View Full Version : pictures of the crew

01-21-2011, 12:15 AM
I took these pictures for Alysser for making me my signature of Ole and Bubbles which I :love:! I think it shows Ole and Bubble's relationship perfectly. Here are the pictures!
Ole in his winter coat. I wasn't going to get him one but its been below 0 all week. Its currently -24 out.
Ole posing
Bubbles likes playing with Ole more then she likes to play with Kyle
Bubbles says "thank you for the signature"
Just so no one thinks that I forgot about Kyle. He is hard to get pictures of!
Thanks again for the signature! also hope everyone else enjoyed the pictures.

01-21-2011, 12:31 AM
Tooooo cute!! They look like the best of friends!! Pats and scratches for both of them :)

I'm from MN and my dad still lives there... he was telling me how cold it is lately!! Glad I live in Utah now ;):p hahaha

01-21-2011, 01:31 PM
Its been quite a while since we were above zero. Right now its -9 with a wind chill of -35. Have to bring the ferrets to the vet in this weather too! Too bad they wouldn't keep jackets on.:p Gotta love the Minnesota extremes when it comes to weather. In July I will be complaining about it being TOO hot.

01-21-2011, 09:02 PM
You look great in your new coat Ole! Nice pics of Ole and the ferrets!:D

01-21-2011, 10:19 PM
These are fantastic pictures, and I am so glad you like the siggy by the way! Thanks for the 'thanks pics', hehe! Ole and Bubbles are just SOO cute together, I love the one of them sniffing each other. :love: Ole is such a pretty girl and I love her new coat. You're welcome beautiful Bubbles, you're too cute baby:love: