View Full Version : fluffy tail

10-30-2002, 11:25 AM
Hi All,
I know that when cats are annoyed or aggressive, their tails get all big and fluffy, and my Baby is no exception. But...her tail gets all big and fluffy when she wants to cuddle. It is the cutest thing,. She'll come near me, start purring and rubbing against my leg, and her tail is HUGE! Its how I know she wants to be picke up or just petted. Does anyone else's cats do this?

10-30-2002, 11:51 AM
LOL Neither of my cats do this. They only "bottle brush" their tails when they get startled or angry, but I can imagine that your Baby is absolutely adorable when she does that! :D Be sure to get a pic of her displaying her "bottle brush" for us! :D

10-30-2002, 12:56 PM
NO WAY! My cats don't do this either...only when they are startled or mad..but, I bet it is a really cute sight! Lillycat's boy, Indiana, has a tail that can get as big around as the Sunday New York Times, I kid you not! It isn't a 'bottle' brush, unless it is the Jolly Green Giant's bottle!:D

10-30-2002, 12:58 PM
My babies get that bottle brush tail look when they are scared/startled or very excited. Lately I only see it for baths and when Scout goes into super play mode. He's like kitty on speed racing around the house with a huge tail and wrestling Bix and Gigi. It's hysterical to watch.

10-30-2002, 02:01 PM
I wish my kitties did that when they were happy. They only do it when they are scared or startled. I love seeing the fluffy tails- it's like having a short haired cat with a long haired cats tail! Or sometimes it looks like a squirrels tail.
I love cat tails, and ears, and whiskers.........

10-30-2002, 02:15 PM
I bet that is so cute, to do it when they are happy. Nope, mine rarely do the bottle brush routine any more.