View Full Version : I am so mad at Chip right now !!!!

01-04-2011, 05:47 PM
My blood pressure is hitting the danger mark.
No matter what I've done, they won't stay out from behind the dryer. Just a few minutes ago, Chip jumped over the back of the dryer from behind it carrying the dryer vent tube with him!!!!!

There was a hole in it but they have completly disconnected it from one end and shredded it.

When I first moved into this house, I had the paper vent tube replaced with one that was supposed to be cat proof. It's wire with alumunium around it. Wasn't cat proof for my monsters. Ok, Winnie started the hole a year ago but Chip killed the thing. I hope none of them have eaten any of that alumunium!!! I pulled off what I could reach.

I hope we don't get gassed to death when I use the dryer. I have no other way to dry clothes and no money to replace that vent for a while. I'm still paying off a massive plumbing bill from a water mane break in the fall. The plumbers wouldn't come until that's paid off anyway. sheesh

I just don't know what to do with Chip. At this second, I can't stand to even look at him. I know I'll be over that in a few seconds but until I calm down, it's best he stay in a room far away from me.

Please pray that my monster calms down soon before I end up in a straight jacket!!!!!
I'm having pains in my stomach right now from the stress!!! :love:

Oh, great now Chuck is missing! He has to be in that kitchen some where. My only guess is he is inside the dryer somehow. sigh
update: yep he was! The rattle of the treat bag got him out. Lord, I hope they don't chew something up in the dryer.:(

01-04-2011, 06:29 PM
Tues, Jan 4 2011, 7:29pm

Hi, I'm so sorry for your troubles. Probably by now you've calmed down some. Yes, our little furry friends sure can push our buttons from time to time.

So, is Chip the little black one (at the end) that is your sig photo? He's cute.

Make sure he (or none of the others) can get in the vent hole & escape or get hung in the opening.

Is there any way to block the dryer from them? I was afraid Luke would go behind my dryer & get stuck because he's so big. So, I lodged a narrow trash can (plastic one) between the dryer & the wall & then stacked some containers on top to keep him from going back there. However, your cats might be skinnier & more active & inquisitive than Luke. Luke is too fat to jump up on dryer.. one good thing for being plump I guess.

Anyway I hope everything will be ok. Just calm down & think about how to "fix" (if possible) what Chip did. Again, I'm sorry and can understand your frustration. Kay in NC

01-04-2011, 06:29 PM
Boys.... :eek:

01-04-2011, 06:35 PM
Tues, Jan 4 2011, 7:29pm

Hi, I'm so sorry for your troubles. Probably by now you've calmed down some. Yes, our little furry friends sure can push our buttons from time to time.

So, is Chip the little black one (at the end) that is your sig photo? He's cute.

Make sure he (or none of the others) can get in the vent hole & escape or get hung in the opening.

Is there any way to block the dryer from them? I was afraid Luke would go behind my dryer & get stuck because he's so big. So, I lodged a narrow trash can (plastic one) between the dryer & the wall & then stacked some containers on top to keep him from going back there. However, your cats might be skinnier & more active & inquisitive than Luke. Luke is too fat to jump up on dryer.. one good thing for being plump I guess.

Anyway I hope everything will be ok. Just calm down & think about how to "fix" (if possible) what Chip did. Again, I'm sorry and can understand your frustration. Kay in NC

I've been trying to keep cats from behind that dryer since I moved in in 2006. I've put boxes between the wall and dryer, they just go over the dryer then jump and grab on the back and pull themselves out that way.

The dryer vent flap on the outside of the house was put on so it opens sidewise insead of up and down. I keep a rock inside the cover to hold the flap down when I'm not using the dryer to keep cold air out and mice type critters from coming in so the cats can't get out of it. They are too fat to get even their heads out anyway, (I'm hoping).

