View Full Version : Come one, come all for New Year's Eve

12-28-2010, 12:06 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
I hope all of you had a great Christmas with lots of treats and great new toys to play with.
With stuff going on with all of us, we didn't get to make any Catmobile plans for New Years. Everyone is invited to my place for a great party with tons of food and plenty of catnip. Meowmie will order fried chicken, shrimp, crab legs, and I'm sure I can get Soncat to provide cheezburgers.
I know this is short notice but as always, transportation will be provided. I'm waiting to hear from the local Jaguar dealer about getting the Catmobile but we had a big snow storm and they're still plowing out. Maybe we can make it over to Times Square too.
Please let me know if you'll be coming. If anyone can pull a party together, it's the Catmobile kitties. Help with travel arrangements will be provided. I hope all of you can make it!

Your friend,

Laura's Babies
12-28-2010, 02:28 PM

We have discussed it and then talked it over with Meowmie and we decided we better stay in the deep south. Even with our wonderful fur coats we don't think we could handle that cold and snow we could run into up there We are afraid we would have to wait for the spring thaw to get back home! Our Meowmie just couldn't do without out love and care for that long.. She needs us to much right now.

Amy, Giz, Samantha, Boo and Caramella

12-28-2010, 03:24 PM
Hi Groucho!

Your party sure sounds like fun but I just don't know if mommy will let me come cuz we just got home from my Whistler Christmas vacation and she sez I'm already spoiled enuff:rolleyes: I'll work on her though and let you know ... hmmm wonder if Zeus and Desi (my Whistler pals) would like to come;) peer pressure ya know:p Course, we'll have to work on two mommies then :confused:

Hope to see you soon:D

12-28-2010, 03:40 PM

I'm in!! I've never been on a Catmobile trip before. I love new adventures. :D
However, my grumpy big sister will not be joining me. She's too much of a scaredy cat.
Please add me to the list. I know I'm way over here on the left coast, so I hope I can hitch a ride over. :)

Hey, this typing stuff is pretty fun!!

See you soon,

12-28-2010, 03:42 PM
We Found and porch Cats and All Of Our Angels Companions and Tige the Dog LOVE:love: Parties, especially when there is lots of food. And Our Aunt Joan brought us lots of Turkey and Our Dad hass lots of Whiskas Temptations and Shrimps for us.
And Pizzas too:love:
We are so on our way!!!:cool::cool::cool:

12-28-2010, 03:50 PM
Cassie would like to come! I will send Eli's cheese cake with her.

12-28-2010, 03:55 PM
And if Cassie is there then you can bet that Michel. My Mister Purr , My Dream Cat:love::love::love: will be there too with some Poco Loco acos, Burritos and ostadads , made with love and TLC by Jorge and Janice and Donna.:love::love::love:

Pinot's Mom
12-28-2010, 07:13 PM
Cassie, you're on co-pilot duty! I'm still nursing here in Ellicott City. Let me know if you need anything from me, but I think I provided all the information and the GPS in the Catmobile is set. Have a great time and keep me posted!

12-28-2010, 07:21 PM
Oh, we will be there for sure.. After all, what is New Year's Eve without bagpipes?!!!

And we are also bringing along our 12 kitty friends whose house was almost burned down on Christmas Eve!

12-28-2010, 07:58 PM
This is going to be a super party! According to the weather reports, temperatures will be in the 50 degree range and just about all the snow will be gone. (Meowmie is not happy about that at all! She loves snow and thinks cold weather is the best-the colder the better) The Catmobile is just about ready and will be here early on Thursday.

Jaz, can't wait to see you! You're going to have a blast. The poor kitties whose house had a fire really need a break and we'll do everything we can to make them feel comfortable and welcome. Meowmie doesn't know that the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet is coming, let's keep that as a surprise.

Cassie, do you think we might be able to make a visit to Pinot? Call me on my cell phone, okay?

Gotta go, my lovely Inka is calling on my cell phone. To those we haven't yet heard from, check in and let us know you'll be joining the festivities.

Your friend,

12-28-2010, 08:08 PM
This is going to be a super party! According to the weather reports, temperatures will be in the 50 degree range and just about all the snow will be gone. (Meowmie is not happy about that at all! She loves snow and thinks cold weather is the best-the colder the better) The Catmobile is just about ready and will be here early on Thursday.

Jaz, can't wait to see you! You're going to have a blast. The poor kitties whose house had a fire really need a break and we'll do everything we can to make them feel comfortable and welcome. Meowmie doesn't know that the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet is coming, let's keep that as a surprise.

Cassie, do you think we might be able to make a visit to Pinot? Call me on my cell phone, okay?

Gotta go, my lovely Inka is calling on my cell phone. To those we haven't yet heard from, check in and let us know you'll be joining the festivities.

Your friend,

Groucho, I think we should definitely make a visit to Pinot and her mum and dad! My meowmie said she has a lot of kittehs to share her nurse's license with!


12-29-2010, 08:29 AM

WOOHOO!!! Another roadtrip!!!! My bags are packed and we await da bus!!

When do we leave??

12-29-2010, 01:41 PM
Cassie here... Sparkler has taken over as co-pilot in the past and I wonder if she wou ld like to do it again? I will check with her meowmie.

12-29-2010, 03:29 PM
Cassie here... Sparkler has taken over as co-pilot in the past and I wonder if she wou ld like to do it again? I will check with her meowmie.

Cassie, Is everything okay? Are you still coming?


12-29-2010, 03:36 PM
Cassie, Is everything okay? Are you still coming?


Oh, definitely! Just wanted to give Sparkler a chance to co-pilot if she wants to. If she doesn't, though I am definitely doing it!

12-29-2010, 03:45 PM
Mac is so there and Ming is packing his bagpipes as we speak! They can't wait to see all their friends again!:D

12-29-2010, 04:26 PM
Sparkler is so excited to be copilot again! She has her pilot's license and her sunglasses all ready to go.

Sydney and Bob have their bagpipes packed, and Poppy and Elmer are ALL SYSTEMS GO too.

We are all wondering if the 12 kitties from the burned house can have the first-class compartment of the Catmobile, since they are all still getting over the shock. They are all SO looking forward to a delightful time meeting so many wonderful new friends and savoring such yummy-sounding food.

12-29-2010, 06:29 PM
Franklin and Chels are packed and ready!

12-29-2010, 07:37 PM
We are all wondering if the 12 kitties from the burned house can have the first-class compartment of the Catmobile, since they are all still getting over the shock. They are all SO looking forward to a delightful time meeting so many wonderful new friends and savoring such yummy-sounding food.

Hi Miss Phesina,
The Catmobile is all first class and they will be very comfortable, we guarantee it! All of us understand that they have been through a terrible and scary thing. In fact, the softest pillows and warmest blankets have been set aside just for them. Is there a certain food they especially like but don't have very often? Meowmie is going to the grocery store tomorrow and she wants to know so we can be sure to have it for them. There will be a surprise waiting for them from all of us, each of them will be given their own sunglasses so they'll really feel like they belong. Please don't tell them, okay? We Catmobile kitties are so happy they will be coming with us!

Okay fellow kitties, The Catmobile got here late this afternoon and is ready to go. Those of you arriving by Amtrak will be picked up at the Trenton train station and stay at my place until it's time to leave.

It's not too late so check in if you're coming. If you're coming by plane, let us know what airport to meet you at. Newark and Philadelphia are your best destinations.

Your friend,

12-29-2010, 08:33 PM
Trader Joe's Tongol Tuna is a BIG hit with all 12 kitties.

None of us will breathe a word to them about the sunglasses surprise. What a FANTASTIC New Year's Eve treat for them to help them recover from their traumatic Christmas! They are going to have such a great time!

Pinot's Mom
12-29-2010, 09:54 PM
Shhh-I'm in Mommy's lap right now purring away my nursing duties.

Sparkler, if you need any help, let me know. I'm here to help.

If you all could stop by on your way, I would appreciate it! I miss my friends!

Purrs, Pinot

12-29-2010, 10:00 PM
Mac hates flying and with Ming's bagpipes it's a hassle. BUT, the train takes too long in winter so they will be flying into Phillie. They have always wanted to see the City of Brotherly Love!:D

12-29-2010, 11:16 PM
Franklin and The Princess will be on the same flight as Mac and Ming.....sheesh what a surprise.......:D
Chelsea wants to know if the other girls will be bringing their tiaras...

12-29-2010, 11:28 PM
Since Sparkler is such a terrific co-pilot, Cassie would like to sit near the Phesina kitties and their guests to make sure everyone is all right during the trip. I've asked her to help the guests get acquainted, make sure they have food and water when they need it and a comfy place to crash. And to keep an eye on them and generally make sure all is well.

She's in a bad mood right now because her shades are nowhere to be found. We're going to try and snag a new pair at an after-Christmas sale before she leaves. We've decided she will fly out of Midway this time and link up with Franklin, Princess Chelsea Pearl, Mac and Ming in Philadelphia. She'd like to see the Liberty Bell and the "Rocky" sculpture.

12-30-2010, 07:48 PM
Hi fellow purrents,
Just about everyone is here and settling down after their flights and train rides. Cassie, Chels, and Sparkler are up at Quakerbridge Mall shopping for sunglasses for their new friends. Chels told me they also plan to get each of them a new toy to be wrapped and put under the tree so they can have a nice Christmas. But with these shoppers, who knows what they'll come back with! They should be back any minute now.

All the bagpipes are safely stored until our private concert later tonight. The 12 new friends are a bit nervous but are looking forward to the lasagna dinner when our shoppers get back. The other kitties are showing them around and assuring them they're safe and not to be scared. Bob just told me they're choosing sides for a kibble soccer game in the kitchen for after dinner.

Cassie, Chels, and Sparkler just came in loaded down with packages. Soncat is helping them hide them in his room so they can be wrapped and tagged. The lasagna is ready for our hungry kitties so I'd better feed them.

All the kitties have been told that the computer is on and Soncat and I will make our cell phones available so they can check in with you

Pinot's Mom
12-30-2010, 09:27 PM
I didn't hear anything about the schedule...will you be paying a visit? Just need to prepare my patients....

Hope to see you soon

Purrs, Pinot

12-30-2010, 10:23 PM
I had company for dinner yesterday and today I was so tired I had an afternoon nap. When I woke up and all I found was this note:

Please don't worry about me. I just have to attend the new Year's bash and be with my Sparkler when the clock strikes midnight. I miss her so much and have texted her that I'm coming. I'll let you know when I get there.

So, I hope to hear something in the next 24 hours. Have any of you seen him?

12-31-2010, 12:42 AM
Just got this text from the boys: The flight was great! Philidelphia is cool! We saw the real Liberty Bell! Will call soon!

12-31-2010, 02:52 PM
Here's the text I got from The Princess:

Ming Ming Ming Ming purr purr purr purr
xox chels

12-31-2010, 03:56 PM
Yeah, I got a personal one from Ming that just had this in it: :love::love::D

12-31-2010, 04:25 PM
Hi Pinot,
Everyone was up pretty late last night so they were a little behind schedule this morning. As they were leaving, Sparkler said they were heading to your place first. The PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet was practicing some special tunes for you and your purrents. They even saved some lasagna for you. I hope they made it to your place okay. The Quartet will be making an announcement and they'll tell you privately when they arrive.

Their 12 new friends were surprised and thrilled with their sunglasses. But the best was yet to come. After all the Catmobile kitties chipped in, Cassie, Chels, and Sparkler had enough to get each of them new cell phones! They were given a list with each Catmobile kitty's name and cell phone number.

Purrents, I haven't heard from Groucho so I don't know what their plans were from Pinot's house. The weather is pretty warm here and all roads are clear so they'll have clear sailing to their next destination. If you hear something, would you let us know?

Pinot's Mom
12-31-2010, 06:36 PM
Just to let the purrents know...the kitties have been here. They had crabcakes (I can smell them). I don't know anything yet about the surprise, or where they were headed, as Pinot has been sworn to secrecy and she received her guests in her private quarters downstairs. I was sorry I missed everyone. She's been such a good nurse I can't begrudge her this secrecy. :) Check in if you all see them!


12-31-2010, 06:46 PM
I missed my flight. :( Oh well, maybe next year. Have a great time everyone!! :)


12-31-2010, 07:22 PM
Txt from Merlin:

:love::love::love: Guess where I am??

That was it. :confused:

12-31-2010, 07:51 PM
From Sparkler: "My Love Bundle is here!!!"""

12-31-2010, 08:16 PM
I missed my flight. :( Oh well, maybe next year. Have a great time everyone!! :)


Jax, Make sure your cell phone is on. I sent a very high priority message to Groucho. He said you'll be getting a call from Sparkler to arrange for the Catmobile to pick you up.

01-01-2011, 06:29 PM
Text from Cassie...

Hi Meowm
We saw the Liberty Bell
And you never have, ha haaa
Happy Mew Year...


01-01-2011, 06:34 PM
Mac just sent me a text: Having a grate time, Meowmie. Ming is buzy right now:rolleyes:, so I writing for bote uv us. The bagpipes wus grate! Ming's gettin' reely gud at it.

01-01-2011, 09:27 PM
I got a call from Groucho this morning. Everyone is having a great time. As it turns out, they spent New Year's Eve in Philadelphia and today they had the perfect spot to watch the Mummers Parade. There are a few more places they want to visit before heading home on Monday.

Our PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet made an exciting announcement at breakfast this morning. They have been invited to London in April to participate in the Royal wedding festivities! All of the Catmobile kitties are so proud of them and they'll be checking their passports as soon as they arrive home.

01-01-2011, 09:42 PM
I now have a to-do list to fill before April:

Shots up to date for both of them
Passports for both of them
Bagpipes tuned
Digital camera for both

I am such a proud cat mom!:D

Pinot's Mom
01-01-2011, 10:01 PM
Oh, Oh, I'm so glad this secret is out! It was so tough keeping it from Mom and Dad! Besides, they need to help me get things together for copiloting in April!!

Kitties, have a great rest of the trip, and I'll be planning the trip for April. Mom and Dad are doing great and send love. We'll be in touch!

:love:purrs, Pinot

Edwina's Secretary
01-02-2011, 02:27 PM

What about Eddie?

01-02-2011, 02:42 PM
Will all the catmobile kitties be allowed to go too? Miss Angel would love to go. She misses her friends and she has been a very good girl. Not like her two younger brothers. They won't be attending. That would be all the royal couple would need, Chip trying to hitch a ride on the brides train!!! :eek: :love:

01-02-2011, 04:42 PM
Will all the catmobile kitties be allowed to go too? Miss Angel would love to go. She misses her friends and she has been a very good girl. Not like her two younger brothers. They won't be attending. That would be all the royal couple would need, Chip trying to hitch a ride on the brides train!!! :eek: :love:

Of course you can come too, Angel. I'm sure your Catmobile friends will be thrilled to see you! Will Chester and Grandma be coming too? Be sure to check your passport. And don't forget your sunglasses!!!

Hi there Eddie, how nice to see you! You and Lady Edwina will be joining in on the trip to London, right? Your fellow kitty guys miss you and they can't wait to get you up to speed on the latest gossip. As for the kitty girls, they have already said they're going to need Lady Edwina's expert fashion advice on what to wear to the royal wedding. They're just not sure wearing their tartan collars will be appropriate. If you need sunglasses be sure to let Cassie, Chels, and Sophie know. And don't forget that neat tartan hat!

01-02-2011, 04:47 PM
This would be a perfect trip for both Eddie and Edwina. The girls can use Edwina's superb fashion sense and, by the way, does Eddie play the bagpipes? :D

01-02-2011, 05:48 PM
I just received an email from Franklin...he said the bagpipe group is working on "Some Enchanted Evening" as a possible number for the Royal Wedding...:rolleyes:
I guess that's more suitable than "Stairway to Heaven".....:D

01-02-2011, 08:56 PM
Had a text from Merlin yesterday (sorry, forgot to post it:o)

Hi Mewmie:
Wow, what a wonderful night I had - in the paws of my heart throb Sparkler. We saw a big bell and at night we kissed in the midst of fireworks although the sound of the fireworks couldn't compete with the pounding of my heart.
Everyone is talking about some special event a few months from now - something about a wedding. Gee, maybe there could be a double wedding....:love::love:

We are resting now but I'm told the Catmobile will be leaving soon again. I'll be in touch later."

By the way, who is Mz Edwina? Should I worry?


Edwina's Secretary
01-03-2011, 10:46 AM
Follow me girls!


01-03-2011, 12:09 PM
Oh, Merlin! You have no reason to worry about Edwina! She is a fashion icon with the warmest of hearts! She took a bit of a sabbatical but we are always very happy to see her!:D

01-03-2011, 12:21 PM
Of course you can come too, Angel. I'm sure your Catmobile friends will be thrilled to see you! Will Chester and Grandma be coming too? Be sure to check your passport. And don't forget your sunglasses!!!

Chester and Granma will be staying home to help me keep tabs of the boys. Winnie would like to come this time too, specially if Miss Edwina is going to join the fun. She is named after Edwina you know!!! :D
I just hope Angel doesn't die of embarrassment having her mom along. :eek: :D :love:

Pinot's Mom
01-03-2011, 02:13 PM
Kitties, my nursing duties are almost over, so I'll be back in my copilot seat for the April festivities! Lady Edwina, you will be needed for fashion tips - it's a royal event, after all, and you're PT royalty! :)

I will have to be back in the states on May 7, though, as my purrents will be going on a trip. Let me know if the trip is planned for longer - we'll work it out!

01-03-2011, 08:05 PM
Of course Winnie can come! She deserves a vacation and with all the other kitty girls, Angel will have no cause for concern.

Lady Edwina, how wonderful to see you again! You are as gorgeous as ever, love your hat. Will you be joining the others going to London for the royal wedding? As you are aware, this is a high class happening and your fashion advice is crucial. How else will the kitty girls be able to present themselves properly when they meet the Queen?

The Catmobile revelers are on their way home and are expected to arrive later tonight. We can only wait to hear what they decide to tell us about their trip.

01-04-2011, 10:06 AM
Of course Winnie can come! She deserves a vacation and with all the other kitty girls, Angel will have no cause for concern.

Lady Edwina, how wonderful to see you again! You are as gorgeous as ever, love your hat. Will you be joining the others going to London for the royal wedding? As you are aware, this is a high class happening and your fashion advice is crucial. How else will the kitty girls be able to present themselves properly when they meet the Queen?

The Catmobile revelers are on their way home and are expected to arrive later tonight. We can only wait to hear what they decide to tell us about their trip.

Winnie is so excited!!! I'm not sure she even remembers she is Angel's mom. They act more like sisters. Should be fun for them both! We will have to get Winnie some sunglasses!!! :love:

01-04-2011, 03:24 PM
I am sure Edwina will love to join for the royal wedding- I cannot see how she would miss this. I suppose if it is London then Kiri and Orion should be allowed too. Can we make sure they are not too close together during the trip or it might spoil the fun for the others;)