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View Full Version : How did I ever live without a esspresso/cappuchino machine?

12-27-2010, 12:43 PM
I know, how did I ever live without one? It's incredible and so easy! My brother and I made ours this morning, he had a regular latte and I had a mocha latte (just put in Hershey's syrup in it).. P.S MOVE OVER Starbucks & Caribou's! Now I'll be saving up a lot more $.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs043.snc6/167302_155848964462972_100001136074090_276515_6497 333_n.jpg

So, I was wondering if anyone who uses it as well, has some great recipes to share?! I only know how to make a espresso and a latte, that's about it.
C'mon coffee lovers, let's share! :)

12-27-2010, 12:49 PM
Years ago, I had one, or actually several, as they tend to break down often. :( When it worked, it was nice, though! I hope you enjoy yours. It is a lot cheaper than a SB, that's for sure.

I did buy a Capresso frother/steamer machine last week, it is an electric milk steamer/frother (can even make J hot chocolate!!), and would never go back. I make a cheap man's esspresso with instant folgers (yep, you read that right....instant!), triple strenght, steam the milk and wah-lah...I have the cheap man's latte. The foam gets so thick you can nearly rest a spoon in it. :eek: Drive on down...I will make one for you. :D

12-27-2010, 01:18 PM
Yummy! I am using up the Starbucks coffee stuff, which I don't mind. I'm willing to try whatever! ;) Ooh, next time I'm in Cincinnati, I'll stop by!! Speaking of coffee, I just finished one, and I think I'm going to make one more. Ooh, I might end up ending up like Manny from "Modern Family".. with his love of espresso drinks.. and he's only 10 years old.

12-27-2010, 01:23 PM
I can see it now....3 am, you online cause you can't sleep!

12-27-2010, 01:25 PM
I have one and love it! But I only do the basic, make the coffee, froth the milk, add to the coffee and enjoy!

12-27-2010, 02:12 PM
Oh I'm such a idiot. I broke the glass cup where the coffee goes in. It went flying off the counter when I was trying to take the top lid off to put water in. :rolleyes: I am off to the store to see if I can find a temporary replacement.

12-27-2010, 02:54 PM
Its hard to see exactly what you mean, as your two lattes are blocking the view. LOL. But, is it a tiny carafe just like a normal coffee pot has? Wouldn't a normal coffee mug sitting there do the trick? Or, a glass measuring cup?

I just can't see if it has that special lid that makes the coffee stop/go depending on if the carafe is underneath.

12-27-2010, 04:22 PM
Its hard to see exactly what you mean, as your two lattes are blocking the view. LOL. But, is it a tiny carafe just like a normal coffee pot has? Wouldn't a normal coffee mug sitting there do the trick? Or, a glass measuring cup?

I just can't see if it has that special lid that makes the coffee stop/go depending on if the carafe is underneath.

This is what I have:

It's a tiny carafe, it does have a lid on it, but I am not sure what to do. I'm not sure if THAT controls how much goes through to the glass cup. I already called the company so maybe I'll get a replacement for free, since it "broke".. we'll see. I am gonna try out the small measuring cup to see what happens, but really, either that or a regular coffee cup would do fine.

12-27-2010, 04:40 PM
In looking closely at it, I think you could get by without it...tell them you wore it out by making too many lattes in one day.

THIS is what I have (cause this is all about MY gifts, right? LOL)


12-27-2010, 06:36 PM
Johanna, that link is not working. :confused:

This is the one I have:

12-27-2010, 08:15 PM
Thanks, Sandie. I fixed it. LOL, I should have known by looking at it it was wrong. :rolleyes:

I have just a frother. The pic is as cute in my kitchen as it is on the website. :p

12-27-2010, 08:18 PM
Years ago, I had one, or actually several, as they tend to break down often. :(

Ahhh! I'm not the only one with the problem? :p My parents had one like 3 years ago and I would use it, but they brought it back so many times and kept getting new ones because of this problem. They said never again and if I wanted one I could buy one myself. Never happened. :D

That's not to say they didn't love it either! But I guess for them, it wasn't worth the annoyance.

Congrats on the new espresso machine! Enjoy it and I hope it lasts!

One thing I never did understand is why Starbucks and Gloria Jean (I think that's the name) charge literally $5.00 for an espresso or a frap. I mean, of course they're really good, but come on. I can think of alot better things to spend my money on than a drink.

12-28-2010, 08:35 AM
Success! I don't really need that mini glass pot. It works just as fine as it does with a coffee mug or a measuring cup as long it fits in there. It only makes 4 cups, it's alright. I'm happy with it. :)

Look what I found:

A Latte
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) fill ¾ of the cup with steamed milk
5) fill remainder with foam
*Tip: For extra flavor, sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg; or top it with whipped cream.

A Vanilla Latte
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) pour 3 teaspoons of vanilla syrup into cup
5) fill ¾ of the cup with steamed milk
6) fill remainder with foam

A Cappuccino
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) fill cup halfway with steamed milk
5) fill remainder with foam

A Caramel Macchiato
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour 2 teaspoons of vanilla syrup into cup
4) fill ¾ of the cup with steamed milk
5) place a dollop of foam on top of milk
6) pour espresso over foam
7) top with swirls of caramel sauce

A Café Mocha
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) pour 3 teaspoons of mocha powder into cup
5) fill ¾ of cup with steamed milk
6) top off with foam or whipped cream

A Hot Chocolate
1) steam milk
2) pour 3 teaspoons of mocha powder into cup
3) pour 2 teaspoons of vanilla syrup into cup
4) fill cup ¾ with steamed milk
5) top off with whipped cream or foam

12-28-2010, 09:49 AM
Ok, you convinced me! I need one of these, lol! I have a bid in on one on Ebay, but also have the website for the Capresso machine bookmarked just in case the price goes higher on Ebay than what it actually sells for.

I drink coffee every day at school, but this would be cool to use to start off my day at home in the AM. :)

12-28-2010, 10:11 AM
YAY! You'll love having one. :) I will never go back now.

12-28-2010, 10:30 AM
Oh good! Nothing worse than having a new toy and you can't play with it, lol!

Those recipes look good, I may try some!

Johanna, so you make coffee in your coffee maker and when you want the froth milk on top, you use the appliance you showed us, right? Hmm interesting!

I don't buy "espresso" coffee for mine, although I have done, I just use the normal coffee. *GASP!* He heee.

Jenn you MUST post and tell us when you get yours. I LOVE it!

12-28-2010, 11:35 AM
I make a normal pot of coffee. I steam my milk in the frother. I swipe off some cream and put it on a coffee cup,along with a bit of the milk from the frothed and pour the coffee over it. It is a cafe o'lait. You could drop some sweetner in there, too. That is my new normal routine. I intend to give up creamer and use the skim milk I already purchase. Skim milk makes lovely foam.

I also make a poor person's latte, as described in my first post.

12-28-2010, 11:50 AM

A Hammerhead
1) 1 oz espresso (single shot)
2) drip coffee (a mug full)

Café Au Lait
1) 2 to 2.5 oz drip coffee
2) 6 oz steamed milk

Iced Latte
1) 2 to 2.5oz espresso (double shot)
2) 3oz flavored syrup
3) Cold milk
4) Ice
(Fill with ice, then pour espresso/cold milk)

Café Breva
1) 2 to 2.5oz espresso (double shot)_
2) 3oz half and half, steamed milk
3) 3oz half and half, frothed milk
(half steamed milk/espresso and half frothed)

12-28-2010, 12:15 PM
Johanna, I was thinking about it and reading that link. I love the way you do it as you are getting so much more in one go!

Not only the full pot of coffee, but your frother makes a lot too.

Good job, lol!

01-11-2011, 02:19 PM
Rachel, Had to tell you I just got mine yesterday via UPS.... cannot wait to try it!! Going to buy pods or grounds at the store on Thursday. I'll let you know how my foray into the espresso making world goes, lol.

01-11-2011, 03:45 PM

01-11-2011, 05:21 PM
Yay!!! :)

01-11-2011, 06:07 PM
.....just like cataholics.......i also make the coffee in a 4-cup coffee pot......two BIG scoops coffee w/6 0z water.......so my coffee is a bit stronger......i then froth 4 oz skim milk and pour the coffee into/over the froth........yummy