ache ;) Mmmm.. good stuff!

I hope you are able to stay nice and toasty warm. Do you have a fireplace?

01-22-2011, 09:13 PM
Hot chocolate! Tomorrow, my body will need some bread pudding. I must make it to help warm the house on a 13* day.;)

01-22-2011, 11:02 PM
Freezing here too. I've been skipping the food part and taking a hot, hot soak bath, then jumping into my nice warm bed, with Mz Logan spooning me.

The days seem to be getting longer. Can't wait til spring and summer.

01-22-2011, 11:10 PM
I like hearty foods, like mac and cheese, chili, stews (like you mentioned) with some freshly baked apple crumble for dessert! Then, top it all off with peppermint tea so I don't get a tummy ache ;) Mmmm.. good stuff!

I hope you are able to stay nice and toasty warm. Do you have a fireplace?

We do not have a fireplace, but we have a good furnace and the house stays nice and warm. It's an old New England house, and so has the cast iron radiators, steam heat, and the radiator in the livingroom is Paul's best buddy. My mittens are toasting on the kitchen radiator for tomorrow morning! And kitten645 - how cool, I will have to try that recipe sometime, thanks!

01-22-2011, 11:14 PM
Yay for warm furkids. Unfortunately, Calvin finds the warmest part of my body to snuggle up to! Hence no heat enhancement! He's curled up behind my knees instead of on my freezing footsies or hands! Hobbsie being a huge heat giver would cudle on my arms and shoulders heating me up. Miss my big boy so much. Calvin is such a skinny minny I want to put a parka on him! :D

01-22-2011, 11:33 PM
A snuggie, a good book, a warm puggle, and my warm joker boxers - as weird as that sounds. They are SO comfortable and they involve batman, nothing cooler then that. :love:

01-22-2011, 11:42 PM
the coldest we´ve been has been -2 C.. but one day only and only in the early morning 7a.m... by 9 or 10 we´re alreday on mid 20´s.. the rest of the cold mornings have been around 6-10 C..

to keep warm.. lol just being clothed does the trick so far.. ;)...

01-22-2011, 11:52 PM
I here you about the cold weather!! Need to find a warmer place to live:p It hasn't gotten above zero in I don't know how long here. right now its -17 degrees F and that's without the wind chill! What I like best to is to get on my pajamas make some popcorn drink some coffee or hot chocolate then snuggle in on the couch and watch movies. It helps to have a Basset to snuggle with too. Except he is a blanket hog and will literally pull the blanket off me for himself. (he hasn't learned the meaning of "sharing")

01-23-2011, 06:49 AM
THIS warms me!!!

01-23-2011, 07:18 AM
They said yesterday that the temperature in International Falls, Minnesota was 46 degrees BELOW ZERO (F).. a record for coldness there.

I started thinking of all our friends here who live farther NORTH than that.. How are you folks in Alberta.. British Columbia.. Alaska.. other places making out?

01-23-2011, 07:39 AM
I love to snuggle in my nice warm electric throw and some soft fuzzy socks.
And a nice warm shower before that works best!

01-23-2011, 07:43 AM
There's really nothing that warms me, and even in the normal cold weather, I feel like a popsicle. This extreme cold that we're having now, is just murder.

I fight the cold as best I can - layer-layer-layer - a thermal shirt with a sweatshirt over that, and then a sweatshirt jacket over that. Even then, I'm still not cozy, but the cold is at least somewhat bearable. I never keep the thermostat above 70, because then I feel like I'm suffocating. Go figure! Sometimes in the house I even wear gloves, since an old spinal cord injury has left me with perpetually cold hands. A hot beverage or hot shower is only a temporary fix and really doesn't last long.

And on the other end of the scale, I can't tolerate the heat and humidity. This old body just can't take the extremes of either hot or cold! :( But given a choice, I would take the cold! :eek:

01-23-2011, 08:49 AM
-11 degrees F. here. Was out to do chores & kept moving. A good cup of Tetley British tea ( can get tea bags at Wal Mart) & honey in a cup of steaming hot water goes over good with some homemade oatmeal toast in front of the woodstove with two cats sitting on my lap. :D Prefer cooler weather over hot weather.

01-23-2011, 08:49 AM
-34 C here this morning and I don't think it will go higher than -20 IF we're lucky. The fireplace is roaring and it's 74F inside so nice and cosy. I don't know if I'll venture out for some shopping or just stay curled up in the heat. I keep looking for signs of Spring but I don't think it's time yet :D

01-23-2011, 09:09 AM
I have down booties, a down comforter, and usually wear polar fleece clothing in layers. My house has spare rooms that are now closed off to the heat, to try to keep the main rooms warm. My pets keep me warm at night, in a half heated bedroom.

It is to get -15 or lower, tonight. I am glad I'll sleep through it! I do have a dog right now and will need to wake up at 6ish in the morning, to let her outside to go potty. That's when I put on the down vest AND the down coat. Oh, I have sheep skin lined boots and gloves.


Hot tea in the evenings, works for me!

Laura's Babies
01-23-2011, 09:33 AM
I always want a big ole pot of home made soup!

01-23-2011, 01:03 PM
Yes very cold here in Ohio as well. Niece Linda bought me pink bunny PJ's from Victoria's Secret and that is what I am wearing today as I clean a bit, do paperwork and relax.
I have heavy socks on my feet along with pink slippers as it seems like the cold air travels on the floor. Burrr cold toes.
To relax I read with hot cocoa or coffee or tea with a kitty or two snuggled next to me or I put in my new Sex and the City CD's and exercise while I watch the girls be bad in NY.
Wishing everyone safety.
I also went out and left bird food and some hay outside for the wild ones. The poor creatures most be cold and hungry.

01-23-2011, 03:40 PM
I love winter and have been outside quite a lot enjoying the cold, I'll take this over spring and summer any day!

When I'm inside to stay, it's in sweats under the blanket with hot chocolate and Groucho. I always say a prayer for the homeless and those without heat, unlike too many others it's my choice to go outside in this frigid weather.

01-23-2011, 04:33 PM
A warm bowl of Campbell soup (any kind) and french bread.:) Yum Yum

01-23-2011, 06:35 PM
Apparently, I need to modify my initial response.

I made a batch of brownies this evening, and Dad and I ATE ALL OF THEM! :eek: That was supper. :D Nice and warm now, ha haaa.

01-23-2011, 09:37 PM
Hot chocloate, kicked up a notch with cayenne pepper.

Hot Tea (I have an addiction to Teavana)

BUt the warmest of all is a Cincy on my lap. She loves to jump up in the evening and watch some TV with me!

01-23-2011, 09:47 PM
Although it doesn't get as cold in CA, I do like to drink some hot chocolate before going to bed. It also helps that I usually have 3 cats sleeping with me on my bed.:)

01-23-2011, 10:35 PM
I love to snuggle in my nice warm electric throw and some soft fuzzy socks.
And a nice warm shower before that works best!

What about your hunky hubby??? :love::love::love: :o:o

smokey the elder
01-24-2011, 11:05 AM
Soup or chili, and hot chocolate with "secret ingredients" to wash it down with, and a lap full of cats.

01-25-2011, 07:13 AM
What about your hunky hubby??? :love::love::love: :o:o
LOL Karen! I can't share him with everyone though...they need to get their own hunky man:D