View Full Version : Rufus - FIV positive needs home ASAP Update 2.8 #40

01-13-2011, 10:27 AM
Rhoda is a friend in Midland, Michigan. She volunteers at their shelter and has fallen in love with Rufus. He was scheduled to be spayed and placed up for adoption but tested FIV positive. Rhoda is working very hard to find a home for Rufus or else he will have to be put down.

Rhoda says that if we can find a home for him within 400 miles of Midland, Michigan, they will arrange for transportation.

If you have an ideas or suggestions of shelters or homes for him, please post it here and I will forward them to Rhoda.

Here's some background on this precious boy.

Rufus is another one of my favorites. Please allow me to tell you about Rufus.

He came into Animal Control in a trap and they would not let me open his cage. The officers said he was totally feral. This was just before New Years and after they stopped taking animals in, but they had to take Rufus because he was in a trap. Well guess what? Sylvia and I put our name on him. He came in right after the floors were redone. They had to keep him for 4 days by law. Then after we put our name on him, they had to give us 48 hour notice before putting him to the gas chamber and they didn't have 48 hours before we took over. They were shocked we put our name on him.

Well, I started working with Rufus the very day we took over. I talked and talked to him. Our new director wouldn't go near him either as she thought he was feral. I bought gloves and inched my hand closer to him each day because he looked absolutely terrified. Here is what I wrote about Rufus each time I did my report. I put out a report twice a week.

The report I put out is always a continuation on an animal, so the paragraphs are in different colors on the report, so this is a compilation of reports since the 1st of the year and I won't color them, but they were written on different days. You should be able to see where one report continues with another from the 1st of the year through yesterday.

Brown tabby, male, intact - either feral or really scared. I lean to both. I have been talking to him and today did put on gloves and managed to touch his side and feet. MAC would not even allow me to open his door. He cries but has not attempted to attack me as yet; however, I would not attempt to pet him with my bare hand. His ears were erect today and not laid back as they have been. His pupils were not quite so dilated. He sits on the shelf and I cannot reach him any more than his side because I'm too short and I find nothing there to stand on. I'll continue working with him and hate to see him euthanized but he is definitely not adoptable at the present time. However, he could be sedated and neutered or TNRd to a barn. He's an otherwise nice cat and looks very healthy, but he's about as far from social as I have seen.

Today I purchased a step stool so that I can reach this cat. He sits on that shelf and just watches me as I clean his litter pan and change his newspaper and fill his food dish.

I would also like to clarify that when I say that I don't think a cat is adoptable, I mean that I do not believe it will fit into a family situation with children holding it and playing with it. A kitty like this can definitely be taken by someone who wants a cat that might not make a lap cat or might be an indoor/outdoor cat or a barn cat. I personally am falling in love with this cat - so what's new in that regard.

Yesterday was an emotional breakthrough. He allowed me to pet him and once he did, he continually rubbed up against my glove for more. I have named him "Rufus". He is no longer a number.

Today, I took my gloves off because he was waiting at the cage door for me. I pet him and rubbed him all over with my hands, talking to him all the time. He is very vocal and still cries continually but is now craving attention.

Mariah was also able to pet him. He backs off for a few moments from members he doesn't know, but will warm up once he realizes no one is going to hurt him.

Rufus has some sort of an injury. Terri and I were able to take him out of the cage today. While I held him Terri examined him and he has a rather old wound, perhaps from a fight. It is in and underneath the tail area. There was discussion about sedating him for a neuter and shaving that area of distress at the same time. He's pulling at it and there is a scab about ready to fall off and there is loss of hair. I'm sure he is uncomfortable.

Terri believes he is about 1-1/2 years old.

All we really know about him is that he was found in a trap. I'm assuming it was a cage-type trap.

Rufus made my day yesterday and today was even better.


C??-11 - Rufus has been moved from isolation to the cat room. Brown tabby male - age 1-1/2 years.

Today I purchased cat clippers at PetsMart with a gift certificate that a cyber friend of mine sent to me. We desperately need a pair of professional clippers in the facility because Rufus and another long haired female cat that just came in need to be shaved and there will also be others. Barry has clippers but he always carries his with him because his wife cuts his hair with them. We need a pair for the facility and Rufus will benefit from them first.

