View Full Version : Introducing Houdini

01-15-2011, 12:18 PM

Hello everyone on Pet Talk,

I haven't posted for a while, been busy with work, decorating and just life in general (as John Lennon said, life is what happens when you're busy making other plans!)
In this time we have taken in another cat so we now have three!
So here are some pictures of Houdini. She was at the boarding place I work, and had been a regular boarder for years, however her family had split up and they asked if we knew anybody who would be interested, and if not then that they would board her for a while, but otherwise to take her to the vets to be put to sleep! Naturally my boss wouldn't do that, so we put her on a rehoming list with the local cat charity. I decided I would take her home in the mean time and see how she got along with Sunny & Xavier. They were happy for us to do this whilst she was on the waiting list as the chances of her being adopted at such an old age were very slim, as people want cute kittens not senior cats. We have had her since the end of November 2010 and she has settled in fine.
She is 15 years old well going on to 16. She seems in good overall health, and her vaccinations were up to date. She eats okay, and is very playful for her age, particularly with small mice toys. She is very placid, and a total lap magnet, not a naughty tortie at all! She loves to cuddle on laps, and really likes her igloo bed that we gave her. She's a total sweetheart and we are growing to love her every day.
I am making an appointment next week as I think she needs her teeth checked, maybe has a little tooth problem. I'll let you know.
So here are some nice pictures of her old majesty, she is spoiled already (oh and loves her treat of daily cat milk!)







01-15-2011, 12:51 PM
What a beautiful girl!

01-15-2011, 12:55 PM
Hi pretty girl Houdini. I think it's awesome that you welcomed her into your home for the remainder of her golden years. Shame on the old family for someone not taking responsibility for her until the end. I look forward to seeing more pics and hearing about her vet appt. Sending good thoughts for a good report on her teeth.


Scooter's Mom
01-15-2011, 02:05 PM
Thank you for taking her in. She's beautiful!

01-15-2011, 03:15 PM
Oh My! Just look at all those colors on her. She is so pretty .... and lucky that you brought her into your home. I'm so glad she has a place to call "home" in her old age. I enjoyed the photos. Kay in NC

01-15-2011, 03:19 PM
Kate, you never told me how stunning her colors are! WOW! Such a beauty! And she has kept her figure well, too, lol.

Hi Houdini, welcome to a PT home!

01-15-2011, 03:31 PM
She is beautiful - such a lucky girl to have found a wonderful home late in life.

Thank you :love:

01-15-2011, 05:19 PM
She sure is one beautiful and lucky kitty. How wonderful of you to take her in. Your photos of her are beautiful too.

01-15-2011, 05:41 PM
Houdini is stunning:eek: I can't believe she is a senior - what a beautiful girl:love:

01-15-2011, 06:01 PM
Such a lovely girl, thank goodness you were able to take her in. Give her a kiss from me!

01-15-2011, 07:11 PM
Congrats!!!:D She's such a gorgeous girl. I'm so glad that she's fitting into your home so well.:) I'll never understand why some people would rather put their animals down than to try to find them a new home.:mad: I hope that her vet visit will go well and that her teeth will check out okay. Good luck.:)

01-15-2011, 08:58 PM
Good day, Your Majesty! You are very beautiful! I like your black and golden coat and your white paws!

Laura's Babies
01-15-2011, 09:17 PM
What a BEAUTY!!! WOW! She is a real eye popper!! Congratulations on your new home pretty girl!!

01-15-2011, 10:47 PM
What a beauty she is! Her colors are very striking and she looks very good for 15 years old. I hope you get to enjoy this lovely lady for a long time!:love:

01-15-2011, 11:06 PM
wow!!.. pretty pretty kitty..

all the grey hairs could easily be confused by her tortie pattern.. she does not look 15 at all.. ;)

01-16-2011, 06:45 AM
What a Great Cat you are Houdini , and what a Lucky Cat you are to find such a Great Home at your age.
I cannot believe that your Family was going to have you PTS because you became inconvenient:(:(
And now you have a Great Home with Two Wonderful Cat Companions Xavier and Sunny:love::love:
This is such a Great Happy Ending for a Beautiful Senior Kittyzen:):)
God Bless You for helping this Dear Lady Cat:love::love:

01-16-2011, 09:17 AM
What a sweetie she is! I'm so glad you were able to take her, and it's great she gets along so well with the others. I'm sure she will be spoiled the rest of her life. :) She reminds me of Fister's mom.

Good luck with the vet visit, I hope her teeth aren't too bad.

01-16-2011, 03:55 PM
WOW!!!!!! What beautiful markings! Houdini, you are one absolutely gorgeous kitty. The pictures are wonderful and she looks like a happy lovebug. Prayers are being prayed for a good visit with the vet, please let us know how her check-up goes?

Bless you for giving this beauty a second chance to know what is means to be loved and cared for. Could I ask you to give her some scritchies and lovies for me? :love: :love: :love:

01-19-2011, 10:21 AM
Houdini's vet visit went well, she has a cavity in her left canine tooth. Today she was operated on and had it removed and is recovering fine. Her heart was good, and she's in very good overall health, other than age related things. Her other teeth were quite good too, they'll have had a clean and a polish.
The vet just had to make sure she had plenty of fluids during her op as she had low potassium.
I am going to pick her up in about an hour, then she can be pampered to her hearts content.
I am very relieved I have to say, and although we've only had her 3 months now we missed her so much last night and missed her sitting on our laps having cuddles. I didn't realise we'd got so attached so quickly! :love::love:

How do they do that!:)


01-19-2011, 11:32 AM
I'm glad to hear that everything went well and that she'll be home soon.:) Yes, cats wrap their little paws around our :love:'s.:)

01-19-2011, 01:13 PM
She is so beautiful. Thank you for taking this lovely lady in and welcome too my world. they do tug at your hart strings in a very short time.

01-20-2011, 09:40 AM
Houdini has been home a day now and is doing great. She was kept on a drip all day and got plenty of fluids. He took three teeth out one canine up top, one bottom canine and one of the small back teeth. She had the others cleaned and descaled. She also had a lump on her back drained that was full of fluid. This is completely harmless but it may fill up again, but as she was under he thought he'd do it. She has two painkilling tablets, she's had one today, to deal with any after soreness in her mouth. She's eating great. He said that the bad canine was bad all the way up, so it must've been causing her some considerable pain and discomfort, but now it's gone she should put weight on steadily. She's underweight at present, but should come on in leaps and bounds according the the vet. I'm very happy with it all, and Houdini is looking much brighter and happier already. Her stitches are dis solvable so no need to go back.

We have a great vet. There is a link here to his practice if you want to take a look. It's a cat only clinic.

I'm looking forward to Houdini having many more years of happiness with us.

01-20-2011, 09:50 AM
Wow, she is beautiful! Her markings remind me of a darker version of my Paizly with the blaze down the nose. She does not look 15 at all. I did notice she is a bit on the skinny side, but now that problem should be fixed! :)
It is so great that you took her in and that the other two are accepting her. It is crazy how quickly they capture our hearts, isn't it? ;)

I can't wait to see pictures of her as she fills out and enjoys her new home. Oh, and some pictures of Sunny and Xavier wouldn't hurt either. :p