Yep, Chip is the one on top of my siggy and Chuck is the one on the bottom. They are both lots bigger now. :love:

01-04-2011, 06:37 PM
I had my dryer without a vent for quite sometime.. only con was there was more lint to vaccum and super super hot.. not complaining in winter about that.. lol

so I think you could go without for a while.. what concerned me was the kitties getting inside and stuck..

silly boys.. there must be a way to have it blocked from them.. not sure how feasible it is but maybe a hard pvc vent.. or a board on the side and top so the back is enclosed..:confused:

will think about it for a while ;)

01-04-2011, 06:43 PM
I'll be counting kitty noses before I use the dryer that's for sure!!! :love:
I don't think they will go near it when It's running. It makes too much noise. I want to make sure they aren't near it when I turn it on however.

Hope I live long enough to see those two grow up. I think they've already taken 5 years off my life. ;) :love:

01-04-2011, 06:47 PM
Oh, boy, MoFF! Is this typical bouncy kitten action for them? Calm down, you guys!

01-04-2011, 06:50 PM
What room is the dryer in? Sorry, I'm having difficulty following this.

Except, that fact you are upset, THAT I can follow; and that Chip did it, that is clear, too, heheeee.

01-04-2011, 06:55 PM
Maybe it's a male,black kitty thing. I have a black kitty Joey who is by
far the most frustrating kitty I've ever known. He, and only he, is the one
who gets into EVERYTHING. Thinks up things my other boys would never
dream of doing.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I do feel your pain Connie.:( Do you have any place to separate him from the group for a "time out" period? That sometimes works for Joey. At least it works for me to calm down a bit.;)

01-04-2011, 06:56 PM
Okay, for now, until you can work out a solution, you can always try putting the wet clothes on drying racks - plastic hangers will do - and leaving them someplace warm in the house.

It sounds like you need a way to completely encase the dryer that's kitty-proof. Plywood and a few nails? Know anyone that is "handy" that might have some scrap lumber around? If not, maybe call the high school, and see if the woodshop kids would be interested in a project in exchange for a batch of cookies and some class credit ... You could send a note with a "Save this Kitten's Life" and a picture of him looking his most adorable ....

01-04-2011, 07:25 PM
I'm sorry to hear this and I know how frustrating it can be to have kittens that are very destructive.:( Maybe you can call your brother and he can come up with a solution. You said that he has several cats of his own so maybe he's had the same problem and he'll be able to help you come up with a solution.

Both of my little red heads have also been very destructive little terrors. I've never had as many problems with kittens tearing and destroying things as I have with these two. I have to keep all paper and plastic products hidden away from them. I even have to keep my kitchen trash can in the second bedroom. They're lucky that they're so adorable because it helps me to forgive them much faster.:)

Does any one know if they make cat chew sticks or chew toys like they do for dogs? I think that both MOFF and I could use some of these kinds of things.:) I think that our little boys are getting bored with what kitty toys they have so they just have to get into trouble instead. I hope that all of our kittens will calm down soon. Good luck.:)

01-04-2011, 08:07 PM
Moff I feel so bad for you - it is difficult dealing with feline juvenile delinquents at the best of times:D these two have you running in circles. I sure hope they simmer down soon enough and give you a break:love:

Cats are just too smart for their own good sometimes:rolleyes: Eve is now 7 years old and she can still be a real handful at times - usually when she is tired or bored and it is at those times when she knows just which buttons to push to get attention. She will do things she knows will get her into trouble - it's uncanny because she is, in general, such a good girl:love: If she is left alone she has the run of the house and has never been destructive however, at times she just looks for attention and that is when she acts out.

When she gets a little too unruly, we put her in a 'time out' room and she settles down pretty quick. Then she is all hugs and cuddles - like nothing happened at all :p:D:love:

Good luck with your little stinkers and have a glass of wine:D


01-05-2011, 12:29 PM
The little monsters are locked in the kitchen right now. That's where they spend most of their time. The kitchen is really two big rooms. There was a wall that was taken out to make it one huge room.