I held Rufus for quite some time today also. One of the members noticed yesterday that he didn't seem to follow his food dish with his eyes and wondered if he was seeing properly. I tested him several times today and sometimes he followed my hand and other times he seemed oblivious to it. I will take in a swinging toy tomorrow and test him with that. His eyes don't "look" cloudy or anything but one never can tell and I thought that was a good observation. Rufus has stolen a piece of my heart and of others also. It just seems that he was never loved and is only now finding out about it.

Terri is going to sedate him. She has the sedative on order. She will then neuter him and tend to his wound.

The good news is - now that everyone loves Rufus.

Later that day, Rhoda posted this:

I had to leave the shelter. I just cannot deal with it - not Rufus. There is an organization in Grand Rapids that takes FIV cats and we've e-mailed them but last we heard there is a waiting list. I cannot handle it. No, I cannot. I don't know what I am going to do. I will have to quit. I'm beside myself right now. I cannot see. I've done nothing but cry.

Terri and I warmed his towel in the dryer. He was put under for neutering. Hs terrible wound was shaved and exposed and medicated first while we awaited results of the 3-snap test.

After the positive reading, he will not now be neutered of course. We can't put him with any other cats. No one will adopt him. He cannot even be a barn cat.

My Rufus that I love so much. I should have never gotten involved in shelter work. Right now I am limp with grief.

01-13-2011, 01:46 PM
Would he be able to live in a two-room apartment with five other cats?

01-13-2011, 02:51 PM
First of all Rufus doesn't need to be put to sleep just because he is FIV+. As long as he can get along with other cats without fighting he should be fine living with other cats. He would be find living with other cats in a two bedroom. I currently have three FIV+ cats, two live with my boyfriend, and one is a recently rescue, because he was in a high kill shelter and was going to be put down so I took him. Owen currently lives with me in a separate room because he was very sick when I pulled him from the shelter. He just got neutered and might be going to join my other two FIV+ cats and might stay with me. If he stays with me, he will be let out of the bathroom to be with the others. My vet says as long as the cats don't fight and I mean really fight then it is fine to be together.
The reason the other two live with my boyfriend is because when I rescued my very first FIV+ cat, Ivy, I had another vet and she told me they couldn't be around other cats etc. Acted as though if they did get around each other at all then it would be a death sentence for my negative cats. At the time I didn't know any different, now I have a more informed vet and i know different. Colby and Scooter live with Tom, Scooter was Ivy's best buddy. Ivy passed away at 13 yrs old. Scooter has had major health issues lately and I am not sure letting Owen over there right now would be the best thing for Scooter so that is why he might stay at my house. Colby although would love to have a buddy to play with since scooter doesn't feel much like playing.
I realize people are scared when they find out a cat is FIV+ , if so they can always separate them in the same apt or house and everything should be fine. I really can't take another cat right now but don't want Rufus to be put down either. Please keep me updated and if it comes down to him being put down or not I will take him to foster him while you find a place for him. He will have to be neutered and utd on shots etc. I can't afford and of that right now.

01-13-2011, 03:10 PM
What Melissa said.

My Bobby is FIV+ and lives here with 9 other cats who are not. No one fights, so no risk to any of the other 9. They are all indoor and have free roam of the house and cellar. Bobby has lived with me for 4 years.

I hope someone can rescue Rufus.

01-13-2011, 04:02 PM
Would he be able to live in a two-room apartment with five other cats?

phesina ~ I have e-mailed Rhoda with your question and asked her if I can pass on her contact information. Hopefully, I'll hear back soon. Rhoda may even decide to join this site, I sure hope so. She would be a fantastic member.

They just took over the shelter on January 1. It was a very hard, long drawn out battle but Rhoda and the other volunteers would not give up until they shut down the gas chamber.

Since they are just starting out, it could be that they do not have room to isolate FIV positive kitties. Whatever the reason, Rhoda is determined to save this sweet boy.

Link to the shelter: http://www.hsomc.org/

As soon as I get Rhoda's permission to give you her contact info, I will PM you.

In case you guys doubted, there are angels here on earth. One of them I know lives in Midland, Michigan. And another lives in Ann Arbor. :D :love: :D

Here's hoping that this all works out and this sweet boy can find his forever home.

01-13-2011, 04:13 PM
Rufus on petfinder: http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/18380737

Please contact the shelter if interested at (989) 948 8804 or 989-835-1877.

01-13-2011, 04:16 PM
Aw, that Petfinder posting is not accurate.

He CAN live w/ other cats.

FIV is like HIV and NOT AT ALL LIKE AIDS. People DIE of AIDS. People do not die of HIV, and cats do not die of FIV.

HIV can and usually does mutate into AIDS.
FIV never mutates.

01-13-2011, 06:20 PM
Yes, that is what I have heard about FIV-positive cats. It is spread by fierce fights with biting and scratching, i.e., direct transmission via bodily fluids of the infected cat through open wounds, not by everyday ordinary, peaceful encounters of cats with each other.

The other thing I have heard is that the FIV test can show false-positive results. We had an FIV-positive cat at the shelter I was just let go from, so he was kept in his cage. A month later he had another test, I think a couple more tests since, which have been negative. Now he is out and about playing with all the others.

Please have this shelter give this guy some time to give him another test. Maybe he is a false-positive too. Even if he's not, Rhoda may very likely be able to take him home herself after all :love::love::love:.

And Ann Arbor is certainly a lot less than 400 miles from Midland!

We can and will keep Rufus alive somehow and somewhere.

01-13-2011, 06:22 PM
He would be find living with other cats in a two bedroom.

It's just two ROOMS, period! Well, the bathroom is a third room, I guess :D! Every new one has started out there.

01-13-2011, 06:29 PM
Phesina, it would be great if you could save Rufus and give him a loving home. My FIV+ boys have been my most loving, best behaviored and most favorite of all my babies! They are very special and sounds like Rufus fits in that group! I think Rhonda should consider keeping him since she is in love with him and he trusts her.

01-13-2011, 06:47 PM
Wait, I'm confused. Why would his FIV+ status make him no longer a candidate for neutering? If he is going to a home with other cats, it seems inappropriate that he not be neutered- why risk the intact male behaviors? Also, don't altered cats generally live longer and healthier lives than non-altered cats?

He's so handsome, I hope a living arrangement can be worked out for him.

01-13-2011, 06:51 PM
Rufus on the shelter's Facebook page (which is public, viewable by people who aren't Facebook members):


If you're a Facebook member and Like the shelter's page there


you can Share the link about Rufus you'll find there with your friends list.

I want to second what Lisa said about Rhoda -- she is an angel on Earth. I'd say the same thing about Lisa. (I've known both of them for years.) I've met so many angels through pet forums.


01-13-2011, 07:06 PM
I think the reason they weren't going to neuter him is because he is FIV+. They figure they will put him to sleep so why bother neutering him. That is what I figure their reason was.

Lilith Cherry
01-13-2011, 09:41 PM
I unfortunately live much too far away to help but in the past I have also had both positive and negative cats living together for many yearswith absolutely no ill effects! My vet says it is safe to do this too! I hope you can help this handsome boy!

01-14-2011, 02:05 PM
I e-mailed Rhoda this afternoon.. Will keep you all posted!

01-14-2011, 03:47 PM
In case Rhoda is going to keep him after all, none of us mentioned, an FIV+ cat should be an indoor only cat. Two reasons:
1. Be responsible. If he is out and about, he may end up spreading FIV to others.
2. FIV+ cats have weak immune systems. So even "ordinary" cat ailments can be hard for them to fight off, and can become fatal.

I stopped doing TNRM when I took in Bobby, as I didn't want the ferals coming in with UTIs, and other things.

I remind my vet of Bobby's status each and every time. They tend to get antibiotics earlier, due to the weakened immune system.

Also, for the rabies vaccine:
most cats now get live virus as a part of the shot. An FIV+ cat gets a different shot, with killed virus in it. It is still good for 3 years.

Hope this helps, and Rufus lands with Rhoda or Phesina!

01-14-2011, 04:42 PM
Sorry to go MIA there, but I was on a plane flying home to Anchorage. I checked in with Rhoda on the other message board and received a PM. She has given me permission to post it here.
She may join Pet Talk when she has some spare time -- she's busy with a litter of ferals right now. I get tired just reading about her day!

Hi Lisa - I had a short e-mail from Pat, introducing herself.

I have been reading the link on your web site about Rufus. I cannot respond in any way because I haven't joined the site yet but think I will as soon as I find a few moments to concentrate where I can do such a thing.

In reading the comments, there appear to be some questions about handling of Rufus.

As you know, we have worked hard to take over Animal Control. If they were still there, Rufus would have been put down right after Christmas.

Our new director is giving us a chance to rehome him, which they never would have done. We would have had 48 hours - period.

