View Full Version : The Girls.. all in one thread..

Laura's Babies
12-31-2010, 09:38 AM
I never stop taking pictures and they are just to many to pick from to post them all! I had in mind that I needed to do a thread for ALL of them in the house so I decided to pick some out and just do it!! Here they are...

Beautiful Samantha..

and speaking of beautiful... Giz defines the word to perfection!

Lovely Lady Boo who is so tolerant of the little ones.

Amy sweet wonderful Amy who is also very tolerant of the little ones which has surprised me!

More coming>>>>>>>

Laura's Babies
12-31-2010, 09:49 AM
LOOK at THIS! Never before has Amy shared her sofa with ANYONE!! I was blown away when I saw this and HAD to get a picture..

Little Miss Nosy Rosie had to check it out for herself and was not impressed to much by a sofa for kitties but she did pose for a picture. (She has to be right in the middle of whatever I am doing to see what I am doing so she has earned the nickname "Miss Nosy Rosie"!)

And her side kick Jaz.. They seem to have drifted away from being so close to each other lately, not cuddling as much, playing together as much or always together.. I think Caramella is "maturing" maybe and outgrowing Jaz?

Jaz really enjoys the kitty sofa's and is on this one all the time..

12-31-2010, 10:57 AM
Aww they are so beautiful!! :D
I just can't believe that Jaz has not been adopted yet. Or is she even still up for adoption?? :p

12-31-2010, 10:58 AM
Sweet girls, they are all so pretty. I especially love Amy, I think because we share the same name and since she is a special needs girl. Giz is awesome, so exquisite looking! thanks for sharing pics Laura


12-31-2010, 11:55 AM
It is such a treat to see all your babies Laura - they are beyond wonderful and such good companions for you :love:

Caramella always melts my heart away - I just love her little sweetheart face and she has a look of innocence I can't describe.

Jaz is looking more and more like Eve each time I see her - if she had green eyes, the resemblance would be uncanny - needless to see I love that little baby :love: and hope she gets a really good home :)

Thanks for sharing your kitties with us today and have a Happy New Year!!

12-31-2010, 01:21 PM
:love: Awee how so Sweet & Adorable they all are.. And there is my favorite Miss Amy.. Huggss to All & Happy New Years.. great pics & thanks

Pinot's Mom
12-31-2010, 02:01 PM
Jaz is shaping up to be one of the Pinot/Eve cousins! :)

They all look great!

Laura's Babies
12-31-2010, 03:12 PM
Yes, Jaz is still up for adoption and will go for adoption day tomorrow. Blaine just called me to tell me they were doing it again tomorrow. She had called me about a week ago telling me someone was coming by to pick her up, they had found her a home not far from me... But they were on their way back from taking some kitties to a sanitary out of state and it was going to be late before they got here.. She called me back and told me the people that wanted her were not answering their phone, don't know whatever happened with that..

Caramella has been SO clingy with me today! I can't figure out what is going on with her. She is having hardly nothing to do with Jaz today and is up in my face every 10 minutes wanting attention from me. She stays in my face about 5 minutes, runs off and 10 minutes later she is up in my face again begging for more attention. This has gone on all day. Of coarse I am loving it but I can't figure it out... Could she have suddenly matured and outgrown Jaz?

12-31-2010, 03:30 PM
It may so funny Laura nit maybe Caramella senses that Jaz may be leaving , and she is stating her case for being your Cat Of he Future.:):)
We hope that Jaz:love: and Jax Angel :love: love their new FurrEver Home and that they will be close enough for you too visit them.:love::love::love:

12-31-2010, 04:40 PM
Laura, they are absolutely beautiful! Would you give each of them some scritchies and lovies from me ? :love: :love: :love:

12-31-2010, 04:42 PM
How nice to see them all looking so good!

Bob is especially thrilled to see his beloved Amy :love::love::love:.

Laura's Babies
12-31-2010, 06:25 PM
Tell Bob that Amy must be mellowing out or something that she is sharing her sofa with someone else and allowing the little ones to invade her space so maybe sometime, he can come share her sofa with her... If there isn't enough room, she said her Mommie could build a bigger one for them to share..

12-31-2010, 07:49 PM
Bob would just LOVE to share Amy's sofa with her..

He'll be on his way, bagpipes and all!

12-31-2010, 08:28 PM
Samantha is beautiful, such a shiny coat!

Giz, aw my fave, Giz girl! I just want to ruffle that coat and hear her purrrrrrrr. :love:

So nice that Boo is tolerant of the wee ones. Of course, this could be wisdom on her part; if she let them bother her, they'd just tease her and be all the more pesky! So her maturity stands her well.

Amy is looking quite the darling in these pics, and sharing her precious sofa with a SLEEPING kitty is a great first step, lol.

Had a laugh, the toy on the floor, moves UP w/ Caramella, and a new toy is on the floor. WOW isn't she focused on YOU! Hee hee

Jaz is growing up! So much bigger than the last time I saw him.

Surprised they are doing adoptions on New Year's Day; but then, I was surprised to realize the stores will be open.

I wonder if they sense the excitement of the holiday? The fireworks preparation and so forth? My Tasha has been nervy all day as well, just HAD to be in my lap or Dad's lap, could not settle otherwise. Hmmmmm

I love your red green and white afghan! Is it out for Christmas, or do you enjoy it all year round? Nice background for the kits, too.

Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos!

12-31-2010, 08:50 PM
Hello, precious Girls! I am so happy to see each of you today! I hope your mom will give you some hugs and snuggles from me :love:!

Laura's Babies
12-31-2010, 11:02 PM
I love your red green and white afghan! Is it out for Christmas, or do you enjoy it all year round? Nice background for the kits, too.

Freedom- I got that after Mama died, she made that and I pull that out every Christmas... just a silly thing I do to have something to remind me of her during the season. It is so special to me.

01-01-2011, 02:56 AM
Aww... they all look lovely. When I hadn't read in your first post "more coming up" I thought, wait...where did caramella go? and then saw miss nosy rosie. She is growing really fast! :):love:

01-01-2011, 07:41 AM
Your girls are all so pretty! I love Gizs coloring! Nice pics!:)

01-03-2011, 07:59 PM
All of your girls are gorgeous and I'm glad that they're all getting along well too.:) Hopefully little Jaz will be able to find the purrfect loving forever home soon. I think that Caramella may be a bit jealous of Jaz because she's not the baby any more.;)

01-03-2011, 08:07 PM
Aw, thanks for sharing the pictures :) They all look so happy and every one of them look so comfy and at home :)

01-04-2011, 09:34 AM
What a pretty girls crew- don't you think Amy would miss Jaz ;)
Giz is just a very regal lady.

01-04-2011, 09:46 AM
Hello gorgeous girls! You are all extremely beautiful! :love: