View Full Version : Goodwill

12-23-2010, 08:05 PM
Well, today, after doing my in town errands, I decided to take Prue, the dog, to the Sand Bar State Park not far from where I live, for a quick run. We have been doing that this winter. She loves the freedom and we are usually the only folks there.

When I went to enter the lot, I noticed that the usually plowed lot, had drifts of snow, but cars/trucks had obviously gone through. Well, my decision to try the drift was unwise. I immediately got hung up on the snow.

A car was already in the lot, having navigated the drift a little earlier. I went up to the car and asked if he had a cell phone I could use to call AAA, as I had left mine at home. He said he had nearly gotten stuck in the drift on the way into the parking area and he had called a buddy to come with his big truck to clear a path so he could get out.

To make a long story short, the buddy showed up and the three of us shoveled and then the buddy towed my car out of the drift, backwards. He then rode over the drift several times to mash down the snow. Oh, about an hour later, I was on my way home.

The two men were about my age and were so very nice to me. I thanked them profusely, and wished I had had a bottle of wine or something to give them. I think I will send a donation to Cider, a local charity for old folks here in the islands and then thank them in the Islander, the local paper in hopes that they will see it. I was so very grateful....... It was ugly and could have been a long afternoon for me. I was SO stupid. The lot is usually plowed, but the wind had created drifts.

We live and learn.

It made my day and reminded me that there are many nice people in this world. I ran into two today.

12-23-2010, 09:05 PM
I am so glad you shared this story! Helps to restore our belief in our species, eh?

Oh and what did Prue think of these 2 strangers touching HER car?

12-23-2010, 09:18 PM
Prue loves people. They are a potential treat giver. She has learned that from the dog park. I bet she would have loved Phred.

Prue loved having three people to pester and chase. She ran from car to car and person to person. I didn't watch her as closely as I usually do, since I had other things to worry about. All in all, she was good and did finally get in the car when I asked her to!

I just can't tell you what nice men these to fellows were.....renewed my faith in people.

12-24-2010, 11:26 AM
Good story.:) The world has many kind & generous people in it I'm sure
and I'm glad you ran into two of them when you really needed it. I'll bet
Prue loved her adventure that afternoon as well.:)

12-24-2010, 10:43 PM
What a beautiful story! It just renews my faith in humans. I think your donation and letter idea is excellent.

Last year, as John and I were putting groceries in my car, I noticed a nice, big 'ole flat. Just as I let out an expletive, 2 guys got out of their car, next to me, and instantly pumped up the tire with some gizmo that allows you to drive at least 10 miles. Anyway, like you, we couldn't stop thanking them profusely. They thought it was no big deal. I always try to pay it back.

I hope your guys get a little extra somethin, somethin in their stockings!

12-24-2010, 11:47 PM
Peace on earth and goodwill to all! Even long-timer New Englanders make goof every now and then, but they were, I bet, smart enough to know it could have been them just as easily as you!