We are fully aware that Rufus can live with other FIV cats, but unfortunately we are not aware of but only one facility that takes in FIV cats in Michigan. They have told us they are full. I am searching the internet for more sites within about 400 miles. Obviously we cannot transport a cat out to California. I said 400 miles because it is a reasonable distance to arrange transportation. We have a member who would drive those miles by himself to rehome a cat. We know there is a pilot's group and also a trucker's group that do transports, but it would be realistic to find something within a reasonable distance.

Unless we can find a home that houses FIV+ cats, Rufus can only live in a home with no other cats for the protection of the cat.

Yes, if it is known that cats are non-fighters, they can live together for years without another cat being infected. This is true. But an FIV positive cat has been in a fight at some point in time or it wouldn't have FIV so for the safety of negative cats, we prefer to not place a positive cat in the same home. It is taking a risk.

As for me taking Rufus - I have a rent situation as you know. I pay extra monthly rent for my Lucy Mae. If I get another cat, I will nave to pay a $350 deposit and they will tack on $20 a month extra rent for me, even if Rufus were not positive and I could do it. I have a foster here right now. If maintenance catches me with the foster, I will just say I am cat sitting. I am allowed to do this. And then I hope they don't come in 6 months down the road and find the same cat here, or I am breaking my lease.

The reason Rufus wasn't neutered yet is just as one of the members has stated - there is no sense in putting him through that if we cannot find a home for him. If we find a home, he will definitely be neutered.

We would like to be a no kill shelter, and we will not put an animal down unless it is aggressive or has a medical problem making it unadoptable to the average home. My county has about 80,000 people and very few of these people gave the animals any thought at all until the humane society formed in May of 2008. The facility is very small. It can house about 34 dogs and 19 cats. In 2009, in excess of 1,500 cats and kittens were turned in to the facility and 1,344 were put to the gas chamber. Over 600 dogs and puppies were turned in and 50% of them were put down. The statistics for this year have not come forth yet, but I can tell you that Sylvia and I have taken or sent 120 cats and kittens to rescues. You are aware of how I have exhausted myself in rescue work. We are working with rescues all over the state to save our babies. Capital Humane in Lansing and Shelly Olree's Pet Rescue in Hillman have been two of our biggest supporters. I have made 10 trips to Lansing in 2010.

Animal Control officers did not work trying to rescue cats. The ones that members of the public did not come and adopt were thrown in the gas chamber to make room for more, without even trying to find homes for the rest.

We have done away with the gas chamber after several pillows soaked with tears. When the county budget did not allow for keeping Animal Control open we said if we could take over, that chamber would be the first thing to go.

Even though the county commissioners voted that thing out last April they refused to move on getting it out because they said they were shutting down anyway. "My Boy" was the last cat to go into the chamber, and everything I do from here on in will be in memory of him and of the long-haired girl that had the fronts of her feet chopped off. "My Boy" tested positive for feline leukemia. We wanted to take him and have him humanely euthanized. Animal Control said we had until Monday. I was there when the doors opened at 8 a.m. on Monday to pull him out, and they had put him to the chamber on Friday. They lied and he will haunt me always. Others that will haunt me are the kittens that died of dehydration after being pulled from their mamas and taken to the animal control facility. We were not allowed to hydrate them and they just sat there and died.

It is a God-send that our society has been able to raise the money to take over, but we are just getting started - have been in the facility for less than two weeks - and we are inundated with problems. The cages were clean because we have been caring for the cages since 2008. However, the rest of the facility is totally filthy. I cannot believe the sheriff's department could even work in such filth. And dogs and cats and kittens and feral cats are coming in left and right. I now have to try to socialize 4 feral kittens who have never been touched by human hands. Yesterday was no picnic working them.

Other members are working just as hard. We want to make a facility that our town will be proud of, but until people can grasp the idea that spaying and neutering are the most important and the kindest things they can do for their pets, we will always have more animals than can be adopted out or rescued. Rufus is the product of someone who didn't care enough.

I would send this information to Pat but I don't want to inundate her with information. If she only has two rooms I wonder if she can even accomodate another cat. I am praying really hard that we can find a solution. I hope she can help us with him.

All of our fosters from the society are full right now. Rufus is advertised all over and no one has come forth to take him.