The dryer, washer and my cook stove are all against the far wall by the outside door. No way to block them off. No spare rooms to lock chip up in. He would destroy them and everything in them. The kitchen is the best place for them. I have to even put Winnie in there at night because she still chews on power cords. The ones in the kitchen have all been covered. Well, except for the dryer and washer ones. I can't reach those.

I am just at a loss with these two. Specially Chip. He will take a run and jump and just assume anything in his way will move out of his way. I've never had a cat like him before.

I'm just praying he grows up soon. I did shortly entertain the idea of finding him a new home last night. Luckily for him, I'm no quitter and take my commitments seriously. Plus, I really wouldn't be able to send him off if it really came down to it. :love:

01-05-2011, 12:38 PM
I guess I have been lucky. I have only adopted two kittens in my entire life. I prefer older cats for the very reason that kittens can get a little too exuberant when they explore their world. I got Ming as a kitten and he was always a perfect angel, still is except at the white coats. I also rescued my boyfriend's tuxedo, Buddy, when he was a kitten. Again, he could be trusted with anything but paper towels from day one. They say mischieviousness can be a sign of high intelligence. Maybe you should rename Chip, Einstein!:D

01-05-2011, 12:48 PM
They say mischieviousness can be a sign of high intelligence. Maybe you should rename Chip, Einstein!:D

Oh, mercy!!! Now I'm really frightened!!! :eek: ;) :love:

01-05-2011, 01:06 PM
:p Well there ya go & dont you just love them>? Yup this morning I was pulling Sunny out from behind the refrig.. He was trying to disconnect everything.. These wittle sibbies are for sure stinkerss.. :D

01-05-2011, 03:55 PM
Catalog came in today's mail, I saw this and thought of this thread.

Note: this is ONLY if your dryer is electric; not for a gas dryer. Don't know which you have.


01-05-2011, 04:26 PM
It can be such a pain in the neck when Our Cats do something that can be dangerous, but they think that it is fun:eek::eek:
With My Found Ctas , it was sneaking out whenever I was not looking, even though this is not always a safe place for Cats!!!:eek::eek::eek:
We pray that you can find a solution foe Chip the Nawtee:love::love::love:

01-05-2011, 04:30 PM
could you/would you post a pic of the area.. maybe looking at it we could think some McGiver-ish way to block it from them..;)

01-05-2011, 04:35 PM
Is it possible to put double stick tape over, under, around, on the dryer and surrounding space? I've heard that cats hate stepping on the sticky tape....:rolleyes:

01-05-2011, 05:43 PM
Wow that is crazy! And completely understandable as to why you are so mad! I must be lucky because of all the cats I have had, none of them ever cared about the dryer. Well when I opened it up and their are warm clothes in it they would try to jump in, but they never cared about going behind it or beside it.

I hope you will find a great solution so that you don't have to fear for your kitty or your dryer anymore.

01-05-2011, 05:58 PM
Catalog came in today's mail, I saw this and thought of this thread.

Note: this is ONLY if your dryer is electric; not for a gas dryer. Don't know which you have.


My dryer is electric. That connection showed looks like the one that was on it only it didn't have the big plastic box, just hooked to the dryer and the outside vent hole. :love:

I'll check and see if I have a picture of the dryer. I hate to add more pics right now because my computer is so low on free space. I may already have one from when I moved in though. (unless I deleted it)

The boys have been pretty good today. They both were overdoing the luvies. I've been buttered up so much I'm greasy!!! :D

smokey the elder
01-06-2011, 10:02 AM
You might want to see if you can get a second-hand puppy crate to put them in, to serve as "time out". That way they can't get into mischief!

01-06-2011, 05:05 PM
They do get time outs in their cat carriers. Not for long just half an hour. They love their carriers though and even sleep in them sometimes when I leave the doors open on them.

What I need is a monkey cage. a big big monkey cage!!! :D :love:

They have been unusually quiet this afternoon. They each had an attack of "I need luvies" and kept wanting me to pick them up for cuddles. Of course I did. Chuck is so big and heavy now, I can hardly hold him. He wants to be held on his back like a baby and have his tummy rubbed. They are still napping in here right now.

