View Full Version : Martingale Collars?

12-31-2010, 09:50 AM
So, I have yet to get Mikey a decent collar. Yesterday on his walk, we had to walk in the street(sidewalks aren't shoveled) and I was scared the whole time because he DOES chase cars and he has gotten out of his collar before. We have tightened it since and I am nearly 100% positive he cannot get off. I know Martingale collars are for Greyhounds and the like but would one be suitable for him? Everytime I've looked, I just see articles about Greys and martingales.

Would it look weird on him? Would it even work on him to keep him safe and ON the lead?

12-31-2010, 10:50 AM
I've never heard of them being for one specific breed. We sell them at the shelter. I think one would be good for Mikey. It would also help you feel better during your walks. Just leave his regular collar on with his tags on it and put the martingale on over it. That's what my supervisor at the shelter does and what I did with Taggart. But I don't use Taggarts anymore.
Have you ever considered using a harness for him on walks? Does he pull a lot? Even if he doesn't pull a harness would also add a sense of security for you and it doesn't hurt the dog. :)

12-31-2010, 11:57 AM
The Martingale does prevent escapes. It tightens around the neck which may lead to a collapsed trachea. Bichons are prone to this. So instead, we use the Easy Walk no pull harness:


The dog can not escapee from the harness. And when he pulls (runs after a car) it will turn him around. Helps to break this bad habit.

The other thing you should do is always walk with some treats. I take a baggie with hot dog bits. When a car approaches, get the dog to focus on YOU, using the treats. If the dog does go for the car (and at the start, he will), you need to use both COME and then when you have his attention, FOCUS or Sit, so he is getting rewarded w/ the treat for doing something, NOT for chasing the car. It will take some time, and easier to train when you can use the sidewalks, but you CAN get him to stop that car chasing.

Good luck!

12-31-2010, 12:06 PM
I have a couple for the IGs, Crystal and Jewel wear them. They look like completely normal collars, except they have an extra metal loop. They make cute ones, I have a black one with paw prints and a blue and green one with diamonds. They are not a breed-specific item, any dog can wear them. Our smooth fox terrier had to wear one to compete in 4-H dogs shows with my son. They are effective at keeping a dog from slipping a collar, but not as harsh as a choke chain.

01-01-2011, 10:36 AM
We DID have a harness but it broke. I haven't decided if I still wanted a Puppia harness or just a collar. This has given me alot of options to look at. Thanks for the help as always guys!

01-01-2011, 04:14 PM
Martingales are very popular for all breeds. They're a favorite among many. I think it would work swell for Mikey. Lupine makes some good collars. I am very impressed and they have a guarantee even if chewed.

01-01-2011, 06:18 PM
Martingales are very popular for all breeds. They're a favorite among many. I think it would work swell for Mikey. Lupine makes some good collars. I am very impressed and they have a guarantee even if chewed.

Yep! We sell Lupine at the shelter. Both regular and martingale styles. :)