The other facility in Michigan that I found on the internet that takes FIV positive cats does not have a working e-mail on their web site. They don't have a phone number and I sent an e-mail to their advertised e-mail and it came back to me as undeliverable. I had indicated to them that I would send a donation if they could help us with Rufus. I wouldn't be able to send more than $200 but I thought it would at least help with his food. He will have his rabies, distemper, deworming and neutering and he also has an ointment for his wounds that are healing. We haven't found any fleas on him but he would also receive a treatment of Revolution as a precautionary measure.

I appreciate all you have done to try to find a home for Rufus. You are the angel in all of this. I am continuing to work from this end and a couple of other members are also putting feelers out for a solution. Hopefully there will be an answer soon.

Hugs and love,


01-14-2011, 04:49 PM
Damn....that reply just made me cry....:(

01-14-2011, 06:44 PM
I am just getting the idea how swamped and busy she is.. and the problems she and they are up against. I will do whatever I can to help. We are only learning about each other through messages that get back and forth one way or another.

At least, I lit a candle for Rufus today! - http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=12455346

I'm wondering: where is this other FIV+ facility in Michigan? If it's anywhere near driving distance from here, I could investigate further. Or even track down a phone number or something.?

01-16-2011, 11:04 AM
Article on Rufus: http://www.ourmidland.com/voices/general/article_b0bb40ba-20cd-11e0-b360-0017a48e4190.html

Might post comments or suggestions at their website.

Sweet, gentle Rufus deserves a chance.

01-16-2011, 04:42 PM
I just talked with Rhoda on the phone. She and her fellow workers there are all trying so hard to find him a home. They've been told he HAS to be out VERY SOON or they will have to put him down because they are OUT of room.

He has to go to a home with NO cats (unless FIV+). I said if it would save his life I'd bring him here and keep him in my bathroom away from my others, but she said the risk is too great.

I mentioned the above-linked newspaper article, and she and I both hope that will help him get a place.

She asked if I knew or could find out about ANYONE who had an extra room or didn't have any other cats who might take him. I gather that long-distance transport would not be a problem.

Do any of you think you might be able and willing to take him, or know of anyone else who might be able and willing? Please, please, PLEASE pass the word around!

Thanks so much!

01-16-2011, 08:54 PM
Any updates, so worried about this lil fella, i hope there is some good news.

01-17-2011, 09:31 AM
Some good news -- a Lighthouse member has said she would be happy to adopt Rufus (she has dogs, but no cats, and plenty of room, and her grandson would also be happy to have Rufus living with them). She is on the west coast, so transportation would be more complicated. This isn't entirely settled yet -- because of the distance involved, this is more of a last resort, and I think the shelter may still keep looking for a home for Rufus that isn't so far away. But she has offered to take him, so he will definitely have a home. :)

01-17-2011, 10:52 AM
Oh, what wonderful news! I am so happy to learn this!

01-17-2011, 12:28 PM
Oh, this is such good news. I have been worrying about poor Rufus since yesterday! I hope this good boy goes on to have a wonderful life being loved and spoiled!

01-17-2011, 02:11 PM
Huges sigh of relief here too, i am so happy to hear this good news, Rufus is indeed going to be one of the lucky ones.:)

01-17-2011, 04:34 PM
:eek: Woo Hoo Pat I am all paws up for you to get Rufus.. I will aggree he can live with your cats as long as there is no blood shedd.. Let us know ok.. We will have to add extras to the Gift Box sending..

01-17-2011, 10:22 PM
Ok, I am confused on who is actually adopting Rufus. I am about to get off work and don't have time to reread all the posts. I thought the shelter lady(sorry I can't remember her name) didn't want Rufus to go to California because it was too far and she also wouldn't give him to someone who was going to put him with other cats that were negative. Are those the two that have offered to take him? How much time does he exactly have? I maybe could foster him with my FIV+ cats but couldn't keep him if a home could be found for him so hje wouldn't be killed. Gotta go. Will check tomorrow.

01-18-2011, 09:59 AM
Rufus will have a home, but exactly where still isn't completely settled, as far as I know.

Distance has always been a concern, which is why they've been hoping to find Rufus a forever home in or close to Michigan (the Lighthouse member who offered to take Rufus lives in Washington and has been considered only as a last resort because of the distance, and I'm sure Lighthouse members would have chipped in to help with the transportation cost).

The shelter still does not want Rufus with FIV-negative kitties who might be at risk. As far as I know there has been no change on that.

