View Full Version : Best Kitty Toy Present Ever!

01-06-2011, 03:32 PM
A coworker found a child's stuffed toy (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/80176340?filterBean=se.ikea.ms.search.beans.IrwSea rchFilterBean%4050430ec2&SEARCH_FILTER_0=eNqVU8Fu00AQHQwtoAahhooKcaNSLyBbQr 3llKYqCgpQ1T0lp40zpFtsr9ldJw0HxI07Ehc%252BAC5wQOLM If4xxrt2Gie0UdeS48x783Zn3uz0Z%252FYL1pSEpwpd%252Fg 6ZGylXIZPBqdtHFiu3Lce%252B%252BX%252FIQ41yn4LZJ3o% 252BnzWnX6a%252Fsx8OPO7C5luDNgPNR9gSoZBdqM%252FHXu MYlV4gHkkeYBe2qzExSAN9MkkIeWCRA65YP8RBIbxVjZbSC%25 2BRC%252FNFidE5%252B21ZaYs2%252BSHWbmtCFh1VkP1U8Rq WWgJaPcmT22aoChyzi4YQOVQ23B8hIpV6NvhT9ZWkqSx0LES0B RQmqB%252BtB3hClwet1FHq5f16kPEv3jH%252FezL92HKO0Jj Y6cM%252B2pXXKEvrR4F5XYKMQyE%252Bgod45YyPmhSweer6W PB4SpWYp1p%252F38BFuztKMOUVoswzNnCmAYoB8DDHQduMCKS bGp61pqyM25DHTXMRVRT%252Ftt5jGoZCTHHAIGEqRJracY1Rp qDXsra78xWJWXpw0X6ol0phU7tsGpJqH3iuWNM4TKNcNemil0t q04prNd3l3PP0zzv4Opt8%252BOABWku7qs%252BuIiOz7YGcv %252B7pTc8Dpwjozt6wDayMWprbTJKwB8s%252BNS18qf9%252 B1JDrC85VHWOpZ2Q0HbvWgFtHg5LaSaTS%252Fu%252F%252Bb X9PLC9rJm0aed4AJkzrCWF%252BZd0EzebcjuqicxhCeXJpiGY Z%252BJ%252FInSmN0Nd9QiH%252BemPUP7lHWmw%253D%253D ) at an Ikea store and thought it'd make a good kitty toy for a Christmas present.
It's the green worm/snake thing.


The kitties LOVE:love: it!! I think it's the first time they've all agreed on the same toy before. Planning on going to the store myself and getting 6 more of these things!!!! Holds up well to them chewing on the tail.

01-06-2011, 03:35 PM
How funny that such a simple toy is the one they all love!

01-06-2011, 03:43 PM
Good find!

My dog toys sit, ignored.

My dogs play with the cat toys.

My cats play with the Christmas decorations, pens, pencils, pieces of paper, a leaf from the lettuce which falls, you get the idea.

01-06-2011, 04:31 PM
I just went to the Northern VA Ikea last week and I don't remember seeing those. If I go back soon, I might have to get my cat clan one if I can find it.


01-06-2011, 04:41 PM
My Found Cats like the small mice, especially the Mini Mice and swat those around. heir favorite toy is still the Cat Dancer nad ubster Panther loves the refillable mose from Michigan and the Cat Nip Shark and Cigar from his Aunt Pat.:D
His Meeopwmie In Law!!!:love::):cool:

01-06-2011, 06:41 PM
Oh, what a great find-out!

Now I'm going to have to track down where there's an IKEA store somewhere around here. I'm sure there is one somewhere. (Gretchen, do you know off the top of your head?)