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10-29-2002, 07:29 PM
Crawl into bed with you for few hours, and then get off? Anna has started doing that everynight, and I think it's just adorable! She'll come up to me and jump on my bed, and just lay right next to me, and put her head on my stomach and I'd stroke her head til' I fall asleep :) And then after a while, she'll leave... except.. Rosie doesn't, LOL. She'll hog my bed all night long.. geesh! She even steals my blankets..

10-29-2002, 08:22 PM
If Cincy starts in bed, she almost always gets down. Sadie more often stays all night, although occasionally I wake up and find her in her bed on the floor.

10-29-2002, 11:47 PM
Lacie, Queenie, Keito, Jack and Thunder never sleep on the bed. Sometimes Jack and Thunder will jump up for about one minute when we first go to bed, but that's it.

Vanilla, Pepper, Georgie and Lucky sleep in bed with us all night, every night, the closer to us the better.

Wishbone sleeps on the bed for a few hours, and then goes and sleeps on the floor for the rest of the night.

10-30-2002, 12:55 AM
My dogs aren't allowed to sleep on my bed. :( But somehow Reggie still thinks he's allowed too (shh.......I *never* let him when my parents aren't home.....reaaaally...lol) The past few days I keep getting yelled at in my sleep. My mom keeps letting him in my room when she gets up, and he gets on my bed when I'm asleep, so my mom yells at me. She's either going to have to stop letting him in my room in the mornings, or just let him sleep on the bed with me! (I'd prefer option 2!) :D

10-30-2002, 02:56 AM
Reggie on my messy bed :)

10-30-2002, 05:55 AM
Drake will do that when Andrew is in town. He sleeps next to me and stays there all night when Andrew is in AL. Guess our Queen size bed isn't big enough for him with 2 other people. We are getting a California King when move. There will be plenty of room then!

10-30-2002, 02:30 PM
Bull sleeps with me all night but Katie sleeps for a few hours then goes to moms room to sleep with them.

10-30-2002, 04:09 PM
CountryWolf07, picture this:

It's about 3:00am, you are sound asleep...you hear what sounds like a cat meowing...you're not sure what is happening...Is this real? Or am I dreaming?


240 pounds of Doberman go flying off of the bed at full tilt...they are flying down the hall with a direct beed on kitty...you awake to find that because your feet were used as a launch pad your legs now have scratches from your ankles to your knees


Of course they didn't even get close to catching the cat!

Regrettably, it is now only 120 pounds of Doberman.

Both of my boys slept in our bed.

10-31-2002, 01:32 PM
Bob has never been encouraged to sleep on my bed but I don`t think he wants to anyway. A month or so ago I sort of tested him, when I was giving him his nightly biscuit, I held it so he had to jump on the bed for it, he ate it and sat there for a minute or two looking round at everything, he then lay down but after another minute or two jumped off. Guess he decided he doesn`t like it much on there!
At one time Max (my Rainbow Bridge Dobe) used to sleep in my son Jeff`s bed. It was a threequarter size bed with one side placed flat against the wall and many a morning I went to wake my son and find Max in the bed with his back against the wall with his four legs stretched out straight and Jeff hanging over the edge where Max had pushed him.

10-31-2002, 05:45 PM
LOL!! I've had that happen to me!! Just ask Amy, she knows about it, I bet.. I've had Anna and Rosie JUMP on my bed at what, 2-3am.. playing! They've jumped ON me and that hurts, I always had to tell them to get off and let me sleep.. but Rosie'll remain and start snuggling by my side and then steals my blanket, the little brat I call her.. :)