They're now considering a sanctuary for special-needs pets much closer to Michigan where Rufus could live safely and comfortably, the rest of his life, with other FIV+ cats. And they have someone who could drive Rufus there. But that isn't settled yet, either.

I'll post more info when I have more, but this is what I'd heard as of last night.

I'm sorry if I confused anyone by posting yesterday, but I did want to reassure people here that Rufus definitely will have a forever home.

And I do appreciate the offers of help here, and I know Rhoda does. She's been planning to register for this board but she's always swamped, and a family member of hers just had surgery (which went well, thank God).


01-18-2011, 11:19 AM
Thank you for the update, Cindy. Lots of good news here.

01-18-2011, 11:47 AM
:) Has AnyOne Checked With Pilots-n-Paws?? I am a member with them & I will see if where in WA state they fly into.. Does anyone know what town this lady lives in of WA state.. You can PM me if you dont want it public on here..

01-18-2011, 12:33 PM
:) Has AnyOne Checked With Pilots-n-Paws?? I am a member with them & I will see if where in WA state they fly into.. Does anyone know what town this lady lives in of WA state.. You can PM me if you dont want it public on here..

Sorry for going AWOL. I'm still recovering from pnemonia.
As I understand it, the rescue will check with transportation groups WHEN they find a home for him. As far as I know -- at this point -- Rufus STILL needs a home.

Does anyone now of a rescue in your area (hopefully within 400 miles of Michigan) that will take an FIV+ kitty?

01-18-2011, 12:51 PM
You're welcome, Pat!

Helene, that's great that you're with Pilots-N-Paws. The shelter is aware of your group (and one of our Lighthouse members has a dog transported by your group). But as Lisa said, arrangements can't be made till they're sure of a home.

Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear you have pneumonia!

Rhoda's posted another update on our private board (the larger of our boards), and it's not at all certain yet that the sanctuary will offer Rufus a forever home -- it might, but there were some misunderstandings about just how settled this was, and how much it might cost. The one definite offer so far is from our member in Seattle.

Rhoda's worried about flying Rufus to Seattle in a plane's hold, by regular air routes. This would be very stressful for him. There are truckers who can help with transport, too, and I've sometimes seen transport relays organized by individuals on pet boards and pet loss boards to take pets long distances, but that would mean days of driving, and possibly with very bad road conditions. Pilots-n-Paws would be ideal, for getting Rufus to Seattle, if this could be arranged.

But at this point, because of the distance, the shelter is still hoping to find someone without cats who can offer Rufus a forever home within a few hundred miles of Midland, Michigan.


01-21-2011, 07:00 PM
Any news on Rufus? This thread just breaks my heart. I hope he can find a home close by. I'll throw my cards in on this one... I have FIV+ cat here at home, if need be, I can be a player as well. I'd hate to see him end up in a shelter for the rest of his life. So... put me in as a player if needed, ok? I'm in Allentown, Pa. I can be a foster or a permanent home. I just don't want to see him end up being put down or stuck in a shelter.

Most of my fosters were FIV+, and I loved them all. I just hate seeing them stuck in shelters.

01-21-2011, 08:00 PM
Jenn ~ You would be the answer to all of our prayers if you were able to give Rufus a permanent home.

The current plan is for Rufus to go to a rescue in Pennsylvania! How far is this rescue from Allentown?

Here's Rhoda's latest update:

My dear friends, I have been so depressed, exhausted, angry, and just a gamut of emotions and I haven't been able to come to the Lighthouse much or find time to do my housework or any other projects that are pressing me. I don't know where to begin.

My New Year's resolution was to get my life in order again.

Rufus has weighed on my mind something terrible. His wounds are abscessed. Yesterday he was neutered and has had all his vaccines and his wounds were flushed out while he was under and injected with antibiotic and also medicated salve. He was laying on the desk in the front office wrapped in warm towels, still out, and staff and others were cooing over him and I kissed him so tenderly. And when he started coming to, I cradled him in my arms and put him back into his tiny cage.

We have heard nothing as yet from the sanctuary in Wisconsin and now the director is saying we have to make some decisions. We all know what that is - and it includes putting cats down, I'm sure. Let's face it, we've taken in about 55 cats now since the 3rd of January and they are contained in a very small space.

Sylvia contacted our rescues because I have been working at the shelter. One of our rescues will take 4 of our cats. Another rescue will take the 4 feral kittens and I will call Capital in Lansing to see if they will take our 4 black kittens.

