View Full Version : what will happen to your cat after....

10-30-2002, 12:11 AM
......you are gone? I think of that from time to time, and I really do not know, especially with so many. I would hate to see them all end up at the humane society, or to be separated. I especially would hate for Emma, Louise, Charlie and Patches to be separated, since Charlie and Patches are as close as littermates, and Emma and Louise ARE littermates, and the 4 of them get along so well. I am sure someone in my family would take care of Muffin, she was my nephews cat before I took her in. Cassie and Callie, I don't know ... well it is something to think about.

10-30-2002, 12:20 AM
I think about this too even though I hope it will be a LONG time before I'm gone. My mom has already told me she would take Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, and my fish... but she says if I get anymore then I'm gonna have to find somewhere ELSE for the extras :rolleyes: And if my mom isn't around, then my sister said she would take them too. My babies are very bonded to my parents and sister so they'd be well taken care of. I know they would take it pretty hard at first but hopefully would adjust to not having me in time ... ACK now I'm getting myself depressed.

10-30-2002, 12:46 AM
it wasn't meant to depress you, sorry. its just something I think of at times. I don't plan on going anywhere for a long time either!! I'm only 41 ! with these cats all being so close in age, it will be hard when THEY are not around, and it will most likely happen within a couple years time but I don't want to think about that!

10-30-2002, 01:37 AM
I wonder............................

Do our pets also worry about what will happen to US after they are gone?

Oh forget it. Let's not think of this!

10-30-2002, 01:56 AM
I just plan on putting my pets in my will. And if I were to die before I made a will, my boyfriend said he would take them, or my mom would.

Miss Meow
10-30-2002, 04:04 AM
Shane will definitely take care of the cats if I step in front of a bus. If we are both hit by the same bus, I'd hope that someone would take them in as a pair. I haven't made provisions for them in my will, but will think about doing that.

Just as an aside, my grandmother died last year and she had a 12-year-old Chihuahua called Gremlin. He was a one person dog, sitting on my grandfather's belly all day and jealously guarding him until he died several years ago. Then he switched his devotion to Nan. Nan's dying wish was to have Gremlin cremated with her. After the shock of her passing, mum revealed Nan's wish to me and I went berko, protesting that it was such a waste of an animal's life. Then we looked around the family and knew that the dog wouldn't respond to anybody and his health was already frail. So it was mum's duty to have him put down before the funeral. I think my mum is a strong person for doing that as she's been an animal lover all her life, but I still don't feel comfortable about it.

I guess Nan up in heaven had the last laugh. At the funeral, Gremlin's body was hidden under nan's clothing for the viewing. No one but immediate family knew about it. Our dark joke for the day was that he'd choose his next victim and rise from the dead and jump at some poor relative :(

10-30-2002, 05:59 AM
If my husband and I were to both go at the same time, I know there is no one to take care of my kitties. (personally) But our will already donates the bulk of our "estate" (what a joke) to a local no kill shelter who will take the cats in. Actually, 6 of the 11 came from places that take back their animals if there is any reason to find them a new home.

10-30-2002, 07:11 AM
I have already made arrangements in my will should my cats outlive me. I have friend in CT who are in animal rescue that promised me they would take my furbabies in. And it's also in my will so there should be no problems. It is specified that they are NOT to be euthanized or dumped off at a shelter or pound.

I know that when pets lose their purrrsons they do grieve just like humans do. I know because my Dad's cat went through it. But he went through something much more traumatizing. My Dad was found dead in his apartment and had been dead for 3 days, all the while Tigger, his faithful 26 pound silver siamese mix was stuck in the apartment with him. He wouldn't even let the medical examiner near my Dad's body that's how awful it was for him. He had no food or water for 3 days. Tigger outlived my father by 3 years and was so loved, he died of natural causes.

Rest in peace, Tiggs.

10-30-2002, 07:39 AM
As morbid as it seems to ask, it's a good, thought provoking question, Toughcookie. And when you have a lot of pets, as many of us do, it's an important question that needs to be answered, as well.

Now that I'm getting married, I feel a little better about the fate of my animals if something were to happen to me. But prior to that, I had provided the names of some of my Golden Retriever best friends, who would either take my dogs or help to find homes for them. No one in my family offered when I discussed it with them :( . Although my brother would do it, I'm sure, but his hands are full with two huge black Labs. Everyone said they would take Mimi, who is one of the best cats ever, including Helen's dad, who was still married to me when we got Mimi. And my family also loves Roger Cockatiel, so he'd be ok too, although hopefully Helen's dad would welcome both Cockatiels into his family, along with the little hamster, Olivia. That leaves Butter, the terrorist cat. The concensus among everyone was that Butter should go with me when the time comes because I am just about the only person in the world, besides Helen, who has the heart to love him. :( I'm sure Helen would make sure he was taken care of though.


10-30-2002, 05:21 PM
There was an article in "Cat Fancy" almost a year ago about this. There were actually two. One talked about leaving everything to the cat/dog/fish and the other talked about a home that took in animals who had lost their owners/parents due to death. It was a home where arrangements were premade by the cat's hoomans before their death.

One thing that I remember (although not too well) was that if you plan on leaving your money to the cat...you have to have it worded correctly, so that it cannot be disputed and end up going to the government.

Does anyone else remember those articles??

If anything were to happen to our cats, my best friend would take them. We have the same agreement if anything should happen to her and hubby.

10-30-2002, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Shane will definitely take care of the cats if I step in front of a bus. If we are both hit by the same bus, I'd hope that someone would take them in as a pair. I haven't made provisions for them in my will, but will think about doing that.

Just as an aside, my grandmother died last year and she had a 12-year-old Chihuahua called Gremlin. He was a one person dog, sitting on my grandfather's belly all day and jealously guarding him until he died several years ago. Then he switched his devotion to Nan. Nan's dying wish was to have Gremlin cremated with her. After the shock of her passing, mum revealed Nan's wish to me and I went berko, protesting that it was such a waste of an animal's life. Then we looked around the family and knew that the dog wouldn't respond to anybody and his health was already frail. So it was mum's duty to have him put down before the funeral. I think my mum is a strong person for doing that as she's been an animal lover all her life, but I still don't feel comfortable about it.

I guess Nan up in heaven had the last laugh. At the funeral, Gremlin's body was hidden under nan's clothing for the viewing. No one but immediate family knew about it. Our dark joke for the day was that he'd choose his next victim and rise from the dead and jump at some poor relative :(

There is more than one lady getting the last laugh up in heaven......about 7 yrs. ago a lady relative died at the age of 89 who had a 10+ year old Chihuahua (?sp) named Tiny. She also requested that her life time pet go with her. Yes, he was also a person hater only really liking her and he would have never adjusted to another home so he was buried with her. Guess it is against the law in some states to have a animal buried with a human. (Nobody else was aware that this took place either.)

10-31-2002, 10:18 AM
It's so weird to think about it because I'm only 21. But I know if some sort of crazy accident happened to me right now my two housemates would fight over my cats. It would be a good fight to see who got to take my cats.

11-05-2002, 09:41 AM
I have made provisions in my will that my cats will go to a converted farm house called The Pampered Feline. There will be 1000,000.00 to provide care for a lifetime , my insurance. Actually the policy only costs me 28.73 a month and the premiums are tax deductable. It is a wonderful place with floor to ceiling cat trees , condo , toys and I can bring the furniture that they are used to. As I am %0 , diabetic , and have Angina attacks i felt that I should be like The Boy Scouts And Be Prepared,