View Full Version : Wonderful Casper

01-02-2011, 08:21 AM
Congrats on being COTD, you were such a handsome kitty. Hope you are having a ball playing at Rainbow Bridge. :love::love:

01-02-2011, 08:34 AM
Casper, you left for the Bridge way too soon and I'm sure that your humans feel the loss immensely. How wonderful that you were protective of them and I'll bet you're still watching over them now. Enjoy your day as COTD, handsome boy. :love:

01-02-2011, 09:40 AM
Your Casper certainly was a beautiful cat. I am so sorry he died at an early age. From the writeup I can tell that he had a good life with you and was totally loved & returned that love. Congrats on being COTD! Kay in NC

01-02-2011, 09:44 AM
Somehow, I knew my friend Mary would have to comment on Casper, just as I find myself having to write a few words about this beautifully handsome kitty who passed before his time to something he should not have had. My Beloved Savior, Jesus, said the rain falls on the just and the unjust and the sun does so, too. That's the only way I can live with the pain I, and many I know, have gone through in this life. Sounds like Casper was quite the kittykens. I like how he was defensive of his family and especially about how the babysitter got swatted on his behind. Casper knew his weak spot, huh? :)
When I first saw Casper's photo, I thought, "Here's a kitty who favors my daughter's kitty 'Duncan' and I'll put him on my dog/cat/pet screen saver," and then I saw he had passed on. I can't make myself go ahead and do it now as each time his photo comes up, I'll feel a little sad and since I deal with hormonal depression on a daily basis, I tend to shy away from anything which might make me feel sad, and seeing Casper would do that. He certainly was a wonderful kitty, though, and he must have kept you folks on your toes.
May the Lord bless you folks for the life you gave to your boy Casper. I like loud-purring kitties and Casper apparently was one of those. I'd love to have heard him purr as each kitty's purr is a little different from another's.
Take care and thank you for sharing Casper with us. Although knowing he has passed has made me sad, I did enjoy hearing of his life with you. May you know Jesus as Savior before you leave this earth, unless you already do. If so, I'll see you, and Casper, at Home some day when it's all said and done.
My love to all in Jesus,
Jim Grayson
Lexington, Kentucky

01-02-2011, 10:23 AM
Casper was a wonderful kitty and you did a great job writing his bio! I can just see him ready to pounce on the hands that come through the letter slot, or the baby sitter who got scratched right in the keister!! You have inspired me to write about my pets who have gone on to the rainbow bridge. That will be one of my goals this year. It is nice to remember all the pets that have shaped our lives, a bit sad too. Take care! Robin from Kansas

01-02-2011, 11:24 AM
Bless you for taking care of this beautiful kitty - many abandon them when faced with vet bills due to health issues. Casper sure is cute and looks so comfy and loved. I lost my sweet Beyli 2 years ago yesterday so I understand the feeling of sadness very well, as many of us on this site do. I am sure you will treasure the special memories with him forever and that they often bring a smile to your face.

Take care,

01-02-2011, 12:04 PM
What a great cat you were...I know that you are sorely missed. :love::love::love:
Have a great time over the Rainbow Bridge! :love::love::love:

01-02-2011, 12:38 PM
Those ORANGEMEN are jsut so special!!! Sleep softly, sweet Casper...

01-02-2011, 01:12 PM
Casper like the Cartoon Ghost of our childhood is an Angel who is kind to every living creature and is now a Greeter for All Of Our Awesome Angels when they reach the Rainbow Bridge.
Casper Angel will be there helping put the Wings of Silver and Gold on All Of Our Angels as they are all made welcome to Paradise.
Casper will always be a part of your life, and he knows the struggles and expenses that you wennt through to give him as long a life as possible.

01-02-2011, 02:44 PM
What a wonderful cat! You were so lucky to have been loved and owned by him.

01-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Casper was a beautiful boy and a special soul.:love: I'm sure he will never
be forgotten. Rest easy dear boy.

Thank you for sharing memories of Casper with us.

01-02-2011, 06:47 PM
Dear angel Casper...What a beautiful boy you were. I was in tears, reading your Mommy's loving words. It breaks my heart to think you had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge long before your time, that you're no longer there with your Mommy and Daddy. How your family loved you, unconditionally, and how devoted they were to you, doing all in their power to heal you and keep you with them for as long as possible. I can only imagine how devastated your Mommy was that morning she awoke to find that you had earned your angel wings. I hope she can take much comfort in knowing that she and your Daddy did all that they could to help you, and for all the days of your life you knew how unconditionally loved you were. I'm so glad your Mommy nominated you, so that we might have the opportunity to know and love you too, and help memorialize all that you meant to her and your Daddy. Scamper happy and whole at the Rainbow Bridge with all of our beloved fur angels, precious Casper, until that happy day, sometime in the distant future, when you and your parents are together again.:love:

01-02-2011, 07:37 PM
Aww. Such beautiful stripes and what a clever face! He looks so relaxed and happy in his photo.

Thanks for sharing Casper's story!


01-02-2011, 08:43 PM
Thanks for sharing part of Casper's life with us. He was a special little being, and I'm sure he is pleased to be looking over the Rainbow Bridge to see that he has been honoured as Cat of the Day.

sasha the cat
01-02-2011, 09:18 PM
Nine years, so short a time you spent with the humans who love you fur~ever.
Our KatMa wrote a poem about Casper.
Play well at Rainbow Bridge, dear Casper.
The =^..^= Boys Norman, Felix, Baby-Rascal and Ebony the stray who has come twice daily three years now to dine.

Our deepest condolences to you on the passing of one mighty fine pussycat. It is hard saying goodbye to a most purrecious friend.

Susan & Murray
Montreal, Canada



Casper, Orangie Cat,
Child of The Sacred Cat, The Goddess Bastet
©Susan Elizabeth Dykhuis, 02 January 2011

Like the Sabra fruit
hard and prickly on the outside
soft and sweet inside
Casper, essence of Bastet.

Nine short years
The best nine years of
Loving and being loved
Dear cherished, trusted, loyal best friend
Your human hearts so blessed to have you.

Casper, beloved Orangie Cat,
child of The Sacred Cat -- Goddess Bastet
Bastet is pleased with your humans; she will reward them
As they loved and provided for you,
Bastet’s royal feline Casper.

Listen! is that not the sound of happy paws playing at Rainbow Bridge?
Ah, yes
it is Love, the golden link
suspended between Earth and Eternity
Death can not sever the golden link.

Casper, Orangie Cat,
Child of The Sacred Cat, The Goddess Bastet
©Susan Elizabeth Dykhuis, 02 January 2011

01-03-2011, 12:23 AM
You were a beautiful orange boy, Casper! I enjoyed reading about your pranks and your bravery defending your home from intruders. You look very comfortable laying on your back to rest up from your shenanigans. Casper, I'm sorry you had health problems which led to leaving your family saddened by you departing this sphere. Trust that you will be reunited with them; the love survives. I honor you, dear Casper, as a very special COTD.