But I just had a phone call from Sylvia as I was getting ready to respond to a post by Cindy and Best Little Cat House in Pennsylvania has said they will take Rufus.


We have a member willing to drive him there. Lynn from Pennsylvania has said that if we can deliver him Thursday or Friday that will be fine. They want no money. Can you believe that? She said that since we were just getting started to please put anything we might get toward the shelter. I just talked to Ryan earlier today. I saw him at Vet Med where I had taken Vivian to get spayed.

When Vivian was shaved, it was discovered she had already been spayed previously in her life. And she now weighs 9.2#. She weighed just a bit over 7# when I got her. She and Lucy Mae both drove me crazy this morning from 3 a.m. on because I had to pull all the food away last night. And Vivian has done nothing but eat since she has been home.

But back to Ryan - I talked about a transport for Rufus if we couldn't get the truckers or the pilots. He said for money for a cheap motel and gas he would drive Rufus anywhere we wanted, even out to Washington to Syvia's.

So it appears right now that Rufus is truly saved. He will be going to Pennsylvania. And perhaps my life will go on, minus the wine bottle for awhile. Well, I wasn't too concerned about that. Last night and the night before I couldn't finish my glass. I just wanted a sip of it and threw the rest down the drain. I was too depressed to even drink wine.

I should never, ever get so tied to a cat. But Rufus was very special to me because I never believed he was really feral. And Animal Control would have put him to the gas chamber but they didn't have time for a 48-hour notice.

Hugs and love,


01-21-2011, 11:59 PM
I'll be glad he's going to a shelter, but sad that they do not do adoptions from their facility. That is SAD. I'd still love to give this boy a home, pending that he would not be aggressive with my guys. My FIV guys have for the most part been docile, but you never know what happens to some of them at times.

Send an email to Rhoda, will see what she has to say. Even offered to help with transport.

He just seemed right to me. Like I was getting a sign from my Macker, my first FIV+ kitty. Shelters are great, but a home is a HOME.

Oh well.

01-22-2011, 12:02 AM
[QUOTE=kuhio98;2329728][SIZE="3"]Jenn ~ You would be the answer to all of our prayers if you were able to give Rufus a permanent home.

The current plan is for Rufus to go to a rescue in Pennsylvania! How far is this rescue from Allentown? [/QUOTE=kuhio98;2329728]

Allentown is a few hours drive to Harrisburg. Not far at all, I'd say 2 to 2 1/2 hrs and nothing for me to drive.

Bibette & Lulu
01-22-2011, 06:58 AM
I had an experience with an FIV+ kitty that adopted me back in the late 80's. I was living in a community of duplexes and quadraplexes in Portsmouth NH that had been built in the early 1900's for workers in one of the local privately owned shipyards. So the homes were pretty close together. The neighborhood was a mixture of different socioeconomic strata and there were a number of feral and wandering cats around. Tommy Tom Cat appeared on my door step one very cold February and I invited him in. At the time, I had a border collie-mix dog who really didn't give a hoot who she shared our abode with. I discovered that Tom had what appeared to be a growth on his ear and contacted a local vet about bringing him in for it to be checked out. He was still coming/going on his own. Needless to say, the morning of the appointment, he was out. A friend and I went looking for him and that's when I discovered he had several look-alike (black and white short haired) kin he was hanging out with - which one was Tommy? He wasn't ready to come to me. The vet said bring him in when you catch up with him and leave him, which I was able to do. A call later, she told me they would need to put him under and did I plan to keep him (they wanted to neuter him at the same time) - I said of course!!! It turns out his ear was badly infected and they discovered that he had several BB's in him (someone in the neighborhood thought it was great fun to use these roamers for target practice!!!). Thus began a companionship that lasted a number of years. Tom was one of those tough guys who was of an indeterminate age. When I moved into Maine and my partner and I joined households (by this time Sapphire dog had made her trip over the Rainbow Bridge), Tommie was joined by Geraldine (actually another neutered male - but that's a story for another time). When Tommie developed an infection in his gums that just wouldn't go away, the vet we were seeing ran the blood test for FIV and he came up positive. At that point, both cats became totally indoor (well, except for Geraldine's occasional spring forray around the yard's perimeter). They were not fighters and peacefully co-existed. Unfortunately, the compromise to Tommy's immune system left him unable to fight the recurrent infections he encountered and I tearfully bade him good bye, freeing him to join Sapphire over the Rainbow Bridge. Geraldine never tested positive and lived to a ripe old age of 20 something, we think. I had never heard of FIV (I was well acquainted with HIV in humans and was active with one of the Seacost organizations at the time - but I know they are not the same thing). It's sad that it has been such a difficult time to find Rufus a forever home. I trust that he is settling in with his new setting. But reading this thread brought back many of the happy memories of my time with Tommy and the sad time when he was losing his battle to the recurrent infections. God speed to all who have been a part of Rufus' tale. :love::love:

