View Full Version : Buddy - do you think he is spoiled?

01-22-2011, 12:59 PM
Sometimes when I am in the kitchen cooking Buddy will come out and meow at me. I usually open the fridge and get out sliced cheese or ham for him, whatever is in the drawer. Do you think he is spoiled?



01-22-2011, 01:05 PM
Of course he's spoiled! He's a cutie!! My oldest Bailey loves both ham and cheese. :)

01-22-2011, 01:52 PM
Well..............I have only one thought on this.

The day you cease this practice, is the day you need to be locked up and start serving hard time for animal neglect and abuse.

Some people.........:(:(:(:(

01-22-2011, 03:56 PM
I have never and will never regret "spoiling" any of My Found Hotel Cats or any of The Porch Cats who have come to vist us over the years.
There can never be too much love between Our Cats and Ourselves
as they are Our True Friends , and totally loyal and devoted to us.
:love::love::love: and these treats are their well deserved rewards. Buddy sure looks like One Happy Cat.:love::love::love:

01-22-2011, 04:29 PM
Good job training da huMom, Buddy!

My Bobby sits atop th fridge when we get up in the morning. He expects something every time I go in there!

01-22-2011, 06:04 PM
Hmmm, I dont know if "spoiled" is the right word. He is SMART and has YOU TRAINED LOL. My cat & dogs have me trained too. Yes, When I'm in the kitchen, usually Luke cat & LilGirl come in & both want food. If I accidentally drop some food stuff on the floor, I yell out "FLOOR" and LilGIrl comes running if she's not there already & will look for the food.

Laura's Babies
01-22-2011, 06:05 PM
That's not spoiling... that is proving you have been properly trained!! :D

01-22-2011, 06:33 PM
Haha, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I think they meow at us with those cute button eyes because they KNOW we can't stand not giving them something because they are too cute!

Ninja follows me almost everywhere, as long as I give him food or attention, he is happy and I'm sure that's what he always follows me for lol.

01-22-2011, 11:18 PM
Okay, I am glad everyone agrees with me. I don't think you can ever spoil a pet.

01-23-2011, 12:04 AM
Mine spoil me with all the love and devotion they give me. :love: The only proper thing to do is to give them a treat from time to time.:D

01-23-2011, 06:55 AM
This is MY Buddy and yes, he's spoiled. EVERY morning, he gets a tablespoon of Half and Half when I make my coffee. If I DON'T give it to him, he'll head butt the hand that's pouring the liquid, forcing me to spill some of it. Now THAT'S spoiled!! Your Buddy is sweet looking!! Kaycountrygal said it best!!!

I've been told by my friends that Buddy and I share a special connection. We are in sync with each other. He knows when to make me laugh by knocking my plastic drinking glasses off my shelf. He KNOWS me!!!


01-23-2011, 07:24 AM
This is MY Buddy and yes, he's spoiled. EVERY morning, he gets a tablespoon of Half and Half when I make my coffee. If I DON'T give it to him, he'll head butt the hand that's pouring the liquid, forcing me to spill some of it. Now THAT'S spoiled!! Your Buddy is sweet looking!! Kaycountrygal said it best!!!

I've been told by my friends that Buddy and I share a special connection. We are in cinque with each other. He knows when to make me laugh by knocking my plastic drinking glasses off my shelf. He KNOWS me!!!


Your Buddy is a handsome boy. Mine loves milk. I haven't given him half and half YET. They do get into their routines. My Bud seems to know when I need cheered up as well. There is something about the orange and white cats. :)

01-23-2011, 03:10 PM
Your sweet Buddy spoiled? Of course he isn't! As a kitty, Buddy is only getting what he deserves as the ruler of the house.

01-23-2011, 07:45 PM
I don't think he's spoiled, I think he's LOVED! Hello, handsome Buddy!

(My sister's RB cat Poco did exactly the same thing! Must... have... ham!)