View Full Version : I love this horse. [LOTS of pictures]

12-22-2010, 03:38 PM
Scooter and I have had a lot of issues this past year. I used to ride him a lot in 2008, but then I stopped riding for a few months and when I came back, he was being leased and thus not in the lesson program.

Anyways...I started riding him again this past summer. My first lesson back on him was amazing - he was an angel and we got along great. My second lesson back, he refused jumps left and right and I ended up being dumped. :rolleyes: I fell off a few more times thanks to the fact that Scooter stops SO fast and drops his neck, leaving you nothing to catch yourself with besides the ground or a jump pole. These refusing issues kept escalating to the point where my trainer took me off Scooter for a few weeks and put me back on my favorite pony, Leo [I say that with great sarcasm]. For those who don't know...Leo loves to refuse jumps as well, but I'm not afraid to do everything in my power to get him over jumps. I got back on Scooter and after many lessons of working on ME...it finally clicked.

I finally learned how to ride Scooter successfully. We had two good lessons before I stopped lessons for the winter [I'll still be riding, but probably not Scooter]. It's been awesome. On our last ride, I got Scooter to jump a 2'6" course, which is amazing. I'm falling in love with this horse all over again :]

First lesson on him this summer:

Second [horrible] ride:

Second ride, shortly before I fell:

End of the summer, still working on issues [you can see how I completely give up a few times]:

aaaand...our last, amazing lesson:

Some pictures (not the best sorry)

Sorry for the overload, I'm just...happy. :)

12-22-2010, 09:18 PM
Good to see you and Scooter doing well together!:D