Mom1 (with Bibette & Lulu watching along)

01-23-2011, 01:16 PM
Jennie, thank you so much for your very generous offer to take Rufus. Had it come through a day earlier, you would have had an additional cat.

However, arrangements have already been made for Rufus at the sanctuary. He has the bad bite or claw wound that needs treating, also and it takes two people to do this so the sanctuary is equipped to handle those sorts of things. The Best LIttle Cat House in Pennsylvania is located near Harrisburg and we do have transport for the boy, but I am extremely touched at your love and concern for our boy way down here in Michigan. If the situation should change between now and Thursday, I will let you know.

With as many cats as we have coming in to our shelter from the unconcerned people in my town, it is people like you who make a difference to all these abandoned, abused, neglected, and unloved ones.

It is wonderful to know you are willing to take an FIV positive kitty. We don't get many that test positive but if you don't mind, I would like to keep your e-mail address on file with our society as one willing to take in a positive kitty when we get another one or if the situation should change with Rufus. I wouldn't hesitate a minute to take one myself if I didn't have my own Lucy Mae and if I weren't fostering. Also, An FIV positive cat will not adopt out in my town. People just don't understand that they live full lives and make wonderful pets.

We were thrilled to hear back that the sanctuary in Pennsylvania would take Rufus because the other sanctuaries that responded to us are full already. It does look a comfortable home for FIV positive cats and they also have a fully caged area where the cats can go outdoors in the nice weather.

Thank you again for your kind and generous offer and for your love of FIV cats. One thing you can do to help us is to say a little prayer for Rufus that he will tolerate the trip well and also that his wounds will heal so that he will feel more comfortable being picked up. He loves to have his head scratched and pet but he experiences some discomfort in his back when he is picked up.

And may God bless you always for your compassion toward animals.


02-08-2011, 06:22 PM
From Rhoda ~

I don't have a long distance carrier and really try to reserve minutes on my pay as you go cell phone, but I couldn't resist this morning calling Lynn at The Best Little Cat House in Pennsylvania to see how Rufus is doing.

She said the drainage on his back has stopped and his hair is growing back in and she is ready to stop using the antibiotic ointment that we sent with him. She said it has worked very well on his injuries and he's about healed over and looking real good.

She said the words "partly feral" have been crossed off his chart because he is one of the friendliest guys and gets along with the other cats and that he found the pet door to the outside right away. She said he wanders out into the screened area through one of the pet doors but doesn't stay long because it is still very cold there but she knows that when the weather warms up, he will be out there a lot.

She said he has found a favorite spot and stays where it is about 70 degrees and he snuggles right in with several other cats in the same room.

She said Rufus was right next to her as we were talking and that he absolutely LOVES his food and yesterday was tuna day and he was the first one in line for his tuna. He rubs against the legs of humans he has grown to trust, and he loves to be pet and he follows them around. She said he wasn't anything like what they expected. They expected him to be more feral since he was brought in, in the trap to the animal control center before our humane society took over. I had told them in advance that he was determined to be a feral but that I didn't believe it.

She said that yesterday they put his collar and tag on him so he is now like all of the other cats.

Lisa, if you could pass this on to Pet Talk because I still haven't signed up. Gosh, I don't know where my days go.

But after hearing about Rufus today, I have been smiling all day.

Hugs an love,


02-08-2011, 06:40 PM
Rhoda and Lisa, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

:love::love::love::love::love::love: from your friends in Ann Arbor

02-08-2011, 07:06 PM
WONDERFUL! Rufus, welcome to your furrever home. Tuna days! Oh MY! You so deserve that and all the joys and spoiling you can get! :love::love::love:

02-08-2011, 07:09 PM
So glad to hear good news about Rufus!! Still wish I could have adopted him, but I'll be here for another FIV+ kitty!