We are in for snow this weekend. Bet they freak out when they peek out and see it.

01-06-2011, 05:37 PM
The boys have been pretty good today. They both were overdoing the luvies. I've been buttered up so much I'm greasy!!! :D

:love: They have been unusually quiet this afternoon. They each had an attack of "I need luvies" and kept wanting me to pick them up for cuddles. Of course I did. Chuck is so big and heavy now, I can hardly hold him. He wants to be held on his back like a baby and have his tummy rubbed. They are still napping in here right now.

Chuck and Chip, you are so funny! Please be good for your meowmie! I wish I could be there to give you lovies and cuddles.

Your admiring fan,

01-06-2011, 06:39 PM
Awwwww... they're just SOOOOO sweet, you just HAVE to look beyond the nawtiness!

01-07-2011, 06:43 PM
Meowmie MoFF, how are things today?

01-08-2011, 12:34 PM
Things are fairly quiet right now. They have contented themselves with breaking a few slats out of the kitchen blinds this morning.

Now Chip is sleeping in a sun puddle beside my chair and Chunk, um, Chuck, has been havng attacts of 'I want luvies right this minute.'

He jumps up here and gets me wet. He loves putting his head under the water facuet. It's so cold here, I have to leave the water running to keep the pipes from freezing. He loves it.

He likes to lay upside down like he did when he was a baby and have me rub his tummy. Problem is he is a big boy now. A very big and heavy boy. He is heavier than Chester I think and will probably be longer when he is full grown. He also likes to put his head on my shoulder and look super sweet.

Chippy gets his share of luvies when he is awake too. I just don't like to wake him up. When he's sleeping, he's not destroying anything. :D :love:

01-10-2011, 03:51 PM
:love: Awweee Chuck & Chip you both do just the same things as Tangy & Sunny.. At lunch I saw where Sunny was on top of the Refrig again & knocked off stuff again.. Also Sunny loves to do the laying head on my shoulder & look up at me with that Cutie Face & lick my nose Just like you all do.. Its for sure known your babies are sibbies for sure.. Now Carmela is just a Angel all of the time..

01-10-2011, 04:06 PM
:love: Awweee Chuck & Chip you both do just the same things as Tangy & Sunny.. At lunch I saw where Sunny was on top of the Refrig again & knocked off stuff again.. Also Sunny loves to do the laying head on my shoulder & look up at me with that Cutie Face & lick my nose Just like you all do.. Its for sure known your babies are sibbies for sure.. Now Carmela is just a Angel all of the time..

Carmela must take after her cat mom, Lilac. She was such a sweetie too.

Chip and Chuck have had a busy day. They saw their very first snow flakes!!! Their eyes were as big as half dollars. They enjoyed watching my neighbor boy shovel that funny white stuff off the sidewalk too.

Now they are demanding their supper. Hard work supervising the hired help you know!!! Luvies to the Texas Sibbies and their mom too. :love:

01-12-2011, 05:27 PM
MoFF, how was your day with Chip and Chuck, Angel and Winnie, Grandma and Chester? Could you please give them some hugs and snuggles from me?

Speaking of hard work supervising the hired help... My sister gave me a cute plaque for Christmas: "It's the cat's house; I just pay the mortgage." And that's so true!

01-12-2011, 05:57 PM
I finally threw in the towel and tied that one kitchen blind up so they have no excuse for jumping on it. It's so shredded I can hardly tape the blinds back in any way. Our house is so close to the one next door, it creaps me out having that blind open like that but I can't keep messing with it. Bet that doesn't stop them from jumping on it. :D

Yep, your Christmas plaque is right, I 'm just the hired help here waiting on the princes and princesses of the castle. :D

All luvies, hugs, and snuggles delivered. They say thank you very very much!!! :love::love::love::love::love::love:

01-12-2011, 08:13 PM
All I can do is sit here and giggle....... :D
I know it's not funny, but golly gee are they troublemakers.

