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View Full Version : Please pray for Laddie Boy, My Brother and Sister in Laws Beloved Friend.

12-29-2010, 02:56 PM
Dear Laddie Boy is a ten year old Rough Collie , and lately he has been experiencing pain, and wekness in his hind legs , and despite their Vet's advice Laddie Boy is having trouble with walking and jumping.:(
Laddie Boy is such a Great Good Dog Companion, and there is a chance that if his suffering gets worse, that Laddie Boy may have to Be PTS:(
Please send your advice and Prayers for Dear Old Laddie Boy, he is such a Good Dog:love::love::love:
I know Regis Angel has many Dog Angels there for Laddie Boy and many Found and Porch Cat Angels are there too.:cool::cool::cool:

12-29-2010, 05:35 PM
Pawsitive thoughts and prayers for Laddie Boy. Gary, are they giving him any meds to help with what might be arthritis?

12-30-2010, 09:28 AM
From what they tell me Laddie Boy has arthritis, and their Vet has given them things to help, but sadly there is no cure for arthritis.:(
They are in such a tough spot as all Pet Lover are in with a Companion who os ill, and that is to let them suffer, or lose them.
Laddie Boy is a wonderful Dog, and I am praying that they can help him, and taht he will not be in pain.:love::love::love:

12-30-2010, 06:22 PM
Sort of like my Lacey. She not only had arthritis, but her one knee surgery from years ago had blown out.:( Eventually, she could barely walk and I feared she was in pain even with meds. My thoughts will be with your brother and SIL as they deal with the painful desicion of maybe letting Laddie Boy go.:(

12-30-2010, 07:19 PM
Laddie i hope with all my heart your pain can ease and not get any worse, keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you no more suffering and a life full of lots of pleasures that all doggies enjoy.:love::love:

12-31-2010, 05:31 AM
I understand how sad it is to see your "kids" in that situation.

My thoughts and prayers are with them.

01-02-2011, 12:50 PM
Dear Laddie Boy is about 10.5 years to eleven years old , but when he walks , he looks as my Sister In Law wrote a 70 year old Man:(:(
He seems to have hurt one leg , and is putting his weight as much as possible on the others.:(
My Brother and Sister in Law, whose Dog Laddie Boy is may have no choice but to let him become a Dog Angel.
Please pray for a Great Dog , and His Best Friends.:love::love::love:

01-02-2011, 01:22 PM
Many prayers for Laddie Boy and his humans. Having been through the same with my RB Lacey last summer, I how hard it is to make that decision. :(

01-07-2011, 03:49 PM
A recent Photo of Laddie boy, who while still in pain , still wants to go outdoors to do his duty.
Laddie Boy is such a Good Dog Companion amd we know that Regis Angels, and Many Other Awesome Angels are there to provide Laddie Boy with comfort and joy:love::love::love:
Laddie Boy :love::love::love: is a Great Dog :love::love::love:

01-07-2011, 03:51 PM
:( Awee poor Laddie Boy.. He is a very Handsome Boy.. Sending Lots of Prayers & Huggss..

01-07-2011, 04:38 PM
Laddie Boy is gorgeous.:love:

01-07-2011, 07:12 PM
prayers for your brother and sister in laws laddie boy from us are on the way gary.
this news is very sad.i'm so sorry gary,and of course i'm terribly sad for your brother and sister in law having to do this.it'll be very hard for them,but later in a few weeks,they both will feel better knowing he got a great home with tons of love.
and that means he was a very lucky dog to end up at a very loving home.

01-08-2011, 09:12 AM
Laddie Boy is quite handsome!

My Marlin has arthritis in his hip joints. I give him an Adequan shot once a month. Adequan is injectable glucosamine and chondroitin, which helps relieve the inflammation. My vet normally has the dog come in once per month for the shot. That costs $45. A vet tech gives the shot.

I found I can buy a vial on line for $65. The vial holds 12 doses, so this is a HUGE savings. The vet tech showed me how to give the shot. I am already used to giving injections to my Dad, so that was a help.

The dose is based on the dog's weight, so one vial won't have 12 doses for Laddie Boy, he is bigger than my Marlin.

Have them look into Adequan Canine ( it also is made for horses).