Sending more love....:love::love::love:

01-13-2011, 11:52 AM
Mr Chip thought he met the devil himself/herself this morning.

I was at the kitchen sink when I heard Angel yelling her head off. Chip had his paws around her neck and had her down kicking the stuffing out of her.

Before I could get to them, Momma Winnie did!!! Let's just say that the head bonk and lesson she taught him will stay with him far longer than anything I could do to him. :D

He and Angel are back to being buds now and sleeping side by side. :rolleyes: :love:

Miss Angel had no injuries except hurt feelings. I gave her a special treat to help ease the indignity. :love:

01-13-2011, 12:36 PM
OMG! I wish I had been there to see that. I don't think that Winnie has forgotten that she is Angel's mom at all! She is such a good Mommy!:love:

01-13-2011, 12:41 PM
Mr Chip thought he met the devil himself/herself this morning.

I was at the kitchen sink when I heard Angel yelling her head off. Chip had his paws around her neck and had her down kicking the stuffing out of her.

Before I could get to them, Momma Winnie did!!! Let's just say that the head bonk and lesson she taught him will stay with him far longer than anything I could do to him. :D

He and Angel are back to being buds now and sleeping side by side. :rolleyes: :love:

Miss Angel had no injuries except hurt feelings. I gave her a special treat to help ease the indignity. :love:

Way to go Winnie.:) Being a momma never ends does it?:rolleyes: :D

01-13-2011, 01:07 PM
I knew this was a bad idea but I did it anyway.

I decided to make some muffins. Now I only do the dump from package, add water and stir kind. So I thought, just this once I could get by without locking every furry thing up.


I managed to shoo Chip and Chuck and Angel and Winnie out of the way (Grandma was napping in the bedroom like the good girl she is) when Chester came flying through the air, landed on the counter and skidded, landing with a hip in the bowl of batter. I must admit he looked funny. :D Lucky for him, I hadn't gotten to the stir part so he just got some of the dry batter on him and was easily dusted off. I don't need muffins anyway!!! :D:love:

01-13-2011, 04:20 PM
I knew this was a bad idea but I did it anyway.

I decided to make some muffins. Now I only do the dump from package, add water and stir kind. So I thought, just this once I could get by without locking every furry thing up.


I managed to shoo Chip and Chuck and Angel and Winnie out of the way (Grandma was napping in the bedroom like the good girl she is) when Chester came flying through the air, landed on the counter and skidded, landing with a hip in the bowl of batter. I must admit he looked funny. :D Lucky for him, I hadn't gotten to the stir part so he just got some of the dry batter on him and was easily dusted off. I don't need muffins anyway!!! :D:love:

Chester! Getting back in touch with your inner kitten, I see! And meowmie thought she didn't have to worry about you ;) Could you please have her give you a BIG hug from me? Sweet handsome blackie kitty!

01-13-2011, 04:42 PM
Chester! Getting back in touch with your inner kitten, I see! And meowmie thought she didn't have to worry about you ;) Could you please have her give you a BIG hug from me? Sweet handsome blackie kitty!

He sure is sweet! He tastes like a blueberry muffin!!! :D BIG HUG delivered!!! :love:

Pinot's Mom
01-13-2011, 04:49 PM
Muffin Chester made me laugh so hard!
The imagery was priceless! :D

01-13-2011, 04:53 PM
:p Oh my Connie you just made my day.. Or shall I say Chester made my day.. I am sitting here Laughing My Butt Off.. Oh yea a Blueberry Chester Batter Kitty.. LOL LOL You have got to start videoing these adventures..

I knew this was a bad idea but I did it anyway.

I decided to make some muffins. Now I only do the dump from package, add water and stir kind. So I thought, just this once I could get by without locking every furry thing up.


I managed to shoo Chip and Chuck and Angel and Winnie out of the way (Grandma was napping in the bedroom like the good girl she is) when Chester came flying through the air, landed on the counter and skidded, landing with a hip in the bowl of batter. I must admit he looked funny. :D Lucky for him, I hadn't gotten to the stir part so he just got some of the dry batter on him and was easily dusted off. I don't need muffins anyway!!! :D:love:

01-13-2011, 05:12 PM
:p Oh my Connie you just made my day.. Or shall I say Chester made my day.. I am sitting here Laughing My Butt Off.. Oh yea a Blueberry Chester Batter Kitty.. LOL LOL You have got to start videoing these adventures..

And to think, he's teaching the youngsters everything he knows!!! :eek: :D :love:

01-14-2011, 12:14 PM
:eek: OMG yup he sure is.. Ok on second thought no videos due to Sunny & Tangy likes to get on the computer some & may see them videos & start taking notes.. I have just now got them to stop the top refrig & microwave distroying..:p

And to think, he's teaching the youngsters everything he knows!!! :eek: :D :love:

01-14-2011, 12:30 PM
:eek: OMG yup he sure is.. Ok on second thought no videos due to Sunny & Tangy likes to get on the computer some & may see them videos & start taking notes.. I have just now got them to stop the top refrig & microwave distroying..:p

Thankfully I have no microwave for my monsters to destroy. I even moved the big trash can out of the kitchen because they climb on it and get on top of the frig. They liked to gab my magnets off the frig door and throw them at me. I got bonked more than once by a flying magnet. :D

Chip is now trying to get a screw out on the door of the frig. It holds one of the shelves inside the frig door. For some odd reason, they put that screw on the outside. Even though they painted it white, that didn't hide it from Chip's eagle eyes. He keeps jumping up and trying to get it. At least it keeps him off the window blinds while he's doing that. :eek: :love:

01-14-2011, 01:10 PM
Oh Moff, I think you're getting more excersise lately than usual! :D

Give them all some kisses from me, anyway! :love:

01-14-2011, 01:38 PM
He sure is sweet! He tastes like a blueberry muffin!!! :D :love:


I like blueberry muffins a lot :)

01-14-2011, 02:13 PM

I like blueberry muffins a lot :)

Chester has a new nick name now: Muffin Butt!!! :D :love:

01-14-2011, 02:23 PM
Sounds like Chester is going through his second childhood - trying to keep up with his little brothers :)

01-15-2011, 01:14 AM
Sounds like Chester is going through his second childhood - trying to keep up with his little brothers :)
Yep, that's what happens when you have a house full of younger cats. Just ask Storm and Sky.;)

My not so little red heads have not only knocked off some of my refrigerator magnets, but they have bitten holes in them and then they put them in the water bowls. I have to then throw them away. Lately they've been very good and I hope that this continues.:)

01-21-2011, 08:49 PM
Hi, Chip and Chuck and big brother Chester! Hi, Angel Rose, Winnie and Grandma! How are things at your house?

Your admiring fan,

01-22-2011, 12:29 PM
Hi, Chip and Chuck and big brother Chester! Hi, Angel Rose, Winnie and Grandma! How are things at your house?

Your admiring fan,

They've been fairly good lately if you don't count chip biting holes in my box of crackers from the grocery Wednesday. :D :love:

01-27-2011, 05:30 PM
Just want to post a note because I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to get on line. My computer is down to 6 percent free space now.

I have uninstalled and deleted and cleaned everything I know how to do. I even moved all my pictures to my alternate drive and uninstalled my Kodak picture program. My tiny hard drive is not turning loose of free space.

Just want you all to know how much you mean to me, just in case. :love:

01-27-2011, 06:10 PM
Just want to post a note because I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to get on line. My computer is down to 6 percent free space now.

I have uninstalled and deleted and cleaned everything I know how to do. I even moved all my pictures to my alternate drive and uninstalled my Kodak picture program. My tiny hard drive is not turning loose of free space.

Just want you all to know how much you mean to me, just in case. :love:

Connie, I wish I knew how to fix that problem, but I don't.:( Why don't
you post this problem in General to get more views & maybe some more
folks to see it & offer helpful suggestions. I know there are more than a
handful of posters who are knowledgeable about pc maintenance.

Please give it a try & give others a chance to help.:)

01-27-2011, 09:13 PM
MOFF I received a PM about your space problem on your hard drive. Im trying out a program now that may help figure out what is taking up so much space. I installed it and ran it but now Im running a virus scan to make sure Im not recommending something that would cause further problems.

In the meantime we could try Spacemonger, download link (http://www.sixty-five.cc/download/index.php). Download the latest version, its free for 30 days. If you could run this and post a screen shot of the results we might find what is taking up so much space.

01-28-2011, 12:28 AM
I sure hope that Blue or some one else will be able to help you. We'd hate to lose you as a member of PT due to having computer problems.:( When I was having problems Brian,aka Puckstop31, was able to help me while I was on the phone with him. He has a program that let him get into my computer and he fixed my problem very easily. I wish I could be of help but I don't know all that much about fixing computers either. Good luck.:)

01-28-2011, 12:34 AM
Im actually hoping Puck got PMed too. He has more resources then I do. I am more then willing to help MOFF any way I can.

01-28-2011, 12:55 AM
MOFF: Do you want me to connect to your computer again to see what's going on? Or maybe Puck and Blue can help.

:love: Don't fret. There's always the telephone. :love:

01-28-2011, 10:48 AM
MOFF: Do you want me to connect to your computer again to see what's going on? Or maybe Puck and Blue can help.

:love: Don't fret. There's always the telephone. :love:

If you have the time slick, that would be great. Maybe you could at least show me some things I can safely take off. Like that musicmatch jukebox thing or quicktime player and such.

I'm wondering if I could take off some of my system reset points too. It's been making them for over 6 years. I won't ever reset my computer to all of them.

There are lots of things hanging out on it that I have no clue what they are for.

Blue, right now, I am real hesitant to download any thing because of lack of space.

01-28-2011, 04:50 PM
I found one of the problems. My system restore was set to the max. It was taking 12% of my disk space for the restore points. I set it to 6% and found on options on disk cleanup that I could delete all but the last restore point. So I did.

That explains a lot. When I was deleting pictures and emptying the recycle bin, it was making a new restore point. Every time I turned my computer off and restarted it, a new restore point.

I'm back up to 11% free space. There was also the option to delete programs I don't use and also windows componets I don't use. I didn't mess with those because I'm not sure just what they would delete.

At least we have breathing room now. :love::love:

01-28-2011, 07:58 PM
Blue, right now, I am real hesitant to download any thing because of lack of space.

I dont blame you but the program is small compared to its potential benefits, especially since you now have more space. A graphical view of your hard drive would help.

If you have or can get 15% free Defrag your hard drive if you havent already.

I found one of the problems. My system restore was set to the max. It was taking 12% of my disk space for the restore points. I set it to 6% and found on options on disk cleanup that I could delete all but the last restore point. So I did.

That explains a lot. When I was deleting pictures and emptying the recycle bin, it was making a new restore point. Every time I turned my computer off and restarted it, a new restore point.

I'm back up to 11% free space. There was also the option to delete programs I don't use and also windows componets I don't use. I didn't mess with those because I'm not sure just what they would delete.

At least we have breathing room now.


Do you have the disks your computer originally came with? It might be worth while to take the time to back up the rest of your data and restore the machine back to factory condition.

01-28-2011, 08:36 PM
At work here we use CCleaner and it works really well, of course after backing up the registry.

I'll talk to you Sunday. Will email you with the time.


01-29-2011, 12:31 PM
At work here we use CCleaner and it works really well, of course after backing up the registry.

I'll talk to you Sunday. Will email you with the time.


I do have CCleaner on my computer and use it almost daily right now.
I'll be watching for your email.

Gary, believe it or not, (my brother doesn't), my computer never came with any disks. Everything was all loaded and ready to go so they never sent any disks with it. It never even had an owners manual. :rolleyes:

I've just learned by trial and error with it. :love:

01-30-2011, 08:31 PM
Slick hopped on my computer and did some research. She found out that over 80% of my hard drive is being taken up by my Norton virus definations. Seems it's not been deleting them when it adds new ones. It updates them every week (sometimes more).

My bro is going to check it out too next weekend (because I am a worry wart and Slick wants him to also). I am up to 13% free space now though. So If I'm careful it should be ok until then.

thank you all and mostly thank you Slick!!! :love::love::love:

01-30-2011, 08:36 PM
I'd dump Norton and use AVG Free or Avast.

Norton has become almost like a virus itself in the last few years.

Glad you are getting some more free space!:)

01-30-2011, 09:23 PM
Hi MoFF, has Chip been behaving himself lately?

01-31-2011, 12:39 PM
Hi MoFF, has Chip been behaving himself lately?

That depends on what you mean by behaving himself! :D He has been trying to jump up on one of the set of shelves in the kitchen that I have stuffed with things from other places that he is not to mess with. He thinks rules are fine for everyone but himself!!! ;)

Poor Chuck got a toe stuck in the bathroom door this morning. I've caught him playing with the hinges and the crack of the door when the door opens lots of times. Ive shooed him away and told him he would get his toe stuck one day. Well today was the day.

He wasn't near the door when I went in but when I opened the door to come out, I heard him yell. I shut the door fast because I was sure what happened.

He ran away from the door so when I got out, I tracked him down. It doesn't look like it was hurt too badly. No limping or swelling. I'll keep an eye on it to be sure he's ok. Of course, I did kiss his toesies to make it better. :love:

02-01-2011, 01:12 AM
Gary, believe it or not, (my brother doesn't), my computer never came with any disks. Everything was all loaded and ready to go so they never sent any disks with it. It never even had an owners manual. :rolleyes:

I've just learned by trial and error with it. :love:

My name isnt Gary but Im not suprised your computer didnt come with restore disks.

I learned most of what I know by trial and error too. I do have actual certifications but tests dont mean anything without the experience. Hellow could probably school me and he is less then half my age.

I second Catty for dumping Norton, but I recommend Avast over AVG.

If Norton was taking more the 80% of your hard drive I would hope you have all of that free and not just 13%.

02-01-2011, 12:23 PM
We tried Avast at work and it messed with our network. We use AVG and have never had a problem. It's great!

02-01-2011, 01:51 PM
My name isnt Gary but Im not suprised your computer didnt come with restore disks.

I learned most of what I know by trial and error too. I do have actual certifications but tests dont mean anything without the experience. Hellow could probably school me and he is less then half my age.

I second Catty for dumping Norton, but I recommend Avast over AVG.

If Norton was taking more the 80% of your hard drive I would hope you have all of that free and not just 13%.

I am so sorry!!! I have no clue why I thought your name was Gary!!! Must have been having a senior moment or something!!!

We havn't taken the Norton virus def files off yet. My bro can't help me until this weekend. I should have way more space after those are gone. One thing I will say for Norton, I've never had a virus in the 6 years I've used it. My account is paid up until the end of the summer, so I'll probably keep it until then if we can get rid of those files. :love:

02-02-2011, 09:18 PM
My bro just moved over 600 of norton's temp files to my alternate drive, just until we are sure they aren't needed.

I now have 45% free on my main drive. I did a defrag. Gosh, it's almost like having a new computer. It does scoot!!!

Thank you all for helping me. :love:

02-03-2011, 10:31 AM
My bro just moved over 600 of norton's temp files to my alternate drive, just until we are sure they aren't needed.

I now have 45% free on my main drive. I did a defrag. Gosh, it's almost like having a new computer. It does scoot!!!

Thank you all for helping me. :love:

YIPEEE I am so glad this worked out for you.:D

smokey the elder
02-03-2011, 10:33 AM
Norton can be such bloatware. I'm glad you got it sorted out!

02-03-2011, 11:14 AM
I'm so glad that you were able to find out the problem and get it fixed.:) I also have Norton which is free with my Comcast Internet. Hopefully I'll never have this problem.